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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 44
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Harriet’s eyes grew big with surprise when she caught sight of Tiffany standing beside me. The scene

before her was completely unbelievable. She couldn’t wrap her head around it. But who cared anyway?

The air seemed to freeze around Harriet, and her mind was obviously racing to make sense of the

whole situation. Just by looking at her, I could tell her heart pounded in her chest, with a mix of

emotions flooding her head.

Harriet’s gaze zipped between Tiffany and I, and she was probably going crazy right now, obviously

searching for answers that seemed to shuffle out of her grasp. And I have to say, I loved this scene.

How she was open–mouthed, submerging in exhilarating shock.

Tiffany broke the hug, and turned to look at Harriet. Harriet quickly marched closer, and dragged Tiffany

from me. I wanted that, but not this way.

Harriet’s sudden outburst of aggression left me completely stunned. She forcefully slapped Tiffany, not

just once, but twice, and it was just so wild.

Of course, I clearly understood why she would resort to such violent behavior. But she went a little bit


Tiffany, in disbelief, held her reddened cheek, and her countenance was a mix of pain and confusion.

I felt bad for her, and indeed, I was guilty of this.

I watched as she slowly turned towards Harriet, hoping for an explanation or maybe even an apology,

but instead, she received yet another forceful slap across the face.

The impact of each slap echoed through the room, leaving everyone stunned. The doctors, nurses, and

all those who were present at the moment.

Tiffany stumbled backwards, as Harriet, who was consumed by a surge of rage, aggressively shoved

her. The sound of Tiffany’s body hitting the floor resounded, increasing the tension in the room.

I didn’t like this behavior at all. It was clear that Harriet had gone crazy these past few days. And I

wouldn’t mind taking her to a mental asylum.

I froze for a moment, still observing Harriet, who was burning with rage. Her blood was obviously

boiling, and she must probably be feeling like a WWE superstar at the moment. But I had to realize

something; she was following me. It was quite clear.


wrong with you?” I barked at Harriet, as I went to grab Tiffany.

Harriet drove her hands through her hair, and the look on her face was crazy. “So this is what you do,

huh? I finally know who you are.”

“Are you out of your senses?” I snapped at Harriet. “Why the hell would you do all that to her?”



“Because she deserves it,” Harriet spat. “She’s messing with my man, and she needs to face the


“For the love of God, Harriet, I am not your man. Stop being so delusional!”

“What’s going on here?” Tiffany asked lowly, with her hand still lingering on her face.

“Shut up! No one asked you to talk!” Harriet snarled at her.

“You shut up!” Harriet had to cause me to bark at her once more. I was sick of it, but I needed to follow

through with it. “Why do you have to be so crazy, huh?”

“You’re calling me crazy?” Harriet chuckled. “You’re the one who’s crazy around here!”

Glaring at Harriet, Tiffany got up, and broke free from my grip. I knew she was about to do something


“Who the hell do you think you are huh?” Tiffany snarled at Harriet.

Harriet gave Tiffany a black look. “Be active on social media, I think you’ll know who..”

Tiffany’s interruption was abrupt and forceful as her hand connected with Harriet’s face, resulting in a

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resounding slap that echoed through the room. The impact was astonishing, leaving everyone stunned

by the sheer force of it.

Harriet, receiving this slap, experienced a wave of intense pain moving through her cheek. Although I

wasn’t the one who got slapped, I could sense the agony that Harriet must have felt. It was so painful.

But she deserved it.

The atmosphere in the room shifted immediately, as the silence was shattered by the sound of the slap.

The eyes of everyone were fixed on Tiffany and Harriet, frozen in disbelief at their fascinating actions. It

was a scene that no one expected, and the tension hung heavily in the air.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as Harriet’s hand reached for her reddened cheek, the mark

of Tiffany’s fury etched upon her skin. The impact of that single slap was so powerful, that it was the

combination of all of Harriet’s powerful slaps.

