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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 320
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With Luke and | standing and embracing in our bedroom, the warmth of his touch envelopedlike a comforting cocoon. The passion was lucent, and indeed, it was magnificent. Fully verified, with the lovely desires being magnified.

Our lips met in a soft, tender kiss, a silent exchange of love and reassurance. At that moment, all the worries and uncertainties melted away, leaving only the undeniable connection between us. A connection that was so heavenly, bringing the thoughts ofbeing in paradise to my head. The golden feeling sparkled upon me.

In the blissful moment, our kiss deepened, and Luke's hands roamed gently over my body, eliciting soft moans of pleasure from deep within me. Each caress sent shivers of anticipation coursing through my veins, with the imposing flames that burned with an intensity | had never known before.

With practiced ease, Luke began to slowly undress me, his touch reverent and tender. Each article of clothing fell away, leavingexposed and vulnerable before him. But there was no fear, only trust and a deep-seated desire that pulsed between us like a living, breathing thing. | was drowning in an endless sea. An endless sea of bliss.

Stepping into the shower, with the warm water transposing over our bodies, Luke's touch becmore urgent, demanding, and passionate, the great desires compounding-truly remarkable. His lips sought mine with a hunger mirrored my own, and his hands explored every curve and contour with a reverence that leftbreathless.

Lost in the intensity of our passion, tseemed to stand still as we moved together in perfect harmony. The world outside faded away, leaving only the two of us locked in a timeless embrace, bound together by an unbreakable bond of love and desire.

The steam from the shower enveloped us, mingling with the heat of our bodies. | knew that this was another great moment that would be etched in my memory forever. In Luke's arms, | had found love and passion and a sense of belonging and security that | had never known before.

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With Luke and | standing in the shower, enveloped In the preeminence of our love and the steamy mist, he carried on with the monumental touch. His eyes burned with an intensity that matched the fiery passion revolving through my veins.

Not saying a word, he captured my lips in a searing kiss, his tongue tracing the contours of my mouth with a hunger that leftweak at the knees. | melted into his embrace, my hands tangling in his hair as our bodies pressed together in a heated embrace.

Luke's hands roamed over my skin with a possessiveness that sent tons of desire down my spine. Every touch and every caress released a powerful fire withinthat threatened to consus both.

As he ran his fiery lips down my neck, he bestedwith a succession of passionate kisses. | arched into his touch, my breath coming in ragged gasps. His hands found their way to my breasts, teasing and tantalizing, sending waves of pleasure coursing through me.

| couldn’t hold back the moans that escaped my lips; the sheer ecstasy of the moment overwhelmed my senses.

Luke's touch was electric, igniting sparks of desire that danced across my skin like wildfire.

With each kiss and each caress, our passion grew, building to a crescendo that threatened to engulf us both. And we moved together in perfect harmony, lost in the depths of our desire, going on to higher heights, climbing to the top of the mountain of delectation. And then the clouds moved close to us, pouring raindrops of gratification because this intoxication was one of a kind, and | wouldn't wish for anything better.

Right in Luke's arms, | had found the love and passion-the sense of completeness- that seemed to have been hidden frombefore. The desire burns every second. Felicity, glee, and all the great and wonderful things are all mixing up together. Yes, indeed, it was great and perfect, and the movements were nonstop. We surrendered to the intensity of our desire, and everything emerged stronger than ever before.

His galvanizing love surrounded me, and | have to say, | felt invincible like | was going to conquer the world or something. But it was one passionate embrace at a time. A love that tookhigher, never going to fall. All in all, this was worth it.

Luke's intense gaze was locked on mine, and then he pressedgently against the wall of the shower, his lips trailing down my neck, showering hot kisses and the marks-I could tell they had unfolded right on that spot. | gasped while his hands explored every inch of my body, igniting a fierce desire that burned like wildfire withinAnd there were no words vocalized; only the exhilarating passion was talking right now. He sank to his knees before me, his lips blazing a scorching trail down my abdomen. My breath caught in my throat as he nuzzled against my sensitive skin, his hands gripping my hips possessively.

His tongue found its mark, and as for me? | let out a soft moan of pleasure, the sensation sending electric shocks of delight going round and round right through my veins. Luke’s movements were deliberate, purposeful, magnificent, flamboyant, and prominent-all the heavenly things you could ever think of. He lavished attention on every inch of my heated flesh.

His tongue danced over my sensitive folds, teasing and pleasing with a skill that lefttrembling with desire. | arched my back against the wall, losing myself in the overwhelming waves of ecstasy that crashed over me.

The steam from the shower surrounded us, clouded us, and environed us, amplifying the intensity of our passion as Luke continued is his sensual assault .Each flick of his tongue and each gentle caress sentspiraling higher and higher toward the peak of pleasure. Cloud Nine is what | could speak of right now. And it seemed like this was never going to end. | didn't even want it to happen. | just wanted to keep on drowning in the lovely waters of mirthfulness.

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| moaned softly, unable to contain the raw desire that consumed me.

Luke's touch was like fire against my skin burning away any inhibitions or reservations as | surrendered myself completely to the overwhelming tide of sensation.

Right now, | knew | kept on repeating this, but it was really clear that there was only Luke and me lost in the throes of our desire, the world outside fading into insignificance, with the both of us being consumed by the fiery passion that raged between us.

With each mind-blowing stroke of his tongue, | felt myself teetering on the edge of oblivion, on the brink of pleasure so intense that it threatened to consme whole, tearingdown.

And then, with one final, blissful caress, | tumbled over the edge, my body convulsing with the sheer intensity of my release. Luke heldclose, his hands guidingthrough the storm as we rode the waves of pleasure together.

| was breathing heavily, closing my eyes, and Luke was also staring atwhen took my gaze down. His went up from my stomach to my breasts.

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