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The Luna and her Quadruplet Pups by Jane Above Story

Chapter 27
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Chapter 27 The Pups Find a Noy Playmate


For all my bluster, my head truly was aching after settling the ordeal with Eve and the reporter. Jane was

so thankful I’d stepped in that she didn’t even complain when I said I was going to lie down for a bit,

though I could still hear her speaking in a low voice with Linda after I closed the door.

“What happened?” Jane whispered.

“It’s like he said,” Linda answered, “The doctor said it would be best if he remained here to rest a few

days. He said something about there being too much temptation to take care of pack business at the

penthouse, he didn’t trust Ethan to actually rest if he went home.”

“That’s nonsense.” Jane hissed. “Ethan must have ordered the doctor to say that.”

“Whether he did or didn’t doesn’t really matter.” Linda argued in a hushed tone. “He’s the Alpha. We can’t

refute his orders or the doctor’s. We’ve just got to make our peace with it.”

“I can’t have him here with the kids.” Jane murmured nervously. “Maybe we should see if we can move

into the new apartment sooner.”

“Sweetheart, he’s already seen the pups.” Linda reasoned, “if anything, spending more time with them

will give you time to convince him he’s wrong about you. I guarantee, if you cut and run you’ll only be

confirming his suspicions.” I wasn’t sure if Linda believed what she was saying, or was secretly in my

corner, but I appreciated her either way. “Stay here and pretend nothing is wrong. Show him he doesn’t

have any effect on you. Make sure that he’ll let you go when the time comes.”

Bloody unlikely. I think, even as Jane answers, “Maybe you’re right.”

That’s right baby, listen to Linda.

“But I don’t like it!” Jane adds stubbornly.

“It’s only a couple of months.” Linda assured her. “You can do this.”

There was an odd pause, and then Jane remarked. “Maybe it won’t be a few months after all. When that

article comes out, Eve’s Atelier will be ruined. The deal can fall through.”

Unfortunately for Jane, I’d already thought of this and sent off an email to the board to begin the process

of formally removing Eve from her position. Her decision to try and frame Jane for her own crimes was

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the last straw. I no longer felt any duty to protect her under the circumstances. I might have been able to

understand her holding a grudge against Jane, but I was also incapable of allowing her to harm my mate.

My last thought as I fell asleep was of the cute look I knew would be on Jane’s face when I told her the

news: that our deal would absolutely be going forward, and I would be taking over management of the

boutique so that we would have to continue working together long after the perfume launch. She was

going to be furious, and I was going to enjoy every moment.

When I wake, it’s to the sound of young voices and three distinct scents, all like different shades of

Paisley. I keep my eyes closed as the pups sneak into my room, my heart already swelling in my chest.

Other than getting to spend time with Jane, I’ve been looking forward to truly meeting the pups the most.

Opening my eyes to tiny slits, I catch sight of the three pups hovering at the edge of the bed. Closing

them again, pretend to shift my legs, listening in amusement as the kids duck down with three little

gasps. A moment later they rise again, muted footsteps carrying them closer.

“Why’s he sleeping so much?” One of the boys whispers.

“I dunno.” Riley replies, a note of pure mischief in her voice. “Maybe you should poke him.”

Paisley’s other half if I ever saw one. I think with delight. Little imp.

“No!” The boys whisper in unison, “he’ll wake up.”

“What are you, chicken?” Riley replies, making a series soft clucking sounds.

“Stop it, Riley.” One of her brothers complains.

“Come on, I dare you!” Riley eggs them on.

There’s a beat of silence, and with another tiny peak I catch the boy on my right reaching toward me

hesitantly. At the very last moment I leap up and catch the boy with a dramatic “Rawr!”

All three kids squeal in surprise, but I’ve captured the second boy in no time flat. “Well what have we

here?” I ask, eyeing them suspiciously. “A pair of spies! And so small too.” | tease, lifting a pup in each

hand and adopting an intimidating expression. “Tell me now, who do you work for?”

