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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 61
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All eyes turned towards Harriet as she stood at the entrance, wearing a disapproving expression. Ariel

and I exchanged glances, both equally surprised and curious about her unexpected presence. I didn’t

know if Ariel was surprised, but I was.

I couldn’t hide my disapproving glare, wondering why Harriet had chosen this particular moment to

make an appearance. And of course, I knew why she had come here. But trust me, wasn’t going to let

her create a scene.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly felt tense as Harriet remained silent, offering no explanation for

her unexpected arrival. Her presence was like a dark cloud casting a shadow over the joyous occasion.

It seemed as though everyone held their breath, waiting for an explanation that never came.

I couldn’t help but think back to the past, recalling the conflicts and misunderstandings that had

strained our relationship. Harriet had always been a source of disruption, seemingly finding pleasure in

creating chaos wherever she went.

And not just that, her disgusting actions had caused deep wounds and bitter resentments, leading to

the fractured bond between us. She did the unthinkable, breaking my trust. The dreams of spending a

life with her had already faded.

I continued to observe Harriet, noticing a flicker of vulnerability in her eyes. It was a brief moment of

transparency that revealed a glimpse of the pain she carried within. But I didn’t care one bit.

I let go of Ariel’s hands and walked away from the altar. Harriet slowly moved in my direction with a sad

countenance, and her eyes filled up with tears.

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“Luke,” she called my name. Her voice was broken. It seemed like she had been crying her heart out all

this time.

“What are you doing here?” I asked her, trying my best to be low. We had gotten close to each other,

and all eyes were fixed on the both of us.

“So you were serious when you said you wanted to marry this woman?” Harriet spoke loudly; her eyes

were still filled with tears. And it seemed like this lady could explode any minute.

“Give me an answer to my question, will you? What are you doing here?” I quizzed her again.

Harriet’s eyes went straight to Ariel, and the glare was terrifically frightening. Seriously, this was the

most horrific expression I had seen on her face since I knew her. She looked like she could kill

someone or something.

“That witch has blinded you, right?” Harriet spoke harshly.

“You need to calm down and leave, okay?” I told her. My tone was gentle.

“There is no way I’m going to let her get away with this.”

“Will you keep it down? She has nothing to do with this,” I said.

“No,” Harriet replied, still giving Ariel the angry look. “And I’m going to make her pay,” she said bitterly,

and wanted to march to Ariel, but I stopped her, seizing her arm.

of me, Luke!” She demanded.

“Let go of

“No, there is no way I’m going to let you do something stupid.” I tightened my grip.

“I can’t believe you would do this, Luke. You betrayed me.” Harriet burst into tears. I wasn’t going to

feel sorry for her.

“It’s best you leave. I don’t want to see you get hurt more than this,” I said to her.

“You’re right, it’s best I leave,” Harriet uttered, wiping away her tears. She seemed like she had already

calmed down, so I let go of her in a slow manner.

And to my surprise, she punched me in the stomach, causing me to shift backwards a little. She quickly

walked away from me and made her way to the altar. I ran after her and seized her hand, but then she

had to step on my foot.

When let go of her, she bolted to the altar. Everyone was just watching what was happening, all with

confused countenances.

Harriet marched to Ariel with a glare. But the priest walked to her immediately.

“Woman! Who do you think you are to ruin this lovely occasion?” The priest rebuked Harriet.

“I respect people like you a lot. But if you dare try to stop me, I swear to God, I’m going to make you

regret it,” Harriet warned him.

“How dare you use the Lord’s name in vain?” The priest shrieked. “And what are you going to do? Do

you think I’m scared of you? I can never be afraid of anyone because I have God by my side. Yes, I

have The….”

He trailed off the moment Harriet pointed him with a gun she had brought out of her purse. Noise filled

the hall as everyone was involved in different conversations.

“Harriet!” I snapped, and as I was about to head towards her, she pointed her gun at me.

“Don’t you dare move. I won’t be afraid to shoot you!” Harriet’s words shocked me.

“Oh really? You’re going to shoot me?” I asked her softly. She was still pointing her gun at me, her eyes

filled with sorrow and anger-so many tears right there.

“I’m warning you, Luke,” Harriet said, crying as I took a step forward. I glanced at Ariel, and she wasn’t

even saying anything. There was no reaction from her in this situation.

“Woman! I can see how the evil is moving in your veins right now. There is no need for you to be a

devil.”The priest spoke to Harriet.

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She quickly pointed her gun at him. “Shut up! The only devil here is this lady.”She barked, and she

pointed her gun at Ariel. She’s the one who stole everything from me.”

“Look, Harriet, you need to calm down,” Ariel told Harriet in a soft tone. “Don’t let your anger get the

best of you.”

“Stop trying to act all innocent!” Harriet snapped. “Luke was madly in love with me. But then, you had to

come and snatch him from me.”

She was talking like we were dating before I got married to Ariel. Meanwhile, I was already in that

goddamn relationship with Ariel before I met Harriet. But in conclusion, this is all my fault.

“So what are you going to do now? Kill me?” Ariel raised an eyebrow as both of her hands were lifted

up a little.

“Yes, I am going to kill you! I’m going to send you straight to hell, just where you belong!” Harriet


“Don’t you know that murder is a sin? You have no right to kill your fellow human!“ The priest tongue-

lashed Harriet.

“Will you just shut up?” She shouted at him.

“No, I won’t. I cannot just stand and watch someone do something so sinful. Our Father in Heaven will

not be happy with you.

“Shut up!” Harriet barked and shot the priest in the head. Everyone gasped immediately. The priest fell


“That’s what he gets for trying to mess with me.” Harriet glared at the dead priest. I couldn’t actually

believe that she would kill someone. I could see her madness had gone to a whole new level.

“And you!” She turned to Ariel, who immediately shifted back. “Any last words?”

I could see the fear in Ariel’s eyes, and I didn’t like what was happening at the moment. This had gone

too far. I needed to put an end to Harriet’s madness.