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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 69
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Chapter 69 Diana's pov “Moss?” After seeing the face above, | exclaimed in surprise, “Why are you here?”! “Collect your dead body.” Moss rolled his eyes at me.

| knew he was deliberately teasingand didn’t get angry. “Putdown. I'm much better now. | can walk on my own.” “Diana, pretending is not a good habit,” Moss said. “I warned you to take good care of yourself. But as soon as | left, you made yourself half dead again?” “Alright, shut your mouth. | don’t want to hear you talk now,” Moss frowned.

| originally wanted to refute, but then realized that | was being held in Moss’s arms. To avoid being thrown out by him, | wisely closed my mouth.

Moss carrieddirectly to the research room.

As | passed by other people, | could clearly sense their inquisitive gaze.

| pushed Moss's chest and said, “You letdown. So many people are watching.” “What are you afraid of?” Moss asked.

“Aren’t you worried that they might misunderstand our relationship?” | blinked.

Moss stopped and frowned, his eyes showing sdisdain.

“I'm not interested in you.” | was surprised.

What was he thinking? | explained, “I didn’t mean you were interested in me. | meant that others will misunderstand, and I...” “You're noisy!” Moss's tone gradually becimpatient, “I don’t understand why you care so much about others. You can’t even stand steadily.” | instinctively wanted to argue, but found that | couldn’t win at all.

Helpless, | could only close my mouth again.

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Fortunately, Moss quickly carriedinto a lounge and placedon a bed.

“Thank you.” Although our conversation was not pleasant, he did help me.

“Hmm.” Moss responded perfunctorily and looked at his watch. “You can rest for two hours. In two hours, | hope to see you in the lab.” I was stunned.

“So you're just helpingfor the research?” “Otherwise?” Moss looked atpuzzled, “What are you thinking?” “You don’t have to be so utilitarian. Proper disguise can earn more favor.” | reminded.

Moss gavea glance and said, “Why do | have to get your favor? | don’t love you.” “You...” | exclaimed in shock, “You don’t have to love me, but among colleagues...” A loud bang was heard.

Moss closed the door and left.

I was stunned for two seconds.

Forget it...

It was not the first day I've met Moss. His mind was full of research. | shouldn't bother to explain this to him.

A sense of exhaustion surged through my body. | set an alarm and fell asleep.

Two hours later, | was awakened by the sound of the clock.

After changing into work clothes, | went to the laboratory.

William had arrived and was discussing something with Moss. His face didn’t look very good.

“Is anything wrong?” | walked up to the two of them and asked.

William put on a smile and said, “It’s okay. I'm here to inquire about the research on the Enigma virus antidote.” “We have made a breakthrough,” | said.

William looked athesitantly.

“I heard you haven't been to the lab much lately?” He asked, “Are you busy with anything else?” I was stunned for a moment.

William has always been fond of me. This was the first the had spoken toin an almost interrogative tone.

“Ah, I've been..." 11 “She has been dealing with her personal issues.” | was just about to tell William that | was investigating Gummy Skull when Moss interrupted me.

William raised his eyebrows and said, “Personal issues? With Alpha Nathan?” Being interrupted by Moss, | couldn’t continue talking about Gummy Skull and could only nod.

After all, this was indeed a fact.

William’s expression becserious.

“Diana, don’t let irrelevant people distract you. Your focus should be on research now.” William’s words madefeel ashamed Subconsciously | wanted to admit mv “Diana?” William called out to me, “Are you listening to me?” “Ah... am.” | reacted, “I'm sorry. | will handle my own problems well and not delay the research.” William nodded and patted my shoulder again. “Hurry up, those patients are waiting for medicine to save their lives.” “I understand.” “I have other things to deal with. Ill leave first.” William said.

Moss and | escorted William to the elevator.

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When waiting for the elevator, William's gaze towardsbecmore caring again.

“Just now | wanted to ask, what's wrong with your face?” | lowered my head and didn’t speak.

William asked again, “Is it related to Alpha Nathan?” 11 www 11 “It’s him,” William snorted coldly. “That bastard dared to hurt you? | should kick him and the woman he brought out of my hospital!” | breathed a sigh of relief. This was uncle William whom | was familiar with.

Perhaps he was indifferent just now because he was worried about the patients waiting for medication.

| held William's arm and smiled, “I will solve my problem. Don’t worry about me.” William touched my hair and said, “Remember, | will always be your support.” | nodded sweetly.

After seeing off Uncle William, | turned my head to look at Moss.

“Did you say it on purpose?” | asked.

“What?” Moss raised one eyebrow.

“You deliberately didn’t wantto say that | was investigating Gummy Skull,” | said. “So you shifted the topic.

But why?” Moss looked atsilently for two seconds and smiled.

“I didn’t expect you to be so sensitive.” “Did | guess it correctly?” “Yes,” Moss shrugged.

“So why didn’t you lettell Uncle William? Don’t you trust him?” Moss pursed his lips slightly. After a moment, he shook his head. “You're thinking too much. I just don’t think it's necessary. William clearly cares about you. If he finds out you're investigating Gummy Skull, he will definitely stop you for your safety. | think this is not what you expected.” Moss’s worry was reasonable, so | didn’t continue to think too much.

Wokay you're right !! “Okay, you're right.” “So should you go back to the lab?” Moss asked.

1 didn’t move.

Moss gavea puzzled look and said, “What are you still standing here for?” “Moss, you should know that the research we're doing now is useless. The top priority is to obtain the formula of the stimulants from those who assassinated me.” “What do you mean?” Moss narrowed his eyes slightly.

“I mean, | decided to go to the Blood Shadow Pack to get the recipe for the potion,” | said calmly as | looked at Moss.