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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 314
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“Of course, I'm asking you that! Why wouldn't | be asking you that?” Harriet snapped at me. We once shared this remarkable love, and it was so passionate-your wonderful touch, your passionate kisses.” “Enough!” | snarled. “That was in the past. It's never happening anymore.” “Because of that witch, right? It’s because of Ariel, right?” “I warned you to stop talking about Ariel,” | growled, my hands trembling with rage as | grabbed Harriet’s neck, tightening my grip around her. She gasped for air, her eyes widening in fear as she struggled against my hold.

“You... you're crazy,” she wheezed out, her voice barely audible between choked breaths.

“You have no idea,” | spat, my anger boiling over as | remembered Harriet threatening to fire a gunshot atand Ariel during our wedding. And | could imagine the scene. where she shot Ariel at the bridge. | wasn’t there, though, but | could just picture it. How could she have the audacity to stand there and slander Ariel after everything she had done? “You don’t deserve her,” Harriet managed to croak out, her face turning red from lack of oxygen.

“And you don’t deserve to breathe another breath,” | snarled, my fingers digging deeper into her throat. Every insult she hurled at Ariel fueled the fire burning inside me, drivingto the edge of sanity.

Before she could utter another word, | thrust her backward with all my strength, releasing my grip on her neck.

Harriet stumbled and fell to the ground, gasping for air as she clutched at her throat.

“Get out of here,” | spat, my voice trembling with fury. “And don’t you ever cnear or my family again.” Harriet scrambled to her feet, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and hatred, as she 314 PRINCAID IN RA stumbled away from me. | watched her go, the anger still burning insidelike a raging inferno.

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| took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions swirling within me. But the memories of what Harriet had done-what she had put Ariel through-lingered like a dark cloud over my soul.

| turned and walked away, leaving Harriet behindin the park. But | knew that this was far from over. The wounds she and that scumbag, Mason, had inflicted on Ariel ran deep, and the scars she had left behind would never truly heal, killing her beloved son. That was really malevolent. But one thing was certain: | would do whatever it took to protect the woman | loved from monsters like Harriet, no matter the cost.

It had been a long day discussing with Andre at his company, and all | wanted to do was go hand relax. But first, | decided to go meet Luke to see if he was still at his place of work so the both of us would go htogether. And yes, | noticed that his car was parked outside with the windows rolled up. | could see him sitting inside, lost in deep thoughts. | walked up to his car and knocked on the window, calling out his name.

“Luke? Are you okay?” | asked, concerned.

He slowly rolled down the window, and his face was wearing a serious expression. | wondered what could be bothering him. | knocked on the window again, this ta little louder.

“Uhmm, how was your day at work?” | queried, but he remained silent, staring ahead. ” Luke, what's wrong? You seem upset.” He still didn’t respond, and he didn’t even turn to look at me.

“Did something bad happen at work? Did you get into a fight with somebody?” He finally turned to me, but he didn’t say anything. We looked into each other's eyes, but it didn’t take long before he turned his face away. It was not nice, honestly.

| stood there, not knowing what to do. | didn’t want to intrude on whatever was going on in his mind, but I also didn’t want to leave him alone.

“Please, whatever it is, talk to me. I'm here for you.”

He finally let out a deep sigh. “It’s nothing, Ariel. Just a rough day.

That didn’t convince me. “Are you sure? You seem really troubled.” “It’s nothing, Ariel.” “Luke, please tellwhat's wrong,” | pleaded. Whatever you're going through right now, | can help. Trust me.” He refused to answer, so | stood there in silence, staring at him, not taking my eyes off him. If he did not wish to converse, | had no intention of entering that vehicle. | would stand here until his mind was settled.

The both of us were still silent, withstaring at him while he had his eyes fixed on somewhere else and his mind on a different place.

Suddenly, the rain started pouring down heavily. | stood still, getting wet, and it seemed he didn’t care. But even with that, | still stood my ground, and | wasn’t going | anywhere if this man wasn’t going to act normal.

What in the world happened to him? Who broke him now? | He finally turned to look at me; his eyes showed how worried he was, and that was when he noticed that | was in the rain. “Why are you standing outside in the rain? Cinside the car.” I didn’t move; | just continued to stare at him. | wanted him to open up toand share whatever was burdening him. | could feel the raindrops on my face, but | didn’t care anyway.

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“Ariel, get in the car,” he told again. Now it was my turn to ignore, my turn not to giveg response. But eyen with that, ‘wanted a response.

He needed to tellwhat was going on with him so we could fix this make things right. “Aren’t you going to get inside the car?” He asked, his voice now louder than before.” Please get it; you'll get soaked,” he pleaded, but | remained rooted to the spot, still staring at him.

“Ariel plea...” He trailed off. After that, he got out of the car and walked towards me, standing close to me We looked into each other's eyes, the rain pouring down on us. At that moment, | felt like we were the only two people in the world. Luke gently took hold of my hands, and we were both now drenched in rain. “What’s wrong, Ariel? Why won't you cinside?” | met his gaze, searching for his, as | spoke softly, “I was worried about you. You seemed so distant.” “But you shouldn't stand in the rain. You could get a fever or something.” | smiled faintly at him, placing my hand on his cheek. “What are we doing now, my love?” “We are standing in the rain,” he answered.

“Exactly,” | responded softly. “But you tell me, why were you ignoring me? | was worried about you and what you were thinking back there. And | tried to talk to you, but you ignored me.

Luke exhaled deeply, gently squeezing my hand on his face. “I'm sorry, Ariel. | was thinking about something.” “And what is that?” | asked in a calm tone.