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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53 Diana's pov “It's me.” As the deep voice rang out, my heartbeat instantly lost its rhythm.

When did he wake up: Why did he appear in my office? And... Was the blanket on my body covered by him? How long has he been waiting forhere? A series of questions popped into my mind, and I blinked nervously.

After calming down, I tried to sit up, but Nathan suddenly leaned over! Before | could react, Nathan kissed my lips.

| was stunned for two seconds, and immediately reached out my hand to push him away.

A muffled groan sounded, and Nathan's body stiffened for a moment.

| just realized that | was pushing on his wound.

| quickly withdrew my hand and dared not move again.

However, Nathan mistakenly thought that | was allowing him to continue.

He kissed even harder, his tongue forcing open my teeth and hooking my tongue.

His breath becrapid.

| could feel his heart beating, so intense and strong.

His big hand held my head and pressedtowards him.

| was almost breathless and my consciousness was shattered by the kiss.

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Just when | thought | would die in Nathan's long and passionate kiss, he finally letgo He heldtightly in his arms. His lips pressed against my neck, and his breath. scratched my skin.

The sofa was not big. Although it wouldn't collapse when carrying two adults, it would be crowded.

| wanted to distance myself from Nathan, but | was afraid of touching his wound.

I had no choice but to pat his shoulder and say, “Get up.” Nathan didn’t get up, instead he huggedeven tighter.

“Whatever you say,” Nathan said shamelessly.

| sighed and rolled my eyes again.

Forget it...

| silently reminded myself that the person in front ofwas a patient, a patient. who was injured because of saving me. So | gave up arguing with him.

Seeing that | was no longer struggling, Nathan kissed my neck.

“Finally,” he sighed. “I thought | would never see you again.” “Don’t worry, | won't let you die.” | stared aimlessly at the ceiling. Nathan stood up and blocked my view.

“Why?” he asked.

| lowered my eyelashes and avoided his inquisitive gaze.

“Because you were hurt because of me,” | said lightly.

“Is that the only reason?” ‘Not really.” “So what is that?” Nathan asked urgently.

| took a deep breath.

“Of course, it's because you're Alpha of Dark Moon pack. How could I let you die in our pack, and in my hospital?” Nathan fell silent, looking atwith a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

| frowned and tried again to make him let go of me.

“You're too heavy. | can’t even breathe,” | said.

Nathan slowly got off my body, covering his wound and leaning against the sofa.

| got up and turned on the light.

The office suddenly lit up.

My gaze fell on Nathan and I noticed that he was still wearing a hospital uniform, his face pale.

| frowned and said, “Did the doctor allow you to get out of bed? Aren't you afraid the wound will crack again?” “It doesn’t matter,” Nathan said coldly without looking up. “No one cares anyway.” “You” | was so angry that | couldn’t speak.

| walked a few steps towards Nathan, lightly kicked his leg and ordered, “Go sit on the sofa.” Nathan didn’t make a sound, as if he was sulking.

But in the end, he obediently sat on the sofa.

| poured him a glass of water and placed it on the table in front of him before sitting “I know what you want to hear,” | broke the silence first. “Do you wantto say that | care about your life because | still have feelings for you?” Nathan slowly lifted his head.

“You're right,” | raised my eyebrows. “Although | really don’t want to admit it, it seems like | still have feelings for you.” “Diana, I” Nathan's voice becexcited and urgent, but | interrupted him.

“Wait a moment, letfinish.” | stared at him calmly, “I admit it, but that doesn’t mean we can be together. | appreciate you savingregardless of life. But don’t forget, at that party a year ago, you almost killed me. | drank until | had stomach bleeding. At that time, | was also close to death.” Nathan's expression becpainful and regretful.

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“Diana, I'm sorry...” “But it’s all over now.” | smiled and shrugged, “Now we're clear. From now on, let everything that happened to us, no matter what, beca past.” Nathan looked atincredulously, his eyes turning red.

“So you think we're even?” “Yes, | won't hate you for it anymore, but | also won't be with you."“.

“No way!” Nathan suddenly stood up from the sofa.

The intense movement tugged at his wound, and he coughed violently while holding onto his chest.

| frowned and quickly walked over to his side.

| gently patted his back and advised, “Your injury is at your heart. You can’t be too emotional. Don’t...” Nathan clenched my wrist and stared atintently.

“I tell you Diana, it's impossible for us to be even. | didn’t save you to be even with you! You think | mistreated you and hurt you before. It's okay. | cant up for you in the future. | don’t care how much tor effort it takes.

But it's impossible forto give up on you!” After Nathan finished speaking, he releasedand fell back onto the sofa, coughing again.

His originally pale face turned red, and blood seeped out from his lips.

Even if | wanted to refute him, | couldn't say it at this moment.

| could only hold back my anger and give him a glass of water.

“Have swater,” | said.

Nathan didn’t take it over, but instead looked up at me.

His eyes becsharp and cold.

“Diana, are you unwilling to be withbecause of Victor?” | pursed my lips and fell silent for a moment He suddenly Durst out laugning, out the laughter sounded Ditter and ruil or danger. After a long time, he finally stopped laughing.

However, his gaze becincreasingly cold.

“Diana, since Victor is the hindrance between us, would you be withif Victor is dead?”