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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 111
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Chapter 11 Diana's pov Kate disdainfully snorted.

“You think | would be afraid of a piece of jewelry?” “But...” the girl hesitated, “that’s the flagship treasure of the ‘Ocean Heart,’ a diamond platinum crown.” As soon as these words were spoken, Kate and the girls beside her were all stunned. Kate, upon realizing it, immediately let go of me, even taking a step back, showing a look of fear.

The man who initially stoppedlooked puzzled and asked, “The flagship treasure of the ‘Ocean Heart," is it something powerful?” Everyone gave him looks as if he were clueless.

It was the girl who explained, “If we have to measure the value of the ‘Ocean Heart's’ flagship treasure in terms of money, it has long exceeded a trillion. You can imagine what kind of person would have aworth exceeding a trillion.” The man stood there dumbfounded.

Kate still seemed incredulous, pulling the girl and asking, “Are you sure that’s a diamond platinum crown? Could it be fake? Diana, she’s just a mistress, how could she afford...” “I'm not sure,” the girl frowned, glancing at the top of my head, “but based on the color, the possibility of it being real is very high. You know | have a lot of research on jewelry, and...” The girl paused for a moment, and this ther voice was even lower.

Nevertheless, | still heard what she said to Kate “Just now, Elie Saab’s official account posted a new product display, and it’s the dress Diana is wearing, worth this amount.” The girl held out seven fingers.

Kate's pupils suddenly contracted.

“Seven, seven million?” “No,” the girl shook her head, looking atwith envy and jealousy, gritting her teeth, “It’s seven billion!” Everyone gasped.

Kate could no longer be arrogant; her face turned pale.

The girl advised again, “So, let's not offend her. Diana’s identity is probably not just a mistress, maybe... not even a mistress. | heard that Alpha Marc seems to have a very beloved sister, maybe...” “Are you saying she’s actually Alpha Marc's... sister?” Kate almost bit her own tongue.

“I don’t know, but there's a possibility. Regardless, let's leave before things get out of hand.” A trace of unwillingness flashed across Kate's face, but she didn’t persist.

She looked atwith guilt and timidity, cleared her throat, pretended to be calm, and said, “I, | have other things to attend to. Let's spare you this time. Let's go!” Kate and her people left dejectedly.

Watching their retreating figures, | chuckled mockingly.

Sure enough, even though a whole year had passed, these people hadn’t changed at the sarrogance and bullying tactics.

all My phone buzzed several times.

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| looked down, and it was a series of messages from Nora. ‘Diana, why did you suddenly hang up the phone?’ ‘I just heard someone call your name, who was it?‘ ‘Diana, why aren’t you replying to my messages?’ “You haven't answeredin ten minutes.” ‘How about | cback and find you?’ Right after that, there was a pitiful expression with tears.

The gloom Kate broughtvanished after seeing Nora's message.

Sipping champagne, | leisurely typed back, ‘I'm fine, don’t worry.” But before | could send the message, there was a ‘click,’ and all the lights in the hall went out simultaneously, plunging the venue into darkness.

Someone excitedly shouted, “Alpha Nathan and Luna Avia are about to make an entrance!” A cold light pierced through the long stage, illuminating the white door. With elegant and solemn classical music, the door slowly opened, and Nathan and Avia, the hand in hand, stepped onto the red carpet on the stage, entering the hall amidst the gaze of thousands.

“Wow, they match so well!” someone in the crowd exclaimed.

Immediately, someone echoed, “Of course! Our Luna Avia and Alpha Nathan have been childhood sweethearts.

Not every woman can compare to her! She is the only one truly compatible with Alpha Nathan.” “Our Dark Moon Pack is finally welcoming an outstanding Luna. Our pack will surely thrive under the leadership of the new Luna and Alpha!” Amidst cheers, praises, and blessings, | raised my head, finished the drink in my cup, and felt a temporary warmth in my chest, supporting the dignified smile on my face.


