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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 324
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Ariel slowly stepped out of her car; her beauty was like never before. The dress unveiled her wonderful curves, and the smile on her face added to her magnificent look. Her makeup was just indefectible, and her stunning looks made her look.


She was walking toward me, and | couldn't take my eyes off her. It was like an angel had cmy way.

Getting closer, she greeted, “Good morning, Andre.” | didn’t say anything because | was still lost in her beauty. And | swear | could have gone insane the moment | caught a whiff of her wonderful fragrance.

“Uhmm, Andre?” Ariel had to snapfrom dreamland.

“Oh, sorry. | was just thinking about something.” “No, it's fine.” She turned around, scanning the surroundings, and set her eyes back on me. “Are you waiting for someone?” “No, not really. I'm just thinking about’something.” “Wow, you're thinking about a lot of things today. Hope everything's fine at home.” “Everything’s good. No problem. Don’t mind me. Welcbac nyway, Ariel. It's nice to have you around again.” | hugged her. Her fragrance was so amazing | didn’t want to let go of her.

Our embrace finally ended. | was still staring at Ariel, but noticing that it made her feel uncomfortable, | shifted my gaze to somewhere else.

| had a feeling she didn’t want to say anything about that, probably because she didn’t wantgetting.., h, yeah, let's use that word.

Ariel patted my shoulder. “I'll go inside now. You take care of your,t thinking.” | laughed a little, then a nod right there from me. “Cool, I'll join you guys any moment.

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moment “It’s cool, sir. You can stand there and day long, thinking about who knows what.” After her larky tone, she traipsed inside the building. | shook my head, her last words. replaying in my head.

Crazy Ariel.

After standing outside for quite a long time, thinking about Mason and his prejudicial acts, | made my way inside the building.

A few hours passed, withjust sitting in my office, thinking about my brother. If only | could see him now. | didn’t even know if he was still alive. My mother had been worried sick about him. | didn’t want to be the one to tell her that her beloved son was a monster.

So, it was now tfor a discussion concerning one of our latest projects. Ariel had. been included in this, not that she had been working with us all this time. | just believed; in fact, | knew that her presence would make this talk remarkable.

Yes, | settled into my chair at the head of the conference table. Rose, Michael, and Scott gathered around, each armed with their laptops and notebooks. As | had told you earlier, Ariel was present.

And here we were, in the room that buzzed with contemplation, the whiteboard eagerly waiting for our ideas to fill its blank canvas.

“Alright, team,” | began, clasping my hands together. Today, we're diving into our newest project: developing a mobilefor our client. Let's put our heads together so we can get this done perfectly. To be honest, I'm not in the mood. As you can see, | have a lot on my mind right now. But we have to do this to go furt..er in this project.” “You got that, boss.” Michael smiled with his eyebrows raised.

“Yes, sir. We have you covered,” Rose said, leaning forward. “I've sketched sinitial wireframes based on the client's specifications. We need to ensure theis intuitive and visually appealing.” Michael snapped his fingers, hitting the table. The playful one. | wasn’t surprised.

He spoke up, “Absolutely. I've been researching the latest trends in development. We should consider integrating features like augmented reality or voice recognition to make thestand out. Seth cleared his throat, stealing everyone's attention. He tapped his pen against his notebook. “I've been analyzing our target audience and competitors. We need a solid marketing plan to ensure thegains traction upon launch.” | smiled at each one, nodding slowly. “Great insights, everyone. Now, let's delve deeper.” | turned to Ariel, smiling at her. “Ariel, do you have any idea or any way your think we can streamline the user journey to maximize engagement?” Ariel took a deep breath and moved her hands down her face. “Okay, well...” “Con, give us your suggestions on this. | know you have something to say, and | believe you'll make an impact on this.” | smiled at her.

She smiled atback. And then she voiced out, “I think we should incorporate user personas to tailor theexperience to different demographics. You know, implement user testing throughout the development process. | think that will help us a lot in refining the interface based on real user feedback. Yeah, | think that’s going to help us a lot.” “Nice,” Michael agreed, nodding his head. “Isn’t that so, boss.” He turned to me.

“Yes, of course,” | responded, then looked at Ariel. “That's Ariel for you. She’s always coming up with great ideas.

She's so awesome.

Ariel giggled, looking down at the table like she was shy. “Oh please, don’t flatter me.

“I'm only saying the truth, Ariel.” | kept on smiling at her.

“Can | continue, sir?” Rose asked.

| nodded. “You may proceed.”

“Right,” she said inaudibly. “For the app’s functionality, we should focus on seamless integration with third party services and ensure scalability for future updates. And | have a feeling that leveraging cloud technology will optimize performance and storage.” Scott scribbled notes furiously. “To generate buzz, we can launch teaser campaigns on social media and collaborate with influencers in our client’s niche. To ensure early adopters incentivize downloads, we have to offer exclusive perks. It's worth it.” “Yeah, nice suggestion, man. But can you please take it easy? You're not in a wrestling ground or something,” Michael told Scott. But Scott just glared at him with no response.

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“Excellent suggestions, everyone,” | uttered, breaking up whatever was about to happen between those two.

“Well, | suggest that we should synthesize these ideas. into a comprehensive project plan and set our milestones. We'll create an that exceeds our client's expectations and captivates users worldwide. “That's a great idea, sir,” Rose said.

| glanced at her. “I know.” | gave everyone in the room my attention back. ‘I think this is where we're going to stop for now . We'll continue this discussion sother time.

Right now, you guys can go ahead and carry on with whatever we're doing. Thanks for the suggestions.” | stood up, and they did the same. Michael left the room, discussing with his girlfriend. Scott left as well, not saying anything but putting on the cold face. Ariel left, too, making a phone call.

Now, | was the only one left in this room. Mason pooped up in my head, and | had to let out a deep sigh.

The day had gotten dark, and everyone had left. | was about to tread to my car when another vehicle drove in front of me.

The door opened, and | was surprised to see who had cout.

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