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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 67
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Chapter 67 Diana's pov | felt like my heart was broken.

The immense pain seemed to engulf me, and | couldn't even breathe.

Nathan, he was drunk.

Everything that happened just now, including him kissing me, gently caressing my cheeks, and the tenderness in his eyes, was just because he sawas Avia.

It was too absurd.

| could hardly contain my anger and lifted my arm to slap Nathan.

“You should wake up from your fu cking drunk, asshole!” Nathan's head tilted to one side, his eyebrows furrowed together, as if he had just regained his sanity, with a clear hint of regret flashing in his eyes.

So...was he regretting mistakingfor Avia? The knocking on the door continued, and the visitor seemed anxious.

Nathan glanced atand said coldly, “Get out of the way.” I sneered.

It was he who pressedagainst the door! | took a step back and Nathan opened the door. “Alpha!” It was a maid sent by Mrs. Wayne to take care of Avia.

At this moment, she was anxiously looking at Nathan and saying, “Miss Avia committed suicide.” My mind buzzed and went blank in an instant.

When | realized it, | had already followed Nathan towards Avia’s ward.

As soon as | arrived at the door of the ward, | heard Mrs. Wayne crying.

“My dear, how could you do such a thing? It’s not your fault. Why are you punishing yourself? It is that slut Diana who should die!” My footsteps paused.

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| saw Avia lying on the bed, her eyes tightly closed, her face pale, her lips dry and cracked, and her left wrist wrapped in gauze.

She... chose to have her wrist cut.

Perhaps sensing someone coming in, Mrs. Wayne looked towards the door.

As soon as she saw me, Mrs. Wayne let out a sharp roar.

“Bitch! You wicked bitch! It's all because of you that Avia committed suicide! Why don’t you die?” | gave a cold smile.

“Why should | die? What does her suicide have to do with me?” “You -” Mrs. Wayne's hands trembled with anger, “Don’t you even have any sense of guilt?” “I haven't done anything. Of course | won't feel guilty.” | stared at Mrs. Wayne, quietly admiring her anger, with no expression on my face.

At this moment, Avia woke up from her coma.

She sawat a glance, her pupils suddenly widened, as if she had been subjected to a huge stimulus. She sat up from the bed with her head in her arms.

“It’s Diana! It's her... She sent people to rape me! Those people strippedof my clothes, and they rapedone by one... It hurts so much! Nathan... Mom, | hurt so much!” Avia seemed crazy.

Mrs. Wayne's heart ached deeply.

“Everything is over, baby. Everything is over." Mrs. Wayne hugged Avia and constantly comforted her.

“No, it isn’t! | still remember!” Avia cried bitterly, looking extremely sad. “Why am | still alive? Why didn’t you letdie? | should die, | should die..." Avia murmured softly, and suddenly, she pushed Mrs. Wayne away.

She jumped out of bed and ran towards the wall, as if she was about to crash into the wall and seek death.

At a critical moment. Nathan hugged her and prevented her from this.

“Enough, Avia!” Nathan growled.

Avia’s face was filled with tears, but her body leaned closer to Nathan's arms.

“Letdie, Nathan. | can’t live anymore...” “Impossible. | will never let you die,” Nathan hugged Avia tightly.

From an angle that no one could see, Avia raised the corner of her mouth towards 1. me.

“But...I live in pain, struggle, and self disgust every minute of my life. If it continues like this, | will really go crazy.

Nathan...” Avia looked up, her eyes turning red, “Do you know? | really can’t help but hate Diana... But | know she’s the one you love, and | can’t... | can’t hate her. But the more it’s like this, the more painful | feel! Nathan, you'd better letdie. If I'm dead, all of this will be over!” Avia spoke and began to struggle again, wanting to collide with the wall.

The scene was chaotic.

“I don’t love her!” Suddenly, Nathan roared fiercely, and everyone froze.

“I don’t love Diana. For me, only you are the most important. So whether you hate her or not has nothing to do with me.” Nathan's cold voice pierced my heart like a sharp blade, bleeding profusely.

| heard Avia ask Nathan in an innocent voice, “Are you telling the truth?” “Of course,” Nathan nodded without hesitation.

“Okay, | believe you.” Avia’s expression suddenly becfierce and malicious. “Then... you go helpkill Diana!” Nathan didn’t move.

Avia gave Nathan a hard push.

“Go ahead! Go kill this woman now! | hate her! | really hate her! | can’t forgive her. If you don’t kill her today, then I'll die! Choose one.” Nathan still didn’t move.

He clenched his fists and looked serious.

“Avia, enough.” “No! Nathan, don’t forget what she did to me. Seven men... | can’t forget that scene. Since you don’t love her anymore, can you helpkill her? She should have died, right?” Avia roared.

Mrs. Wayne immediately echoed.

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“Nahtan, Avia is right. Diana must pay the price of her life. You should listen to Avia and kill her.” | slowly looked at Nathan.

To be honest, | was really curious about what kind of choice he would make.

But in fact, it was not necessary.

Because in the end, Nathan would only choose Avia.

“Nathan!” Seeing that Nathan didn’t react, Avia suddenly rushed to the windowsill, half of her body sticking out.

“Kill Diana, otherwise I'll jump off here!” “Avia!” | saw that Nathani was clearly anxious.

Mrs. Wayne urged, “Go kill Diana. Do you really want to see Avia leave us? Don’t forget many years ago, it was Avia -" “Fine!” Nathan interrupted Mrs. Wayne sharply, his gaze falling on me, fierce and devoid of any emotion.

| heard him say, “I will kill her.” In an instant, my hair stood on end.

| instinctively ran towards the door, but Nathan grabbed onto the back of my neck.

He forcefully turnedaround and squeezed my neck bit by bit, liftingup in the air.

| could feel the oxygen moving away from me, as if my throat was about to be crushed by tremendous force.

It hurt so much... It was so uncomfortable.

But none of this hurt more than my heartache.

| never thought that the man who was willing to give up his life to savewould now killfor another woman.

| gradually couldn’t catch my breath. | tried to struggle, but everything was just in vain.

| saw Avia provokingwith a victorious posture by the windowsill, as if she was saying- “See, you still lost!”