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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 49
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Okay, so I had gone a little far in this saunter of mine, and I couldn’t stop thinking about the argument I

had with Ariel. She was really annoying, to the point that I was about to unleash the beast inside of me.

Growing up and living my life all these years, I don’t think I’ve touched a woman. In fact, I even hated it

when men did that to ladies, to their wives. I find it so absurd. But moments ago, there was almost a

change of thoughts. Ariel’s annoying words almost caused me to transfigure into a monster, and I was

seriously avoiding that. I’m glad that I wasn’t taken away by anger.

Now, a promise had already been made to my grandfather, and I would be spending the rest of my

goddamn life with that woman. I pray I don’t beat the living soul out of her; it’s something I never

wanted. So, if she wanted me to fulfill my grandfather’s wishes completely, she better compose


I was still treading in the forest, hearing different sounds of creatures that were scary enough to make

someone jump off their butts continuously.

I had to cease this walk the moment I saw dead bodies on the ground, and some were being devoured

by worms. It was really disgusting and frightful for some people, I guess, but not me.

I couldn’t take my eyes off these lifeless bodies, and I kind of felt sorry for these people. It was obvious

that they were murdered. And anyone else, except for me, who was moving in this forest, might have

the same fate.

Now that I have come to think of it, Ariel’s still in the forest, and if care’s not taken, she might be killed

as well. We all know that a lady’s terror is worse than that of a chicken. And even though I hated her, I

wasn’t going to let anything terrific happen to her. She was not going to be a dead piece of crap.

Hell no.

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After all these thoughts, I turned around, making my way to where I had left Ariel, along with that

baldheaded man. What was his name again? Oh yeah, Foster.




“Ariel Clinton, one of the owners of The Vitality Group. It’s such a nice thing to see you,” Blake said,

walking closer in my direction. Oh yeah, Foster was behind me.

There were three men who stood behind Blake, looking sort of huge, with shades on their eyes, and

each of them was holding guns, which had me really terrified.

And if you’re wondering, Blake used to be a worker at The Vitality Group. A remarkable one, for that

matter, gaining the trust of André and others. But I always had my doubts about him. And I had to find

out that he was stealing some of the company’s money and that he was planning to take everything. I

didn’t know how, but it was his scheme.

Well, I had to expose him, and that was how he lost his job. So, taking a look at these men with guns, I

could tell that he had finally come to take revenge.

“Blake? What are you doing here?” I made a confused face, although I could guess the reason I was

seeing his hideous face at the moment.

“I should be asking you that. What are you doing here?” His countenance was covered with a false


“I think you know the answer to that,” I replied, and my tone wasn’t friendly at all.

Blake laughed softly. “No, I don’t. But I think I’ll make a quick guess. You’re running for your life, right?”

I didn’t give him a reply, but my look said everything. And even though my anger was so intense, would

it be powerful enough to prevail over bullets? I feel like those men are going to fire me at any moment.

Let them hit the chest anyway, the burdens would finally be lifted.


Foster quickly pointed at Blake and wanted to shoot, but I stopped him. When I turned to Blake, I could

see how the three men were already pointing their guns at us.

“Act crazy and die crazy,” one of the men said, their guns still pointing at Foster and I. However, Blake

enjoined them to drop their guns, and they slowly did that.

“I ask again, what are you doing here?” My unfriendly tone remained, and my face was all frowny.


Blake sighed, still with his fake grin. “I just came to enjoy the sweet scent of nature, taking a look at the

beautiful trees and the ravishing sky. Everything is just so wonderful, isn’t it?”

“Just get straight to the point!” I snapped, crossing my arms.

“You’re right. You’re right. I should get straight to the point,” Blake said, gently stroking his chin with his

eyes downward. That irritating smile was still on his face, and it made me sick.

And when he laid his eyes on me, he said, “I attacked you twice, but you escaped death. How lucky are

you?” He exhaled deeply after that. “But it’s too bad; luck won’t be on your side this time.”

“Who are you?” Foster asked Blake bitterly.

“Let’s just say I’m the hero here, trying to put an end to the villain, right in my story.” Blake smirked

at Foster.

“And who is the villain?” Foster’s question came with a raised eyebrow.

Blake shook his head with a sigh. “Are you dumb, or what? Can’t you see a lady standing right next to


“You need to have some respect, young man. Don’t make me rip your heart out. I won’t regret a thing.


Foster was now about to march to Blake, but I got in front of him.


“You need to calm down, okay?” I whispered to Foster.

“Calm down? Those guys need to be taught a lesson.”

“I know, but if you try to act stupid…”

“Stupid?” Foster cut me off.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm



I suspired, and my hushed tone continued, “Sorry, I don’t think I know any other word to use. But if we

act without thinking, they are going to kill us.”

“Fight or not, either way, they’re going to kill us,” Foster disagreed. “So it’s best we just give these

animals what they deserve.”

Foster wanted to move towards them, but I had to stop him again.

“No, no. Don’t let your anger get the best of you,” I tried to calm him down.

“Do those guys look like they came here to play?” Foster glanced at Blake and set his eyes back on

me. “They got guns, and I believe they’re the ones who were shooting at you and Luke earlier. Turns

out Luke isn’t the one they’re after. They thirst for your blood, and you’re just going to stand here like a

statue? We need to fight back. Who knows? We might come out victorious.”

I glanced at Blake. His smirk was still lingering on his face, and his hands were in both of his pockets.

“Are the two of you done talking?” Blake asked.

I quickly averted my gaze and looked at Foster. “I understand you, Foster, but there’s no need for us to

fight back.”


Foster rolled his eyes. “You have got to be kidding me.


“No, no, try to understand.” I held both of his shoulders. “Acting bold is never the answer. We need to

plead with them to spare our lives.”

“Over my

dead body!” Foster spoke immediately. “Never happening in Old Pops Dickson’s yard.”

“What’s going on here?” I heard Luke’s voice, and I turned around right away.

Act Fast: Free Bonus Time is Running Out!