People began to whisper, captivated by the actions of both ladies. This was more like a movie, and

anyone would want to grab popcorn in this one. But I didn’t relish the moment. Because this violence

was happening all because of me.

Harriet shifted her gaze to me, her hand still lingering on her face. “Can you see what she just did?”

I didn’t give her a reply. I wanted this to end as soon as possible. I came here for a purpose, not to

watch these people behave like children.

“Why are you talking? You started it.” Riley told Harriet. She was given a dark look immediately.

Tiffany looked at me. “Luke, what’s going on? Who is this psychopath?”

I glanced at Tiffany, and took my gaze away, ignoring her question.



“Answer me, Luke!” Tiffany captured my arm, and I didn’t hesitate to give her a death stare. She let go


“The two of can kill yourself if you want, that’s none of my business,” I said, and was about to walk

away. However, Harriet seized my arm.

“Let go of me!” I broke her grip. “And stop following me!” I snapped, and left their presence, with Riley

moving behind.


“So are you going to tell me how the Luke situation’s going, or not?” Mason aksed me, crossing his


“Remember, Lukel, Janice,” he said inaudibly, raising his eyebrows. “You don’t want anything bad

happening to them.”

“Fine. I’ll tell you,” I finally spoke. “Luke has decided to marry me.”


Mason’s face became filled with happiness. “Wow, are you for real?” He aksed, and I nodded. “I hope

you’re not lying to me.”

“Why would I want to lie to you?”

“Oh I got millions of reasons,” he replied, with a smirk.

I looked at him for a moment. “Okay, I totally get that.”

“Of course.” Mason clapped, walking away from the fire. “When are the two of you getting married


“Well, he said tomorrow. And I don’t know if he’s joking or not.


“Tomorrow? Fascinating, fascinating,” Mason said, fixing his fingers on his chin.

“Hey, don’t get too happy, okay? That man’s a psychopath. You can’t actually trust his words.”

“I don’t care. Just get married to him as soon as possible. We’ll need to be fast in this.”

“You don’t have to worry. I’ll try my very best. And if the story about your girlfriend is true, I’ll make sure

he pays for taking her life.”

“Don’t try to act caring now. It’s really weird.”

“I was only feeling sorry for you.”

Mason chuckled. “I don’t want you feeling sorry for me.

He walked away, and I suspired before following him.







The air was thick with sorrow as we all, mourners gathered at the tranquil cemetery, their hearts heavy

with grief. We were at the funeral of my grandfather, and this was indeed a painful moment.

We were all seated, the rows of chairs lining the freshly dug grave, adorned with wreaths of white lilies

and crimson roses. Lots of faces around here, some were great friends with him. While others were the

ones who met him just once, or a couple of times. I didn’t know, but everyone loved him around here.

I sat alone in a chair near the front, my eyes were puffy and red from the tears which I had shed. My

hands trembled as I clutched a black handkerchief. I was trying to find solace in its fabric.

The memories of my grandfather flooded my mind, each one a bittersweet reminder of the bond we

had shed together. His voice was still echoing in my head. All the things he said, and the fun we had

together. These were all precious to me.

All these thoughts continued to dwell in my head while the priest offered words of comfort and hope,

talking about my grandfather, in a gentle voice.

My eyes went to the wooden casket, draped in a velvet cloth, which stood as a symbol of finality. And

at this point, my heart ached with the weight of loss, as I recalled the countless stories and life lessons

my grandfather had imparted to me.

As the soft breeze rustled through the leaves, I could hear people sharing hushed conversations. I was

just silent, short of words, and it seemed like my lips had frozen.

Each and every one of us bowed our head, as the priest carried out the final prayer. And when he was

done, I moved forward to the pulpit to deliver a eulogy. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my voice,

and began to speak.

“Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you all for being here today to honor the life of my beloved

grandfather. Words cannot express the depth of my gratitude for the time we had together and the

impact he had on my life.”

My voice cracked, and I paused to compose myself before continuing.