Riley had begun to run for the door when I rose up, but now she turns back. Seeing me holding her

brothers captive, her adorable features scrunch up in anger. Fighting to smother my smile, I say, “Oh-ho,

so this is your leader.”

Without another word the little girl charges my legs with a vicious war cry, and I know I’m a goner. I’ve

barely met them, and I’m already head over heels for this pack of rascals.

Jane is standing in the kitchen when I emerge with Riley hanging from one of my arms, and both boys on

the other. Their little feet hang off the ground and they giggle uproariously as I carry them out into the

main living area. Despite herself, I see the corners of Jane’s mouth twitching upward, and I offer her a

wide smile in return.

“You’re supposed to be resting.” She tells me, trying to sound stern.

“I was!” I tell her defensively, “But then I caught these little devils spying on me.”

Jane sighs, and shoots the pups a disapproving mom look. “I told you three to stay out of his room.”

“But Mom!” All three cry in unison.

“It’s okay.” I announce, “I’m glad I finally got to meet your


“Do you have kids?” One of the boys asks.

“I do, I have a little girl named Paisley.” Jane’s eyes are almost comically wide as she looks back and

forth between me and the pups, as if she’s trying to figure out some way to split us up before I can say


“Can we meet her?” The other boy asks.

“If you like.” I agree happily, I would love nothing more. “But not this week, she’s in the hospital.”

“I was just there!” Riley announces happily.

I raise my arm until she’s hanging level with my eyes, suddenly overflowing with concern. “You were?” I

question, scanning her for injuries. That must have been why Jane was there the day we ran into each

other. “Why?”

“Just a flu.” She shrugs, completely unconcerned.

Her bright smile calms me immensely. “Well I’m glad you’re better.”

“Us too!” The kids have already moved back to playing, climbing my body like a tree and swinging from

my arms like little monkeys.

“Mommy, come play with us!” Riley calls hopefully.

Jane, who is pretending to dry the same plate she was working on ten minutes ago, shakes her head.

“Maybe in a little while honey, I’m just finishing the dishes.”

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Bending to the pups’ level, I nod towards Jane and whisper, “you’re not going to let her get away with

that, are you?”

The children exchange mischievous glances, and I give them the extra prod they need.”Get her.”




The Goddess is really testing me today.

Watching Ethan play with our pups was hard enough. I’ve imagined seeing my kids with their father too

many times to count, but seeing it in person makes my heart practically break. They’re all so happy, and I

know if I join them I’ll be asking for trouble. I don’t want to encourage this behavior, no matter how happy

it makes them. But it seems Ethan has no such reservations, and made the decision for me.

As my pups race across the room and pounce on me, I can help but laugh as I collapse beneath them.

Wrestling and ticking the three wriggling bodies, they give as good as they get, poking my sides and

making me squirm wildly on the tiles.

A warm, deep chuckle that sends a very different kind of warmth through my body sounds above us, and

the next thing I know Ethan is bending down to pluck me from the ground, tossing me over his shoulder

and relocating me to the living room. Though he sets me on my feet when we get there, the feel of his

powerful hands on my body makes my knees feel weak, and I have to steady myself with a hand on his

arm when I land.

The kids have followed of course and are now eyeing the pair of us with paws outstretched in threat.

They pounce within moments, and before I know it all five of us are racing around

the apartment laughing and playing, making my heart swell even larger in my chest. It feels as if it will

burst out of me at any moment, and my wolf is practically clawing at my skin, begging to come out and

join the fun.

The only thing missing is Paisley.

I don’t know where exactly the thought came from, but I look to Ethan, instinctively knowing he’s thinking

the same. He offers me a warm smile, and as I stare into his dark eyes, I feel as though I’m falling into a

bottomless pool. The longer our eyes remain locked, the more agitated I feel. Flames of heat have filled

Ethan’s gaze, and when he rakes it over my body, pure, undiluted desire races through my blood. I want

nothing more than to run into his arms and the way he’s looking at me right now, there’s no doubt he’d

catch me… and remind me exactly what I’ve been missing all these years.