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The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 631
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Chapter 0631 Things were quiet on the way back to the palace. We'd managed to escape before we saw a bear. Nicholas had seemed confident that none of the people we had run into had been a bear shifter.

"I would have known," Nicholas said. "Their smell would have given them away." Alphas had sensitive noses, so I had to assthat was true. Whatever the case, we managed to return to the palace without incident. Tiffany took the photo of the twins and rushed back to the sitting room we had been using for our meetings.

Once she was gone, Veronica sighed. "She's been trying so hard to make the most of the tshe thinks she has left." All of us looked at Julian, but he glanced away, avoiding all of our glances.

"We could all do with that determination," Julian said. "Since we are working to stop a war before it can begin." With that, he, too, went down the hallway, following in Tiffany's steps.

Veronica nodded at me, and at Nicholas, and then shadowed Julian in the sdirection.

I wanted to help, too. It would take all hands on deck to track down all the orphanages and foster homes between the northern border and the small town.

But there was something else on my mind first. A much different matter needed my attention before the elimination ceremony tomorrow.

With the others gone, I turned to Nicholas.

"I need to speak with your parents," I said. It was tto make my decision, and take my stand.

I was frightened, of course. Defying the king wasn't recommended if you wanted to live a long, healthy life. But wasn't going to let that fear stand in my way anymore.

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The kingdom was too important.

Nicholas was too important.

Nicholas gavean uncertain look. He knew about his father's desire forto withdraw from the competition and throw my support behind Bridget.

I hoped he trustedto make the right choice.

"Do you think they'll see me?" I asked him.

Nicholas looked athard for a moment more, then he stood taller and nodded. "Let's find out." He held out his hand for me. I immediately took it, and together, we went in search of Nathan.

An hour later, I stood beside Nicholas in front of the King and Queen. The Queen was sitting down, enjoying her tea. She did not greet us beyond a soft nod of her head. The King was pacing back and forth in the space behind her chair.

His hair seemed even grayer than the last tI had seen him. I regretted that this conversation was likely to add more stress to his life.

But it could not be helped. I'd made my decision, and I wouldn't drag it out anymore.

"I hope you are here to tellgood news," the King said. He stopped pacing only long enough to stop, face us, and say those words. Then he began walking again.

"I've decided what to do about your... suggestion," I said carefully. While he hadn't made any overt threats, I knew his idea that I should withdraw was less of a suggestion and more of a blatant command from my king.

I really hoped I lived through this day.

Shaking my head, I clawed at the bravery buried deep inside of myself. Nicholas was beside me. He wouldn't letbe killed or tried for eason.

The King stopped again and faced me. "Tell me, then." His fierce gaze bore into me. I swallowed down a rising lump of fear in the wake of such piercing focus. I wouldn't be intimidated now. I had to be strong for the man I loved and the future I wanted for all of us.

"I will not be withdrawing from the competition," I said.

The King froze. The Queen lowered her teacup down to the saucer with a loud clink.

"You need to think about what you are saying," the Queen said, her voice eerily calm. "You would sacrifice the good of the nation... and for what? Your own selfish gains?" "No," I said.

Although I did struggle for a long while about whether accepting my feelings for Nicholas would indeed be selfish of me, I have now learned to embrace them. Especially when the alternative would place Bridget on the throne.

"Bridget is not fit to be Nicholas's Luna. If you had askedto support another, then maybe. But I will not surrender this nation or the man I love more than any other to that fiend who has tand again placed her own needs and desires about those of the people around her." This time, it was Nicholas who went very still. I didn't know why he would be surprised. Surely he knew the depths of my affection for him? I supposed I never said it out loud. I wished the first thadn't been here, in front of his parents, but needs must.

I would simply have to tell him again later, more privately, when it was just the two of us.

"Bridget is a well-loved champion of the people -* the Queen began.

*Piper is right and we all know it," Nicholas said.

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"Don't interrupt your mother," the King scolded.

Nicholas looked at him. "TellI'm lying." The King ran a hand down his face.

"Bridget would put herself first. She would care for her own gains before that of this kingdom. And she would be a terrible partner for me," Nicholas said.

"And what is your solution then, Nicholas?" the Queen asked. She lifted her hand toward me.

"Yes," Nicholas said. "I would rather have someone caring and compassionate at my side." *She is common, Nicholas," the Queen said, like I wasn't standing right there.

*She brings a unique perspective," Nicholas countered. "And the people adore her." The Queen sighs deeply. "Nicholas... What are we to do with you...?"

"Piper," the King said, and I straightened, realizing I was being addressed. "I would ask that you leave the room so that we may speak with my son privately on this matter." I wasn't so sure that was a good idea. Had my rejection of his suggestion been firm enough? Did I need to make myself clearer?

"Your Majesty," I began. I lowered my head in reverence, but kept my feet firmly planted/ "Am 1 to attend the elimination ceremony tomorrow?" The King was quiet a moment, long enough for my nerves to prickle and my heart to ache. But then he said, "How else would you know if you have been selected?"

That was as good as confirmation as I could expect. My rejection had been heard and respected. Now it was up to the nature of the competition, whether I stayed or went. "Now, please. Leave us," the King said.

I side-eyed Nicholas, to make sure he was okay with this. He caught my gaze and nodded.

*I also need stalone to speak with my parents," Nicholas said. "I will catch up with you at the ceremony tomorrow." Tomorrow? Disappointment flooded through me, though I did my best to school it from my face.

He didn't want to seetonight? For what could possibly be my last night in the palace? I tried not to let my worries get the better of me, as I nodded and saw myself out from the room.

In the hallway, Nathan closed the door behind me, giving the royal family sprivacy. Why wouldn't Nicholas want to seelater? Was something else going on? Like RICH WOMEN? These women desperately want a mature men! JOIN NOW *Waming these rich women will persue you.