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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 153
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Chapter 153 Diana's pov Everyone was petrified, not daring to even breathe.

William had always presented himself as kind and benevolent.

To the lab researchers, he was as respectable as Penny.

No one expected that beneath this seemingly gentle facade was a heart indifferent to life and cold-blooded.

Fisher's foolish actions had infuriated William to the point where he forgot his benevolent facade..

And at this point, he evidently had no intention of salvaging anything.

With a wave of his hand, he summoned his bodyguards and said expressionlessly, “Dispose of the body, chop it up, and throw it into the sea.” “Yes!” The bodyguard dragged Fisher's oddly positioned, limping body away.

William stretched his neck, exhaled, and slowly turned his gaze towards me.

He seemed to want to say something to me, but just then, his phone rang.

“Boss, we have a new discovery...” | faintly heard the voice at the other end of the phone speaking to William Perhaps something urgent had cup; William didn’t wait for the call to end before leaving the office with his remaining men.

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The people hiding behindfinally breathed a sigh of relief, eagerly askingwhy William seemed so unfamiliar, as if he had changed overnight.

| looked at the blood left by Fisher on the ground and smiled bitterly.

“Unfamiliar? | used to think so too, but the truth is, this is his true nature.” Upon hearing this, everyone froze in place.

Moss approached me.

“What's your plan next?” | pondered for a few seconds.

“William will probably soon havedevelop the antidote for him again, and | will pretend to cooperate with him.

Meanwhile, our real laboratory should be opened.” Moss breathed a sigh of relief.

“At least we've passed this hurdle.” Have we really? | couldn’t help but furrow my brows.

Remembering the look William gavebefore leaving and his hesitant expression, a heavy sense of unease lingered in my heart.

My intuition was correct.

In the afternoon, as | dealt with the series of problems caused by the fire under the guise of Diana in the office, William’s men barged in without knocking.

“Miss Reist, our boss wants to see you.” “With that attitude?” | glanced at the still-shaking door panel and asked coldly, “Have you forgotten that besides being the dean, | am also your princess!” After a moment of hesitation, the men exchanged glances and finally backed off.

“Apologies, Your Highness.” 1 didn’t mean to give them a hard time.

If William wanted to see me, he would seeby any means necessary.

Adjusting my clothes, | said in a solemn tone, “Let's go.” When | arrived at William's office, | found Moss was there too, Obviously, William had just had a conversation with him.

William sat in his black leather chair with his back to me.

Hearing the movement, he turned around, his sharp gaze fixed on me.

“Diana, there's something very interesting I'd like to share with you,” he said slowly, as if discussing something trivial.

But since the moment of our falling out, | knew we weren't in the kind of relationship where we could sit down calmly and share something interesting.

“What is it?” Lasked.

“Not long ago, my men surveyed the scene of the fire,” he said casually, locking eyes with me. “They toldthey found traces resembling explosives at the scene. So, who do you think planted those explosives?” My heart pounded fiercely, as if it wanted to leap out of my throat.

“It’s just traces, not necessarily explosives, maybe” “I'm asking you, who do you think planted them!” | never expected that William, in his fury, would still remember to investigate the scene and find that faint clue amidst the ashes.

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I was nervous, but | concealed it well.

1 looked at William without changing my expression and said, “Instead of asking me, you'd better hurry and investigate.” “I'm already doing that, aren’t 1?” William shrugged.

1 squinted slightly.

“So, you're suspecting me?” “More accurately, you and Moss.” William glanced at Moss. “But just now, Moss provided an alibi for the tof the explosion, now it’s your turn. Diana, do you have an alibi?” The thing about planting the explosives was something | did behind Moss's back.

So, he still seemed calm.

Little did he know, my palms and the back of my hands were soaked with sweat.

| could barely breathe.

Observing my expression, William spoke coldly, “If you don’t have proof, | have reasonable suspicion that you planted the explosives to intentionally destroy my lab.” | clenched my teeth.

“And then, the lives of those researchers under your command might be in jeopardy.” “I didn’t!” | exclaimed urgently, afraid of what terrifying reaction William might have.

Swallowing hard, | pretended to remain calm and said, “I didn’t plant the explosives. This morning, 1 was resting in my room.” “Evidence?” William asked, adding, “Moss providedwith surveillance footage of him having breakfast at a diner during the explosion. What about yours?” When surveillance was mentioned, | nervously said, “The hospital's surveillance system was completely destroyed by the fire, so | can’t provide evidence.” “How can | trust you then?” William raised an eyebrow at me. “Who knows if you intentionally destroyed the surveillance room to cover your tracks?” “Diana, without evidence, the blmight fall on the innocent researchers’ families. After all, as you know, you're my darling, and | can’t bear to punish you.” “Who says Diana doesn’t have evidence?” Almost as William's voice fell, a familiar voice cthrough the door.

| turned in shock to see Nathan pushing the office door open slowly, dressed in a black suit, calmly walking in.

Then, he stopped by my side.

“Mr. William. | can testify for Diana She was indeed nor at the scene when the explosion occurred “Mr. William, | can testify for Diana. She was indeed not at the scene when the explosion occurred. Because-" Nathan paused for a moment, looking down at me, his eyes shimmering with ambiguity.

| heard him say slowly, word by word- “Because when it happened, Diana was in my bed.”