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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 105
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Chapter 105 Avia rushed over, fork still in hand. Upon hearing Nora's voice, she forcefully folded the innocent fork.

| casually glanced at her, withdrew my gaze, and refocused on the conversation with Nora. After exchanging a few pleasantries, Nora mentioned April's birthday.

“I remember you mentioning wanting to give April a unique set of jewelry for her birthday not long ago,” she said.

“Ah... yes.” | looked up at April, who raised an eyebrow mischievously, clearly aware of the surprise.

| sighed in resignation. However, | couldn’t blNora; after all, she didn’t know | had put her on speakerphone.

Nora continued, “This time, | brought four manuscript versions. You can choose any. Of course, if you don’t like any of them, I'll redraw them. | don’t have any other jobs for the next month, so | can focus on helping you design—" “You said you didn’t have time! You lied to me!” Before Nora could finish her sentence, a roar filled with anger erupted in the restaurant, interrupting her.

Nora paused for a few seconds and asked, “What's going on? My ears are almost deaf... Where are you now? In a slaughterhouse? I think | heard the sound of pigs being slaughtered.” April nearly burst into laughter, covering her mouth as we both looked at Avia.

Avia stared wide-eyed, chest heaving violently, resembling a balloon about to burst. “Why is everyone silent?” Nora’s voice echoed again.

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“Nothing...” | suppressed a smile, explaining, “I mean, we're not in a slaughterhouse; we're in a Michelin-starred restaurant.

“What? A Michelin chef slaughtering pigs in front of you?” Nora exclaimed in disbelief.

This time, April couldn’t hold back and burst into laughter.

Nora on the other end was bewildered, “Did | say something wrong? What's happening?” | smirked, casually resting my chin on my hand, leisurely observing Avia, who seemed ready to explode. | sighed and said, “Not pig slaughtering... it's a client who wants to schedule a design appointment with you.” “A client? “prs.

Who?” “lI am Luna Avia of th Dark Moon Pack.” Just as | was about to explain, Avia impatiently took my phone, put it to her mouth, and proudly announced her identity.

“Luna Avia of the Dark Moon Pack?” “Yes, that's me,” Avia sounded arrogant. “There seems to be a misunderstanding between us that needs to be cleared up.” “What misunderstanding?” “Nora Stern, there's something you may not know. I've tried to contact you many times, but your ignorant employees at the stunever informed you about my request for you to design engagement jewelry for me.

They kept using your busy schedule as an excuse to reject my order. I'm sure this wasn’t your intention. | am the Luna of the Dark Moon Pack; how could you refuse my order?” | couldn’t help but feel embarrassed for Avia. So, until now, she still thought Nora didn’t understand her status, leading to the rejection of her jewelry design request? | sighed softly, earning a glare from Avia.

Then, she arrogantly addressed Nora, “Nora Stern, if you want to keep this significant order, immediately fire those ignorant and foolish employees under you. Perhaps | can forgive you then!” “Why should | fire my employees? Did they do something wrong?” Nora’s voice conveyed her confusion.

“They didn’t truthfully inform you of my information, and arrogantly refused my order. Isn't that a mistake?” Avia roared.

“There does seem to be smisunderstanding between us,” Nora said.

“Yes, so you should immediately correct this misunderstanding and then apologize to me,” Avia confidently raised an eyebrow.

“What | mean is...” Nora paused and said, “My employees didn’t hide your order from me; | instructed them to reject you.’ Avia’s eyes slowly widened.

“What did you say? Do you know who | am? | am “I do know,” Nora calmly replied. “It’s precisely because | know that | rejected. I'm sorry, but | can’t design jewelry for someone Diana dislikes. It might make me... nauseous.” Avia was infuriated.

“Nora Stern, | just bought a three-billion-dollar design from you. How dare you speak tolike this? Do you realize you missed the biggest order of your life? You might never see that much money again!” “What does it matter?” Nora sneered. “Is three billion a lot? Honestly, | have designs worth more than three billion. A client spending just three billion withdoesn’t even reach VIP status. What are you so proud of? Oh, by the way... not long ago, a salesperson from the jewelry store called me, saying someone bought my design there. That someone was you, right? You keep saying | might never see your so-called money in my life, but | heard the salesperson say you were hesitant even about paying three billion.” Avia choked up, and for a moment, | was worried she might be so enraged that she’d spit blood.

“Nora Stern, | just bought a three-billion-dollar design from you. How dare you speak tolike this? Do you realize you missed the biggest order of your life? You might never see that much money again!” “What does it matter?” Nora sneered. “Is three billion a lot? Honestly, | have designs worth more than three billion. A client spending just three billion withdoesn’t even reach VIP status. What are you so proud of? Oh, by the way... not long ago, a salesperson from the jewelry store called me, saying someone bought my design there. That someone was you, right? You keep saying | might never see your so-called money in my life, but | heard the salesperson say you were hesitant even about paying three billion.” Avia choked up, and for a moment, | was worried she might be so enraged that she’d spit blood.

“Nora Stern!” Avia shouted, “I, as the Luna of the Dark Moon Pack, order you to design engagement jewelry for me!” Nora coldly chuckled, “Sorry, I'm a member of the Blade Moon Pack. Your orders don’t reach me. But even if you begged, | wouldn't agree...” “Ah! Ah! Ah!” Avia erupted, screaming uncontrollably.

She lifted her arm, instinctively about to throw my phone, but at the critical moment, | grabbed her wrist.

“Sorry, this is my phone,” | forcefully reclaimed it.

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Avia glared at me, looking like she hadn't caught her breath, her face turning somewhat purple.

Her maid, perhaps concerned she might faint from anger, kept soothing her incessantly.

During this gap, | chatted with Nora a bit more and ended the call.

On the other side, Avia’s maid mentioned Nathan’s nand said something, and surprisingly, Avia’s rage diminished significantly.

“Diana, don’t get too complacent,” Avia looked down at me, “Even if | can’t get what Nora designs, so what? It's just a finishing touch for our engagement banquet. Without it, nothing changes! The most crucial thing is my engagement with Nathan! And you...” Avia’s eyes were full of mockery, “I heard that during your two years as Luna, to please Nathan and others in the pack, you even took on the role of a maid. But what was the result? You didn’t even get an engagement ring, let alone an engagement banquet! You're the most pitiful, most laughable one!” My hand holding the utensils paused slightly, a needle-like pain stabbed my heart.

Although | didn’t want to admit it, | couldn't remain indifferent to Nathan and Avia’s impending engagement. But the pain was momentary; soon, | smiled casually.

No need... all love and hate had ended when Nathan chose to believe Avia and deemedthe one who hurt her.

Our reunion was perhaps a mistake from the beginning.

Avia seemed surprised that | could still laugh after hearing her words. The smugness on her face couldn't be sustained on her face couldn't be sustained.

She gritted her teeth, struggling to conceal her embarrassment.

“You can pretend not to care, but that doesn’t change the fact that you're just a discarded woman.” “Smack!” April forcefully put down her utensils.

The restaurant manager, who had been carefully observing us, rushed over immediately, bowing and asking, “Luna, do you have any orders?” “This person,” April pointed at Avia, sternly said, “kick her out, and never allow her into any Michelin-starred restaurant of the Blade Moon Pack in the future.” “Yes!” The restaurant manager gestured, and four bodyguards immediately approached.