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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101 The maid's voice resonated loudly across the hospital lobby, drawing the curious gazes of those around us.

Growing impatient, | shot an annoyed look at the maid, pretending not to understand. “Who's Luna? What's going on?” “Obviously, Dark Moon Pack’s Luna Avia!” The maid glanced proudly around before slowly explaining, “Our Luna had a nightmare last night, feeling unwell in the chest. She needs a Healer to check on her.” Immediately, hushed conversations broke out.

“Since when did Alpha Nathan from Dark Moon Pack get a new wife?” “Haven't heard, but word is he’s getting engaged soon.” “Engaged?” Someone exclaimed, “I thought they were already married. No engagement ceremony? What kind of ‘Luna’ is that?” “Exactly... and is it necessary to call a Healer for just a bad dream?” “Seems too delicate. How could Alpha Nathan choose such a woman as Luna?” The maid's triumphant expression froze. Enraged, she shouted at those talking, “What do you commoners understand? Who gave you the right to discuss our Luna? Believe me, our Alpha can kill you all!” “Kill? Kill whom?” | asked the maid coldly, “Have you forgotten this isn’t the Dark Moon Pack but the Blade Moon Pack?” “So what?” The maid tilted her neck, showing no fear.

Before | could reply, Moss, standing beside me, solemnly explained, “If Alpha Nathan punishes a member of our Pack without Alpha Marc's knowledge, it means the Dark Moon Pack wants to go to war with the Blade Moon Pack. Are you sure you want to represent Alpha Nathan and start a war with us?” The maid's face changed instantly, her eyes gradually showing panic. She stammered, “I-I didn’t mean that. I...” Of course, she didn’t mean that! She didn’t have the courage to provoke a war between two Packs. Even if Nathan found out about this, dismissal would be the lightest punishment.

The maid kept swallowing saliva, her eyes darting around, unable to find the right words. However, after struggling for a while, she resorted to being stubborn and pointed at me, shouting, “Il just want you to ask Healer to check on Luna. Don’t change the subject on purpose!” “Miss,” Moss used the coldest tone I'd ever heard, “forgive my bluntness. You're now pointing at the Princess of the Blade Moon Pack.” The maid quickly withdrew her hand, shoulders shrinking. But soon, she seemed to remember something, and her face of terror turned back into malice.

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“Princess?” She mockingly laughed, deliberately raising her voice, “Even if she’s a princess, she’s an abandoned woman by our Alpha! How? A discarded woman dares to compete with our Luna Avia for nobility? In my opinion, she’s not even worthy of washing Luna's feet!” | narrowed my eyes slightly, a coldness appearing in my gaze. The maid, sensing my look, instinctively took two steps back.

“I-Is what | said not the truth? Are you going to attackjust because | spoke the truth? Lettell you, | am Luna Avia’s maid!” | twisted my wrist, preparing to throw this annoying maid out of my hospital, when suddenly, hurried footsteps cfrom behind, and at the stime, | heard Ryley calling my name.

“Diana-" | paused, turning around as Ryley weaved through the crowd, swiftly approaching 1. me.

“What's up?” | asked.

“Just now, the nurse from the emergency room was looking for you. There's a patient in critical condition needing urgent care. The surgery required is complex, and the doctor with the expertise isn’t currently at the hospital.

They're wondering if you could contact a Healer for immediate assistance.” Without hesitation, | quickened my pace. If the ER was reaching out to me, the situation was undoubtedly serious.

Unexpectedly, the maid tightly gripped my arm. “You can’t leave!” she exclaimed. “You haven't brought Healer to see our Luna.” “Let go!” I'commanded firmly. “Didn’t you hear? There's a patient in the emergency room waiting for a Healer to save their life!” “What does that have to do with our Luna? Can the life of a commoner be more important than Luna’s feelings? You must make the Healer see our Luna first! Otherwise, you can forget about going anywhere!” The maid persisted, holding onto my arm.

Growing impatient, | extended my other hand, gripping the maid's neck. In her reddening face, | stated coldly, “Sorry, but in my eyes, your Luna's feelings are indeed less important than a person’s life. If you dare to obstructagain with Avia’s status, I'll kill you.” | forcefully pushed the maid away and turned to leave.

After swiftly changing into surgical attire, | rushed into the operating room. The patient, a man in his forties, had a saw blade break and pierce into his left ventricle while using a weed cutter.

If I had entered the operating room two minutes later, he would undoubtedly be dead.

The surgery lasted a full two hours.

After two hours, | emerged from the operating room, not immediately changing out of the Healer attire but heading to Avia’s ward.

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With the commotion caused by her maid, | had to check how serious Avia’s illness was.

Avia wasn’t alone in the ward.

In addition to the two maids taking care of her, Nathan and Mrs. Wayne were also present.

At that moment, Nathan and Mrs. Wayne were standing by Avia’s bedside, inquiring about her condition.

Upon seeingenter, Mrs. Wayne immediately put on a stern face. “Why did you take so long? Do you know my precious is suffering? Even if you're Healer, you can’t-" “Mom,” Avia grabbed Mrs. Wayne's sleeve, whispering, “don’t blHealer... The Healer just didn’t receive my message in time, so she didn’t cto seeright away.” “What does that mean?” Mrs. Wayne widened her eyes.

“That's how it is!” The maid who had caused a scene in the hospital lobby a while ago eagerly answered, “Because we didn’t have Healer’s contact information, Luna sent a message to Diana this morning, asking her to inform Healer that she was sick.

However, Diana ignored it. Luna hadpersonally go find Diana, but Diana publicly humiliated me, insulted Luna, and wouldn't let the Healer cto treat Luna. She even said... she even said...” “What did she say?” Mrs. Wayne asked.

“She said Luna’s life doesn’t matter, and she wants to kill me!” The maid said, looking very wrong.