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The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 532
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Chapter 0532 .

Fortunately, Selma did not reach for the door once it was open. With it open, it concealed most of Nicholas and me, though if she looked back, and looked closely, she would certainly see our shoes or our sides.

The space behind the door was cramped.Nicholas's arms tightened around me ever closer to his body until our fronts were fully ligned. wih fly firgifi foumeigfy it took far longer than i should have for me to recognize the intimacy of our Sositing | iE I looked up at ictus him staring down at me. His golden eyes shone brightly, even in the dim light, with the flecks of green within them flickering. He God, he was so handsome. Every time I looked at it, he threatened to steal my breath away. I could have stared at him EC my dying day and died happy. For now, I would stare for as longas1 4


He seemed content to stare right back.

“I brought you some waffles with whipped cream and fresh fruit this morning,” Selma said. “I hope you like them.” Selma’s voice sipied me out of my lust-filled musings and I remembered where I was. I tilted my head a little, al ul iin | I enough to catch sight of Selma and Charlotte through the crack between the door and the door jam. i Selma handed a tray of food to Charlotte, who turned and placed it down on the desk.

“I won't say thank you, » Charlotte grumbled.

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Selma crossed her hands over her waist. Her back was to me, I couldn't see her face, but her stature seemed turned in on itself. “I’ve already apologized for this.” “Apologies don’t get me out of this

locked room,” Charlotte said.

“you'll be heading back to the palace today,” Selma said. “The airplane will arrive after lunch to take you back.” “I want to see Piper before I go,” Charlotte said.

“That’s impossible.” Why?” Selma paused a moment The candidates have already left for today's event. It’s an obvious lie. Even if I hadn't been hiding behind the door, I doubted Charlotte would have believed it.

Charlotte knew my itinerary in advance. Even with the last minute events, information passed through the servants first. She would know that nothing was scheduled for today.

Charlotte did not disappoint me. She lifted her head high and said, “There’s no event today.”

Selma’s tough demeanor crumbled almost instantly. “You must simply take my word for it then. You cannot see her before you leave. When she returns to the palace, you may speak again.” “Those are not typical rules,” Charlotte said. “I wasn’t aware that you had the right to deny me from seeing my mistress.” “Typically I wouldn't,” Selma admitted, “But these are special circumstances.” “Special circumstances? ” Charlotte scoffed. “It sounds to me like you are attempting to sabotage Piper!” Charlotte’s rai cic seemed to breathe fresh life into Selma. She I puffed up as well. “We have an obligation to follow the royals’ wishes,” Selma said sharply.

“The royals? Why would they want to sabotage Piper?” Charlotte was playing dumb now, in an attempt to

garner more information.

“It is not our place to try to understand them,” Selma said, shutting down that attempt. “We simply do as they say. I trust you do not want word of your disagreement to make its way back to the King?” Charlotte fell silent. I couldn’t blame her. Her livelihood was on the line. I only knew a small bit of Charlotte’s personal life, she didn’t talk of it much. But I knew that she survived on her work as a maid in the palace.

I knew what it was like to be one job away from the direst of straits.

“Have your bags Sliced by noon. We will forgo lunch today. You can eat on the plane.” Selma turned abruptly toward the door. I stilled, not blinking or even breathing. Behind me, Nicholas was like a statue.

Only my heart moved within me, racing out of control. 1 didn’t know

what we would do if she saw us, or how we would explain our presence.

Fortunately, she grabbed the handle of the door and began to pull it closed as she walked through the doorway.

But then, suddenly, she stopped again.

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My heart leaped into my throat.

Selma turned around.

Had we been caught? “Enjoy your waffles,” Selma said, and then closed the door. She locked it once more with the key she must have carried. I didn’t move again until her footsteps disappeared down the corridor. Then, like a puppet with the strings cut, I exhaled and all of the tension slipped from my body. I was entirely deflated, held upright mostly by the strength of Nicholas’s arm around me. Eo I lowered my forehead to his chest “and just breathed. il

“That was close,” I whispered. Nicholas was my anchor. “You're safe A “You aren’t alone here, don’t forget,” Julian said, teasing, and I began to blush.

Slowly, Nicholas loosened his hold and I slipped aupy from him. When I turned back toward the group, Julian was out from under the bed. His arms were crossed and hes was smiling at me with a devilish expression. Charlotte stood beside im , worry all over her face. “You have to be careful,Piper .If the King himself is out for you there's nothing or any other servant will be able to do to stop him.

We are bound to his commands.” I couldn’t quite imagine a world where Charlotte wouldn't stand against those who actively wanted to harm me. But the King must have known that too, choosing to lock her up rather than to bring her into his lans for sabotage. 4

“I understand,” I said, and I did. “I'll be careful.” Yet I wasn’t sure how much even being careful would save me against the will of the King.

“Why don’t you stay with me?” 1 asked her. “Julian can bust us out of here, and once you are free, it will make a huge scene to try to lock youup again.” Charlotte gave me a soft, sad sort of smile, even as she shook her head. “ I'm sorry, Piper. Selma was right about what thing. We as servants have an obligation to the power of the crown. I have been ordered to return to the palace, and I have to obey that order, as much as I'd like not to.” I nodded, signaling my understanding. How I wished everything was different. Even to know why the King was suddenly actively against me would help me to more fully prepare for the trials ahead. Right now, I didn’t even know how to defend »

myself! Charlotte looked first to Julian and then to Nicholas, as she said, “I am entrusting the two of you to keep Piper safe.” “Of course,” Julian said. Charlotte gave him a flat look. “No leading her into more trouble than she’s already in Julian placed a hand over his heart, . looking affronted weere it not for his growing smile. would I do that?” No one said anything, because no one had to. He absolutely would lead me into more trouble. I didn’t need a crystal ball to tell me that future. | Nicholas, meanwhile, was more | steadfast. He stepped closer to my side, and said, “I will protect her, no matter what.” |