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The Luna and her Quadruplet Pups by Jane Above Story

Chapter 22
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Chapter 22- Jane Visits the Past


Yelping in surprise, I suddenly find myself fully clothed and half submerged in the tub. Ethan’s strong

arms are around me for the second time this evening as he cuddles me close, sending all sorts of

confusing feelings through my body.

“I thought the idea was to clean things up, not make a bigger mess.” Linda’s amused voice sounded from

the doorway.

| glance at Ethan, who is now sound asleep again, clutching me to his chest as if I’m a teddy bear. “Stop

teasing and help me!” I hiss at Linda, trying and failing to wriggle free.

It takes both of us to untangle me from Ethan’s arms, with Linda laughing the entire time despite my

frequent glares. “The doctor’s on his way.” Linda announced when I’m finally free. “And Ethan could

probably use a few items from the penthouse. A change of clothes, toothbrush- that sort of thing. I doubt

he’s go ing to be up to going home tonight.”

“What?” | exclaim. “You’re not suggesting I go there, are


“Jane, either you go there, or his mother or Eve comes here.

It’s the lesser of two evils, babe.”

“We can just buy him new clothes.” I argue.

“In the middle of the night?” Linda reminds me, “besides, someone has to notify them he won’t be

coming home tonight, unless you want them to come looking.”

“Fine.” | grumble in frustration. “But I’m not happy about it.”

Arriving at the penthouse is like walking straight into the past. I haven’t been here in years, and I never

wanted to return in the first place. Everything looks exactly the same, at least it does until I get into the

apartment. The Doorman buzzed me upstairs just like old times, and Even came to the door with a

shocked look on her pretty face. “Elise, what on earth are you doing here?” She questions defensively.

“I’m afraid Ethan’s been hurt.” I explain softly.

“What!?” She cries, pressing her hand to her chest.

“He fell and hit his head. The doctor is seeing him now, at my

friend Linda’s, but I need to get him some fresh clothes and toi letries for the meantime.” I sigh.

“What on earth is he doing at Linda’s?” Eve demands, “How did he fall?”

Before I can answer, a dignified woman comes gliding down the hall. She’s beautiful despite her

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advanced years, and so ele gant | ache with envy, but she freezes when she sees me,


“No,” I deny smoothly, “I’m Elise Carrington, it’s a pleasure to

meet you.”

“Petra Blackwell.” She introduces herself, extending her hand. “Forgive me, you look so much like my

former daughter in law.”

“So I’ve been told.” Pursing my lips | gravely continue, “Though I’m afraid I’ve come with some

unfortunate news, Ethan likely has a concussion – you see I own La Louve and we were celebrating our

new deal when he fell and hit his head.” Lowering my voice to a whisper I add, “he had quite a bit to


“Oh dear.” Petra frets, anxiously looking around as if needing to make herself useful, “Of course, I’ll put

some things together right now.”

As she and Eve disappear down the hallway, I take the op portunity to examine the apartment more

thoroughly. For as simi lar-as it appeared on the outside, it could not be more different within. Like any

other home with children, the presence of a pup is immediately apparent. Paisley’s mark is everywhere I

look: from the stuffed animals and toys neatly stacked in the corner of the living room, to the emergency

medical equipment by the


I’m so distracted exploring the familiar yet strange surround ings, that I barely realize I’ve drifted down

the hall towards Ethan’ s room. It’s not until I hear Eve’s snide voice that I comprehend

how far into the house I’ve strayed.

“Elise Carrington my ass.” She’s telling Petra. “Mark my

words, that is Jane.”

“Then why is she pretending to be someone else?” Petra


“Why else?” Even hisses,”clearly she wants Ethan back, and clearly this is the only way she can think of

to get close to him again.”

“Oh Eve.” Petra replies. “We can’t let that happen.”

“Don’t worry,” the petty she-wolf answers, “We won’t.

Their words transport me straight into the past, recalling

memories I’d much rather forget.

Once upon a time Ethan supported me so much that he fought for my right to have a career beyond

being an Alpha’s mate. I got my degree, graduated with honors and got hired by a huge multinational


For five blissful minutes, I had everything I’d ever wanted: my

true love, my dream career, and the world as my oyster.

