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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 98
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Du Chapter 98 This isn’t the first tNathan has abandoned me.

I've grown used to it, to be honest.

Disappointed? Maybe a bit.

But disappointment becomes numb when it happens too often.

Avia trying to hurtthis way is childish and lacks impact.

| casually chuckled and replied, ‘So what? What are you trying to say?‘ ‘If I'm not mistaken, Nathan left you right after hearing about my burn! If you have sself-awareness, you should know who is the most important person to Nathan.

Don’t delude yourself into getting close to Nathan!‘ | could even imagine the smug expression on Avia’s face while typing these words.

Initially, I didn’t want to engage with her, as it was unnecessary for Nathan.

But to be honest, I'm not a saint, and | can’t tolerate everyone who dares to challenge me, especially Avia, who has repeatedly plotted against me.

‘Are you so afraid ofgetting close to Nathan, thinking I'll easily take him away? How cyou lack confidence in your relationship with Nathan?‘ ‘What nonsense are you talking about? | just don’t want you to trouble Nathan.’ Avia becanxious. ‘If | mean nothing to Nathan, how could | be a trouble to him? Admit it, Avia, you're worried, worried that the love you've gained through scheming will ultimately be in vain.

You're not confident, even constantly fearful.

My message was sent in less than five seconds, and | received a series of responses.

‘I don’t!" ‘I don’t!" ‘Who do you think you are? What gives you the right to judge my relationship with Nathan?‘ ‘Lettell you, Nathan loves me!‘ ‘Nathan loves me!‘ ‘I'm very confident; he loves me!’ | couldn’t help but sigh.

Each of Avia’s words revealed her deep inner insecurity.

She's already in pain, and I’'don’t need to continue tormenting her.

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‘Yes, you don't.” | even tried to comfort her.

‘So stop bothering me. Nathan is yours, even if you gave him tofor free, | wouldn't want him.

| wish you and Nathan stay together forever.

| thought | made it clear that | was determined to stay away from Nathan, but Avia still seemed dissatisfied.

‘Diana, don’t think | don’t know you're being insincere.

If Nathan is with me, you must be jealous! But what can you do even if you're jealous? Nathan will only choose me!" ‘Wait and see, after today, he will only hate you more!’ “You're out, and there's no chance!" ‘Loser bitch!” Watching the continuous flood of new messages on my phone screen, | was utterly speechless.

Fortunately, | directly blocked Avia without responding.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Late at night, | hailed a taxi on the roadside, went to the hospital for a Gummy Skull suppressant, and then drove back halone.

After a shower, | cout of the bathroom and glanced at the black suitcase on the dressing table- It was the Gummy Skull Nathan and | obtained it from Bruce.

Thinking about today’s events, my mind was in turmoil.

The hiding place of Gummy Skull, the relationship between William and Bruce, and William's increasingly abnormal behavior-each detail bothered me.

Though I didn’t want to admit it, deep down, | couldn't continue trusting William.

In my view, there must be a connection between him and Gummy Skull, but the depth of that connection remains uncertain.

What should I do next? I don’t know.

| picked up the phone on the bed, scrolled through the screen, and finally stopped at Nathan’s number.

Nathan was also involved in investigating this matter; maybe he has sgood ideas.

After pressing the dial button, I held the phone to my ear.

However, after waiting until the call automatically disconnected, Nathan still didn’t answer.

| furrowed my brows; did Avia’s burn turn out to be particularly severe? So much that Nathan couldn't spare a moment for a call? Unwilling to give up, | dialed again.

The result remained the same.

| sighed, gave up the idea of contacting Nathan, and instead dialed another person's number.

The next day, when | finished breakfast and cout of the villa, | saw a gray Porsche Cayenne parked at the entrance.

Soon, the driver's window of the Cayenne slowly lowered, revealing Moss's profile.

“Get in,” he turned his head, givinga glance.

“You cearly,” | said, reaching for the rear passenger door almost instinctively.

Didn't pull it.

“Sit in the front passenger seat,” Moss leaned out and said, “I'm not your chauffeur.” “Fine.” | walked around to the other side, opened the door, and sat down, teasing, “I just thought the front passenger seat was usually reserved for one’s girlfriend. Moss...” | paused, deliberately getting closer to him, and whispered in his ear, “Admit it, you like me.” | was just making smorning jokes; | thought Moss would immediately, as usual, retort and then tellsternly not to be delusional, that he had no interest in 1. me.

After all, he was a complete workaholic; in my opinion, his girlfriend might as well be the laboratory.

But no.

His lips pursed into a straight line, and the color from his neck to his earlobes started turning red.

| was startled, quickly pulled back my upper body, and stammered, “I was just saying, you, you can’t really like- “Don’t overthink it.” Moss interruptedin a low voice.

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He turned his head, and the color in his neck and earlobes had returned to normal, makingeven doubt if | had imagined it all.

Perhaps | misunderstood Moss due to sdistant red light; he didn’t seem shy or caught off guard.

“But...” Moss suddenly approached me, and when the distance between us was only half a palm wide, he said, “If you brainwashlike that a few more times, maybe I really will inadvertently suggest to myself that | like you.” | widened my eyes and subconsciously swallowed saliva.

After realizing it, | pushed Moss away abruptly.

“Don’t joke around.” | panicked.

“You were the one who joked withfirst.” Moss sat up straight, saying seriously. | shook my head, fastened my seatbelt, and said, “Let's go.” Moss didn’t immediately start the car but turned his head to look atseriously, asking, “Are you sure, have you thought about it, Do really want to go see him and get things clear?” His lips pursed into a straight line, and the color from his neck to his earlobes started turning red.

| was startled, quickly pulled back my upper body, and stammered, “I was just saying, you, you can’t really like-" “Don’t overthink it.” Moss interruptedin a low voice.

He turned his head, and the color in his neck and earlobes had returned to normal, makingeven doubt if | had imagined it all.

Perhaps | misunderstood Moss due to sdistant red light; he didn’t seem shy or caught off guard.

“But...” Moss suddenly approached me, and when the distance between us was only half a palm wide, he said, “If you brainwashlike that a few more times, maybe I really will inadvertently suggest to myself that | like you.” | widened my eyes and subconsciously swallowed saliva.

After realizing it, | pushed Moss away abruptly.

“Don’t joke around.” | panicked.

“You were the one who joked withfirst.” Moss sat up straight, saying seriously.

| shook my head, fastened my seatbelt, and said, “Let's go.” Moss didn’t immediately start the car but turned his head to look atseriously, asking, “Are you sure, have you thought about it, Do really want to go see him and get things clear?” “Didn’t we agree on this last night on the phone? | don’t want to wait; constantly suspecting someone who means a lot tois really painful. | don’t want to endure this pain; | need a clear answer.” Moss pondered for a few seconds, withdrew his gaze, and started the car.

After nearly an hour's journey, the Cayenne finally stopped in front of a luxurious forty-eight-story building.

Moss and | got out of the car and walked into the building.

We both knew that the owner of this building was William.