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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 85
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85 WHO?


As I made my way out of the building, my heart raced with anticipation and my eyes

scanned every corner, searching for the mysterious figure I was supposed to meet. The

bustling crowd outside was filled with people engaged in various

conversations, but amidst it all, I couldn’t seem to spot the young man I was looking for.

I remembered he was supposed to be wearing a hoodie, but then again, I couldn’t be sure.

Perhaps he had changed his appearance or was trying to conceal his identity more and


Frustration began to creep in as I continued to look around, my hands resting on my waist

in a gesture of annoyance. I couldn’t shake off the feeling that this guy was playing some

sort of game with me, and he seemed like the type who enjoyed pulling pranks and

tricking people. It was starting to feel like a wild goose chase, and I couldn’t help but

wonder if it was all just a big joke.

After what felt like an eternity, I finally spotted the person I had been eagerly anticipating.

His white hoodie and masked face were a familiar sight, just like the last time we met.

I couldn’t help but feel a bit annoyed at his tardiness. He had sent me a text to meet him

outside, yet he was the one who arrived late. I wanted to give him a piece of my mind, but

I held back.

“Luke Reynold, I see you’ve been waiting for me,” he spoke, his voice muffled by the

mask. I couldn’t decipher his expression, but I could sense his amusement.

“Yes, where have you been?” I asked, trying to keep my frustration in check. ‘ I’ve been

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waiting for quite some time now. I almost left.”

The man chuckled, his eyes twinkling behind the mask. “If you had left, that would’ve

been your loss.”


“Let’s not waste any more of our precious time, shall we?” The man with the enigmatic

mask inched closer. “So, are you finally ready to get the deal done?”

I let out a heavy sigh, not wanting to prolong this any further. “Yes, I suppose I am.”

He chuckled, his eyes twinkling mischievously. “Excellent. I wouldn’t want anyone to start

playing games with me later on.”

“I should be the one saying that,” I retorted, eyeing him up and down. “You seem



like quite the trickster to me.‘

He burst into a fit of laughter, leaving me utterly perplexed. What was so amusing? Had

he already begun to display his madness?

I could only watch as he laughed, unsure of what to do or say. After what felt like an

eternity, he finally calmed down and took a deep breath. “Sorry about that,” he wiped a

tear from his eye. “I just couldn’t resist.”

I raised an eyebrow, still trying to make sense of the situation. “Are you finished now?”

“Just a moment,” he said, trying to stifle another laugh. I rolled my eyes and looked away,

tapping my foot impatiently on the ground.

Finally, his laughter subsided and I turned to him. “So, can we continue now?”

“Of course,” His expression was serious once again. “Where were we before you went off

on a tangent?” He scratched the back of his head, trying to remember our initial topic of


“You mentioned someone was planning to kill me, right? I need to know the truth.”

He didn’t respond immediately, instead meeting my gaze with a cool, unreadable

expression. “What is it that you need to know?” he finally asked, his tone guarded.

I took a deep breath. “I need to know if this person had anything to do with the attack on

my house two weeks ago,” I explained, my words coming out slowly as I struggled to

make sense of everything.

The masked man let out a heavy sigh, as if he was tired of this conversation already.

“What do you think?” he asked, his voice tinged with annoyance.

I couldn’t help but feel frustrated by his response. “I don’t know!” I snapped, my irritation

bubbling to the surface. “You’re supposed to have the answers, aren’t you?”

A hint of anger flashed in his eyes. “Do you think I’m some sort of omniscient figure who

knows everything about everyone?” he retorted, his voice rising.

I was quite startled by his sudden outburst. “No, of course not,” I replied, my own voice

moving with frustration. “But I have a feeling that you know more than you’re letting on.

That man who attacked me, he said he was sent by someone. Do you have any idea that

could be?”

The masked man let out a slow, solemn nod. “I see,” he said, his tone softening. You’re

lucky to be alive today, you know.”

I couldn’t help but scoff at his words. “Lucky?” I repeated, my voice laced with bitterness.

“If I was lucky, my cousin would still be here, sitting next to me and making jokes to

brighten my day. But instead, she’s gone because of this person who wants me dead.”

The masked man seemed to sense my inner turmoil and spoke up, “Don’t stress yourself,

Luke Reynold. Even if you were to think for ten thousand hours, you still wouldn’t be able

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to figure out who this person is. You need help.”

“Who? Who’s this person?” I aksed softly. The question was more directed to myself.

Who was actually this person, that wanted to ruin me? Who had the hate that wanted to

wreck me for good. Taking my mind back to the past, and I could barely see myself

developing a feud with someone. Or wait, I was just talking nonsense now. Of course, I did

burst into a lot of actions, enough for someone to shoot the living soul out of me. But this

was just fucked up.

The masked man fixed his hands together. “This person is someone you know. Someone

you used to hold dear, someone who was once precious to you.”

I furrowed my brow, trying to think of anyone who could fit that description. But my mind

drew a blank. “Someone precious to me? I don’t understand.”

The masked man let out a sigh. “Yes, this person was very precious to you. And even if

you were to try your best to figure it out, you wouldn’t be able to. So it’s best to calm your


I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Someone I used to cherish was now my enemy, and

I had no idea who it could be. It was a sobering realization, and I couldn’t help but feel a

sense of betrayal and hurt.

Whoever that was, the person was going to pay for the pain brought to me. And the

sadness which flooded my heart.

“Just so you know, I go by Lucifer,” the masked man informed me. “And about the

payment, are you finally ready to follow through with it?”

I paused, considering his question. “I believe I am.”

“Excellent,” he replied with a sense of satisfaction. “We’ll continue this talk tomorrow

then. Right now, it seems like you’re about to have the moment of your life.”

I furrowed my brows/in confusion. “Moment of my life? What do you mean by that?”

Immediately, I felt someone’s hands on me, kneading my tense shoulders

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!