‘Grandpa was a man of unwavering strength and integrity. He had a way of making you feel seen,

heard, and loved. He taught me the importance of family, the value of hard work, and the power of


A tear rolled down my cheek, but I pressed on to share these memories. I was not going to end here.

“I’ll never forget those long summer days spent fishing at the lake. Grandpa would patiently sit beside

me, sharing stories of his own childhood and imparting wisdom that I’ll carry with me forever. He taught

me to appreciate nature’s beauty, to find solace in its tranquility.”

I looked out at the gathering, seeing tearful eyes and nods of understanding. And then, my eyes


caught Ariel, ensconcing herself in one of the chairs. I froze for a minute, staring at her, and the looked

into my eyes as well. But I had to cease that.


I continued, “Grandpa had an infectious laughter that could light up a room. His sense of humor was

legendary, and he had a way of finding joy in the simplest of moments. He taught me to embrace life’s

humor, to find laughter even amidst the darkest of times.”

A faint smile appeared on my lips as I reminisced all those beautiful moments. Too bad everything

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had come to an end.

“But above all, Grandpa was a pillar of love and compassion. He touched the lives of so many, always

ready with a listening ear, a comforting word, or a helping hand. His generosity knew no bounds, and

his kindness was a beacon of hope for everyone he encountered.”

My voice began to tremble again, but I needed to concluded this eulogy.

“Today, as we bid farewell to Grandpa, let us remember the legacy he leaves behind. Let us honor his

memory by embracing the values he held dear and spreading love and kindness wherever we go. He

may be gone, but his spirit will forever live on in our hearts. Rest in peace, Grandpa. You will be deeply

missed.” I looked upwards because I knew he was watching me from up there.

I stepped away from the pulpit, and my heart was heavy with grief. I’d forever be grateful to that

wonderful man. He might have made me angry as hell sometimes, but it was all worth it. This was just

life; things coming unexpected. But we all needed to be prepared.

Everyone remained silent for a moment, but applause filled the air headlong. I took my eyes to Ariel

who was also clapping We both stared at each other, until I took my gaze off her.

My eyes were filled with tears once again, and I needed to act strong. Just as Riley said the other day;

grandpa wouldn’t want to see me like this.

The funeral finally came to an end, and I was still sitting down, and then Ariel approached me. She was

actually looking pretty in her black dress, but I couldn’t care less.

“Hey,” she said softly, waving her hands in front of me.

After a moment, I looked at her. “Hey,” I said in a soft and inaudible tone.”

“I’m sorry for your loss,” she said, still in a low tone. “Sir Reynold was a good man. Everyone loved


“I know,” I whispered and set my eyes on her. “Thanks for coming.”

She placed her hand on my shoulder leaving me quite stunned. It was as if she had forgotten about the

moments we spent with each other in the past.

“It’s so painful when you lose someone close to you. I’ve been in this situation before, so I totally

understand that.”

My head had to process her words slowly, and I hoped she wasn’t referring to the two of us. Nah,

couldn’t be.




“When I was ten, I lost my elder brother. He was a little bit older than me at that time. And we were

really close. He will always have a place in my heart.”

I never knew she had a brother. How was I going to, anyway? When I barely gave her my time.

“Okay, you take care. I’ll be leaving now.”

Ariel wanted to tread away but I stopped her. She turned around, to hear what I had to say.

My eyes met hers, and I slowly rose from my seat. “Before my grandpa died, he wrote this.”

I brought my grandfather’s letter out of my pocket. I had to keep it with me, going through the words,

over and over.

“Here you go,” I handed her the letter. “You can read it.”

Ariel slowly took the letter from my hand. She began to read it, while I just watched her in silence,

dipping my hands in both of my pockets.

When she was done with the letter, she looked at me.

“You’re done, right?” I aksed her, making a serious face.

“Yes,” she answered softly, giving me back the letter. I took it and put it back in my pocket.

“I believe you know what’s going to happen now,” I said.

Ariel looked at me in wonder. “What’s going to happen?” she asked, although she knew the answer.

I took a deep breath. “We’re getting married, and it’s happening tomorrow.”