Nathan and Avia were indeed a perfect match.

As for Nathan and me, it was just a mistake from start to finish, a mistake seen as such by others and even more so by the parties involved! Fortunately, at this moment, the mistake had been corrected, and everything was back on track.

My phone buzzed again.

| looked down at my phone.

Moss toldhe would arrive at the engagement banquet venue in forty minutes.

| typed with my head lowered.

‘Alright.” Forty minutes, almost the exact tthe dance would begin.

‘Sorry, there was a problem with sdata just before departure. It was urgent, so it took half an hour to resolve,’ Moss explained.

This was consistent with the impression Moss had always given me.

His experiments took precedence over anything else.

I smirked.

‘Understandable. The experiment is the most important.’ | replied.

| was too engrossed in chatting with Moss, so I didn’t notice that something was amiss at the venue.

It wasn’t until someone standing besideexclaimed, “Why did Alpha Nathan suddenly stop? Who is he looking at?” I raised my head to look at my phone.

Moss toldhe would arrive at the engagement banquet venue in forty minutes.

| typed with my head lowered.

‘Alright.” Forty minutes, almost the exact tthe dance would begin.

‘Sorry, there was a problem with sdata just before departure. It was urgent, so it took half an hour to resolve,’ Moss explained.

This was consistent with the impression Moss had always given me.

His experiments took precedence over anything else.

I smirked.

‘Understandable. The experiment is the most important.’ | replied.

| was too engrossed in chatting with Moss, so | didn’t notice that something was amiss at the venue.

It wasn’t until someone standing besideexclaimed, “Why did Alpha Nathan suddenly stop? Who is he looking at?” | raised my head to look in the direction where Nathan was.

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My face still had the smile from the conversation with Moss that | hadn’t had tto retract.

Across the crowd, | suddenly realized that Nathan was looking at me! His gaze was deep, and cold, like the ice of winter, but there was a hint of smoldering anger.

My intuition toldthat his mood was not good right now! The smile gradually faded, and | furrowed my brows in confusion. What could be bothering Nathan now? Today is supposed to be his engagement banquet with Avia, right? Why is he glaring atwith such anger instead of continuing with his ceremony here? Did | offend him again? | hope not...

Could it be that he dislikesso much that he can’t even standattending his engagement banquet? Then why did he bother sendingan invitation? | rolled my eyes twice in a row.

Nathan's expression grew even colder.

Avia’s smile faltered a bit; she tightened her grip on Nathan's arm, seemingly trying to remind him to move forward.

Apart from that, many people had already followed Nathan's gaze, casting inquisitive glances in my direction.

On a day like today, | didn’t want to be the center of attention.

After sthought, | decided to be understanding.

If Nathan didn’t want to see me, then I'd just leave.

However, just as | was about to turn around, something unexpected happened.

| saw Kate rushing onto the red carpet.

In front of everyone, she pointed at Avia and shouted: “It’s the flagship treasure of ‘Ocean Heart,’ the diamond platinum crown!” Instantly, everyone's attention shifted to Avia.

| looked up in astonishment, carefully examining Avia’s hairstyle, and suddenly realized she was wearing the exact scrown as mine! “It’s really the flagship treasure of ‘Ocean Heart!” “Oh my God! | envy Avia. I've only seen this crown once in my life in the newspapers.” “Didn’t ‘Ocean Heart’ publicly declare they would never sell the flagship treasure? Yet Avia is wearing it!” “Does she know the mysterious top jewelry designer from ‘Ocean Heart?” “You mean Crystal?” via, who was initially unfazed by Kate’s sudden interruption of her engagement nnouncement, becincreasingly smug as she noticed everyone casting admiring glances at her.

At this moment, Kate’s voice rang out again, grabbing everyone's attention. “Avia, there's something | must tell you.” A bad premonition suddenly surged within me.

And then, the premonition ctrue.

| heard Kate loudly proclaim: “Diana is wearing a fake flagship treasure of ‘Ocean Heart'!”