It was over before I even returned from my graduation trip. At the time Eve had called herself my best

friend. We hadn’t known each other for very long, but she was so generous that she orga nized a girl’s

trip with my new mother-in-law to celebrate my achievement.

We barely made it outside of the NightFang Pack’s territory before the rogues descended. At the time I

didn’t understand why they only attacked Ethan’s mother, Petra. Nor could I figure out why my legs

seemed frozen in place every time I tried to rush to her aid.

Not even my voice would work. Every time I opened my mouth to demand the rogues stop or call a

warning, no sound came out. I was trapped in my own body, but on the outside I’m sure it looked like I

was just standing there watching.

Then Eve leapt forward, attempting to rush past me and jump into the fray. My body came back to life the

moment she moved, but instead of shifting to fight by her side, my wolf attacked.

The only explanation I can think of is that I was under some

sort of spell, because though I could see and feel everything that was happening, I was certainly not the

one in control. My arms and legs lashed out without my permission, while my fangs and claws tore into

my friend without restraint.

I can still taste her blood, still feel the horror and helpless ness of those terrible moments.

I’d never harmed anyone before that day, and it took me

weeks to understand how I came to paralyze Eve’s wolf, leaving

her broken and unable to shift – or so she says.

I finally figured out that Eve arranged the entire attack in or der to turn Ethan away from me, though even

her best-laid plans didn’t go exactly as she’d intended. About a month after the inci dent, I overheard her

on the phone with one of our attackers, squabbling over the fee he was attempting to charge her for the


She was furious that Ethan hadn’t divorced me, insisting she

shouldn’t have to pay the full amount for subpar results. Back

then I was still naive enough to think my discovery would exoner

ate me… I know better now.

When I tried to tell Ethan, he thought I was making the story up to get myself out of trouble. After all,

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even if Eve was psychot ic enough to orchestrate an attack, that didn’t explain why | turned on her and

abandoned Petra.

I should have known there was no fixing the damage my so called friend did that fateful day. Life as I

knew it was over the moment we got home. I’ll never forget the way Ethan looked at me when Petra

explained what happened.

“Why did you do it?” He’d asked, looming over me while ! cowered at his feet.

“I don’t know. I didn’t… it wasn’t… I-.” I collapsed into sobs, unable to explain that which I didn’t yet

understand. “I’m sorry!”

The next thing I knew, Ethan’s massive hand was fisted in my hair, pulling me to my feet and yanking my

head back so I was forced to face his wrath. “Oh no baby,” he snarled, digging his claws into my waist

with his free hand. “You’re not.”

I opened my mouth to argue, but his grip on my hair tight ened and I clamped my mouth shut with a

whimper. “You’re not sorry yet.” He corrected me harshly, “but you will be, Jane.”

I flinched as his words slammed into me, “Say goodbye to your job. Say goodbye to your freedom. From

this moment on, you belong to me.”

For a moment I was confused- I already belonged to him did n’t I? He marked me years ago. As if he

could read my thoughts, my husband continued, “you will not do anything without my per mission, you

will not move or speak, you will not even breathe without my say so!”

Tears poured down my cheeks, but Ethan didn’t seem to care. “Do I make myself clear?”

I nodded feebly, but it wasn’t enough. The imposing Alpha emitted a vicious growl which sliced through

my body like a knife. “Yes, sir.”

“Good,” he snapped, releasing me so abruptly I stumbled back a few feet. “Go get undressed and kneel

at the foot of my bed – I’ll be there to deal with you shortly.”

“Deal with me?” I squeaked without thinking.

80262Another thundering growl sent me running towards the bed

room without another word – and our marriage was never the


And now Eve is at it again. She’s ruined my life once before, and she clearly has no reservations about

doing it again. I don’t stay to listen to her poison Petra against me, I can already imag ine what she’ll say.

Instead I slip away back down the hall, returning to wait by the door and telling myself to be patient.

We’re only going to be in town for a couple of months. I can hold out that long. Before Eve knows it I’ll be

gone – and we can all move on.