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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 124
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Chapter 124 Diana's pov Hotel.

CAH M After covering Nora, | leave the bedroom.

Moss stands from the living room sofa, asking, “How's Nora?” “Took fever medicine, sleeping,” | reply, “Heading back to Blade Moon Pack tonight?” Moss thinks, “Was the plan, but can stay if you need.” Shaking my head, “Not what | meant.” Handing a blood sample to Moss, “Nora’s. Check it if you leave tonight.” Moss takes it, “Will notify you of results.” Next morning, we head back to Blade Moon Pack. Nora sits in the back seat.

Window open wind tousles her hair Next morning, we head back to Blade Moon Pack. Nora sits in the back seat.

Window open, wind tousles her hair.

Her face remains pale.

| worry, “Any discomfort?” Nora turns, a forced smile, “No, don’t worry.” How can | not worry? Not just worry, but guilt.

This is my fault. Avia targeted me, but Nora bore the consequences.

Maybe my expression betrayed me, Nora reads my mind.

“I'm really fine,” she says, blinking at me, “I told you, you arrived just in time. They didn’t go go all the way. | was just scared, still a bit shaken.” Seeing my serious face, Nora teases, “Smile, Diana, smile!” She pokes my mouth, tickles my cheek.

Unable to resist, we burst into laughter.

Tired, we slump together in the car.

Scenery passes by.

After a brief rest, | sit up.

“Nora.” My expression serious, “I promise you, this won't end unclear. Everyone involved will pay for their actions.” “Diana, | believe in you,” Nora says.

Day after returning from Dark Moon Pack, | visit the hospital.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Despite the split with William, I’m still the hospital director.

After handling piled-up matters from the engagement party, | take the elevator to the lab.

Ryley and | make eye contact.

He handsa file.

After the bar incident, we know each other’s roles. Unspoken words hang between 1. us.

He knows about my fallout with William.

| know he’s William's watchdog.

Even as we meet, we keep it work-related.

When changing into lab attire, he subtly leaves.

‘Ding-* Elevator reaches the top floor.

Colleagues greet me.

“Diana, | believe in you,” Nora says.

Day after returning from Dark Moon Pack, | visit the hospital.

Despite the split with William, I’m still the hospital director.

After handling piled-up matters from the engagement party, | take the elevator to the lab.

Ryley and | make eye contact.

He handsa file.

After the bar incident, we know each other’s roles. Unspoken words hang between 1. us.

He knows about my fallout with William.

| know he’s William's watchdog.

Even as we meet, we keep it work-related.

When changing into lab attire, he subtly leaves.

‘Ding-* Elevator reaches the top floor.

Colleagues greet me.

Busy as usual, they aim to perfect a cure for the Enigma virus. Unaware that the respected William is the mastermind behind it. Well, | don’t have evidence of his Gummy Skull production.

Thinking of this, | call Marc for updates on the investigation.

Marc says it’s ongoing, breakthrough in progress.

Hanging up, | reach Moss's office.

Opening the door, surprise awaits. William lounges opposite Moss.

He greets, “Diana, you're here, been waiting.” | glance at Moss involuntarily.

William smirks, “No need to look at him. I'll repeat everything said to him. Sit.” William points to the sofa beside him.

Closing the door, | take a seat.

“What do you want?” | ask.

“You sealed all research data?” William asserts.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I nod.

Learning of William's true nature and his ambiguous connection to Gummy Skull, | had Moss lock down all data.

Only Moss and | know the specifics; the lab is in a semi-stalled state.

ICLU what do you think?” “Against me,” he feigns realization, stroking his chin, “Diana, need | remind you, to sextent, I'm the boss of this lab? You have no right to seal any research.” | meet his gaze, smiling subtly.

“You got me,” | say.

William squints, tension showing in his aged eye muscles.

“Diana, had enough ?” he asks, a menacing tone.

Adjusting my clothes, “I thought | made it clear at Alpha Nathan's engagement party.” “I don’t understand,” William leans in, sharp gaze fixed on me, “I invested tand money in developing an antidote for the Enigma virus. | just want to make smoney when the antidote is successful. Why is that so hard?” Cold laughter, “Just an antidote? No Gummy Skull?” “I've said it many times, no connection with Gummy Skull. If you want to accuse me, show evidence first.” “I've said it many times too, | don’t believe you. As for evidence, it will surface. No crstays hidden forever.” Under cold lights, William stares at me.

His wolf, a brown one with green eyes, mirrors his demeanor.

Dangerous gleam, ready to bite my neck at any moment.

Tstretches, tension almost solidifies.

Just when | think today’s conversation will end sourly, William's attitude shifts.

“I'm not here to argue with you today,” he says, tossing a document in front of me, “Look at it, and we'll talk after.” Brows furrowed, | look at Moss again.

Moss looks grave, hands gripping until knuckles whiten.

Opening the file, my eyes widen.

A startling number jumps at me.

Twenty-three thousand four hundred...

Aside from the patients currently detained, twenty-three thousand four hundred people are infected with the Enigma virus! At this rate, in a few months, hundreds of thousands will be infected.

“If you continue delaying the antidote, more will be infected,” William sits casually on the sofa, a relaxed posture, “Do you want to see that scene?”