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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 95
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Chapter 95 Diana's pov “You know who the manufacturer of Gummy Skull is?” Nathan asked as the man stopped in front of us.

“I don’t know,” the man shrugged.

“But you said -” “Little girl, don’t interrupt me.” The man smiled, “What | mean is, although I don’t know who the big boss is, | know the specific location of their headquarters‘ goods storage.” Nathan and I looked at each other in shock.

“Really?” | looked back at the man and asked.

“Of course,” the man said confidently.

“How did you know the storage location of Gummy Skull’s headquarters’ goods?” | asked again.

“Because | took the goods there before,” the man said. “I saw that you were trying to bribe that guy. Indeed, the price of getting the goods from headquarters is much lower than that from this bar. It’s not surprising that you risked your life to find out who the manufacturer is.” After listening to his words, | breathed a sigh of relief.

At least, in his eyes, Nathan and | were just seeking wealth.

“So why do you help us?” Nathan asked.

“It’s simple. You want money. | also want money.” The man said. “I'll provide you with the location, and you givemoney, just like you gave the man just now. But the money | want is ten times that of the man.” Nathan smiled.

If he wanted something else, maybe we would hesitate. But if it was money... the last thing Nathan and | lacked was money.

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“Sure,” Nathan said.

Nathan immediately withdrew 200 thousand from a nearby bank and gave it to the man. And the man informed us of the storage location of Gummy Skull.

~The largest port pier in Blade Moon Pack! When Nathan and | arrived at the dock, it was already dark, but the dock was still busy and brightly lit.

A huge crane waved its steel arms in the darkness, unloading containers from huge cargo ships. And they were then transported to designated areas by yellow forklifts. Nathan and | walked on roads separated by containers for about forty minutes when he suddenly stopped.

“That's it,” Nathan said.

A huge crane waved its steel arms in the darkness, unloading containers from huge cargo ships. And they were then transported to designated areas by yellow forklifts. Nathan and | walked on roads separated by containers for about forty minutes when he suddenly stopped.

“That's it,” Nathan said.

| looked around. My brain instantly went blank, and my whole body felt like it was covered in ice.

“Diana, what's wrong with you?” “Nathan...” | felt like my throat was blocked and my voice was trembling. “Are you sure this is this area? Didn't you misread it?” “I couldn’t be wrong,” Nathan said, then unfolded the note the man had written for him. “Look, both the orientation and the number are correct.” My legs softened and my whole body collapsed backwards.

“Diana!” Nathan suddenly widened his eyes and supported me.

“What's going on? Is there any problem?” “Nathan...” | grabbed Nathan’s arm and paused word by word, “This area, this area is connected with Uncle Reed's cargo storage area!” | felt like | was about to collapse.

Why were the containers of Gummy Skull connected to William's containers? Why? Was it a coincidence? Or...

| remembered not long ago, the gray haired described the Gummy Skull manufacturer as a kind man...

| dared not continue thinking. My mind was about to explode.

“Diana! Calm down, calm down!” Nathan's voice rang in my ear, “Don’t be so pessimistic until the result comes out. Calm down. Take a deep breath...take a breath...” With Nathan's constant reassurance, | took several deep breaths and finally calmed down.

“You're right.” | gradually stopped trembling. | looked into Nathan's eyes and said, “Don’t be pessimistic.

Maybe...maybe it’s just a coincidence. William has nothing to do with Gummy Skull!” Nathan nodded forcefully, grabbed my hand, and whispered, “Now, let's go investigate. Don’t be afraid. No matter what happens, | will be by your side. | will never leave you alone.” I was stunned for a moment.

If it were normal, when Nathan said these things to me, | would definitely scold him for talking nonsense. | didn’t believe a word he said.

But now, my brain was filled with darkness.

He was the only lamp that could barely givea glimmer of light.

This lamp was not warm, but at least it wouldn't makeso confused.

However, as we approached this area, suddenly dozens of bodyguards rushed out from all directions and surrounded us.

They were all big and strong with sharp eyes. And their black submachine guns flickered with a cold light.

“Who are you?” A bodyguard sternly asked.

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Nathan and | exchanged a glance, pretending to be afraid under the gaze of dozens of bodyguards.

“We cto pick up the goods through introduction,” Nathan stuttered. “Don’t misunderstand, bro.” | was slightly surprised in my heart.

Nathan's acting skills were so good! If I hadn't known how terrifying he was on the battlefield, perhaps | would have believed that the person besidewas just a timid drug dealer.

The lead bodyguard approached Nathan andstep by step.

He was about seven feet tall, standing there like a mountain, casting a shadow. “Through introduction? Who?” Nathan immediately took out a letter from his pocket, trembling.

The introduction letter was written by the man who informed us of the location not long ago.

The bodyguard opened the letter and glanced at it. He waved his hand and said to his subordinates, “Search them. If there’s no problem, take them to see our boss and let him handle it.” “Yes!” We were taken onto a truck. Those people covered our eyes with black cloth strips and tied our arms behind us with ropes.

About twenty minutes later, the truck stopped.

Someone opened the car door and roughly pulled Nathan anddown.

We could only follow their footsteps in the darkness.

Ten minutes later, | smelled a strong aroma of tobacco and alcohol. The people who were escortingand Nathan also stopped.

Someone untied the black cloth strip.

The dazzling light instantly dazed me, and | instinctively closed my eyes.

After a few seconds, | slowly opened my eyes. In a yellow halo, | saw a man in a red velvet suit sitting on a European style sofa chair with a cigar, looking at Nathan andwith ease.

“Welcome, two distinguished guests.” The man smiled and whispered.

When | saw the man’s face clearly, my blood seemed to freeze in an instant.