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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 108
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Chapter 108 In the evening, our convoy arrived at the Dark Moon Pack. Stepping onto this land again, my feelings were quite complex. Nora seemed to sense my unease, so after we settled our luggage at the hotel hosting the visiting dignitaries, she tookto a nearby bar.

“Diana, let's have sdrinks. Get drunk, and you can forget all your troubles!” Nora tilted her head back, downing a whole cocktail, then grabbed my hand, pullingonto the dance floor.

Amidst the shifting colorful lights, we swayed our bodies to the energetic beat and music.

Gradually, it felt like I had indeed left all my unhappiness behind, with only the pulsating world and exhilarating music before me. Nora gavea tug and shouted in my ear, “Diana, | need to use the restroom! Wait forhere!” | waved my hand, taking a big sip of my drink. Although we claimed not to return until we were drunk, | had only ordered a low-alcohol fruit wine, considering the formal occasion tomorrow. | never thought this light wine would getintoxicated.

As my body temperature rose unusually, my consciousness began to blur. | staggered towards a booth, wanting to take a break.

Someone grabbed my arm.

“Don’t go.” A strange voice echoed near my ear, with a hint of arrogance. “You're really beautiful. Honestly, | haven't seen anyone like you around here. Tonight, spend squality twith me.

“Get lost!” | shook my head, trying to free myself from the man’s grasp.

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“Don’t bother wasting your energy. I've drugged your drink, and soon you'll lose all your strength. Behave and listen to me, don’t makeangry.” The man let out a sly, sinister laugh, tightened his grip around my waist, and ledout of the crowd towards the upstairs rooms.

Upon learning about the spiked drink, | surprisingly beccalmer. Pretending to struggle a bit, I followed the man upstairs. Little did he know that, when he wasn’t paying attention, | had already taken a counteracting sobering agent.

Now all | had to do was wait quietly for the sobering agent to take effect. Ten minutes. At most ten minutes, the arm draped over my waist would be gruesomely severed! He would regret it “Let her go!” A familiar yet icy voice suddenly resounded.

| forced myself to lift my head. In my blurry vision, | saw a tall and slender figure! | closed and opened my eyes with effort, and that figure gradually becclear, presenting a handsface before me.

Nathan! | was greatly surprised.

How could he be here? “Who the hell are you? Don’t disturb my good time, get lost!” the man holdinggrowled menacingly.

Nathan's face turned cold.

“I'll say it again, let her go.” “You tellto let go, and | won't? I won't!” The man, probably quite drunk, spoke with a thick tongue. “Not only won’t | let go, but I'll also have my way with this woman right in front of you! What's the matter? If your buddy fancies her, | don’t mind sharing a laugh with you...” The man laughed brazenly, reaching to tear at my dress. Nathan's eyes erupted with a chilling intensity, and he swiftly walked towards me- At that moment, someone reached from behind and grabbed the man’s hand on my waist. Immediately, there was a crisp sound, and the man let out a painful scream. Before | could react, he was kicked in the chest, flying into the wall. The impact was so strong that cracks appeared in the wall.

Simultaneously, a dry, warm hand grasped me, pullingbehind.

From my perspective, | could only see broad shoulders and the slightly protruding cervical vertebrae at the back of the neck.

Bang! The man slid down the wall, crashing onto the floor, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

“You... you played dirty! You resorted to a sneak attack!” The man shouted indignantly.

“Dealing with scum like you doesn’t require fairness,” a cold voice rang out. “Taking your life doesn’t need it either.” “Ryley! That's enough! Don’t cause a fatality.” Just before Ryley could snap the man’s neck, | intervened in time, grabbing Ryley.

Ryley turned around, lowered his head, scrutinizedfor a moment, and asked, “Are you injured?” | shook my head, “No.” The sobering agent had been taking effect since a while ago. My consciousness had mostly recovered, but my body still felt a bit weak; | couldnt stand very steadily. Ryley supportedwith one hand and whispered, “I'll take you back.” Considering the current situation, staying in the bar wasn’t suitable for me.

I nodded, leaning on the wall, and heading towards the staircase.

“Wait.” Nathan's voice cfrom behind me.

Ryley and | halted, turning around to face Nathan.

“How did you end up here?” Nathan asked me.

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I hesitated for a moment.

It seemed everyone had similar questions. But when these words cfrom Nathan, it was genuinely amusing.

“Here? Are you referring to Dark Moon Pack or the bar? If you're asking why I'm at Dark Moon Pack...” | smirked, “Of course, | was invited to attend Alpha Nathan's engagement banquet. But if you're asking why I'm at the bar, it's simply because | wanted to have a drink.’ The corridor wasn’t well-lit, and half of Nathan's face was concealed in the shadows. | couldn't discern his expression and naturally had no idea what he was thinking.

Seeing him remain silent, | lost interest in waiting.

“Anyway...” | took a deep breath, “thanks for helpingjust now. Nothing else, I'll be on my way.” “Diana.” To my surprise, Nathan calledagain.

This time, he even walked up to me.

He lowered his head, getting closer, and his warm breath brushed against my ear.

The next moment, | heard him asking in a voice only the two of us could hear- “Are you still investigating the Gummy Skull case?” Gummy Skull? Why did Nathan bring up Gummy Skull? Could this bar be related to Gummy Skull as well? | glanced sharply at Nathan, and in that split second, my lips accidentally brushed against his ear.

Both Nathan and | were taken aback.

Instinctively, | took a step back, and it happened to be right into Ryley’s arms.

Ryley might have mistakenfor being unsteady; his long arm wrapped around my waist, pullingsnugly against his chest.

At that moment, it felt like | saw a storm raging in Nathan's eyes.