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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 311
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I stepped out of my car, and the imposing structure of Andre’s company loomed overhead, its sleek glass facade reflecting the morning sunlight. | took a moment to admire the modern architecture before making my way towards the entrance.

After all, it had been kind of long since | got here. The Vitality Group still looked good, and | was glad everything was going well. It was nice to know about this and see how things were going great. | couldn't be happier.

The automatic doors swooshed open, and | stepped into the spacious lobby, taking in the polished floors and minimalist décor. My eyes scanned the area, searching for any familiar faces amidst the bustling activity of employees going about their day.

Suddenly, a voice called out my name, and | turned to see Hannah rushing towardswith open arms. “Ariel!” she exclaimed, envelopingin a warm hug. “It’s been so long; I've missed you!” Returning her embrace, | couldn’t help but smile at the genuine affection in her voice. “I've missed you too, Hannah,” | replied, feeling quite great to be in her presence. Nostalgia or whatever, let's just say it was washing over me. Yeah, pretty much.

“I'm so glad you're back, Ariel. Honestly, without you, things felt a little bit different.” “Oh great. Thanks; | feel so special, | guess.” “Of course, Ariel. You are special.” We pulled away from each other, and | took the opportunity to glance around the lobby once more. “How's everything going with the business?” | asked, genuinely curious about Hannah's success.

She beamed with pride. “It’s going great, Ariel. Been doing great with all kinds of projects, making things work out with the business deals. And yes, with all these, | have been elevated to higher heights in the business.” | smiled, genuinely happy for her. “That's wonderful to hear. You've always had such a knack for entrepreneurship. And you totally deserve everything. | feel so happy for you.” Hannah's smile widened at the compliment. “Thank you, Ariel. But enough about me, she said, linking her arm with mine. “Let’s go somewhere quieter where we can catch up properly.” | chuckled softly, appreciating her thoughtfulness. “As much as I'd love to, Hannah, I'm actually here to see Andre,” | confessed, my gaze drifting towards the elevators.

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Her expression softened understandingly. “Of course, Ariel. He's been looking forward to seeing you since he left the hospital,” she said, reassuringly squeezing my arm. “I'll let him know you're here.” With a grateful nod, | watched as Hannah made her way toward the elevator bank, leavingto wait anxiously for Andre's arrival.

Whileas still standing, waiting for him, someone approached me. Someone | knew was really crazy about the things she did-jus-justway of beingbeing Gwen popped up out of nowhere, her enthusiasm practically bouncing off the walls.

“Ariel!” She vocalized, and my mouth widely opened. “Oh my gosh, girl, where have you been? It's been ages since | last saw your face!” | was just staring at her because | knew what | was signing up for. “Hey, Gwen! Yeah, it’s been a while. I've been-" “However, allowto elaborate on this irrational dream | experienced last night! Consequently, | was traversing a glittering field atop a unicorn when all of a sudden, | was alightening aboard a rocket ship bound for Mars! Can you believe it?” | made a face that was sort of a puzzle, I'd say. “Um, that sounds... wild. But, Gwen, I-” “And then, | found myself at a disco party with aliens!” She cutoff. “Can you. imagine dancing with little green men? Oh, it was hilarious!” “Gwen, that sounds like quite the adventure, but...” She snapped her fingers/continuing with her nonsense. “Oh, sorry, I'm rambling again, aren't I? | just get so excited to see you! Hey, let's take a selfie to commemorate this moment!” Before | could protest, Gwen had already whipped out her phone and pulledinto a selfie.

She opened her mouth really wide. “Say cheese!” | had no other option but to force a smile. “Cheese.” “Perfect!” She put her phone down, letting go of me. “Okay, so tell me, what have you been up to lately? Is there any juicy gossip?” | crossed my arms, trying to make her understand that | was not in the middle of this.

“Actually, Gwen, | really need to catch up with Andre. It's kind of urgent.” “Oh, of course, of course! | won't keep you any longer. But hey, let's grab lunch sometand catch up properly, okay?” | nodded with a smile. “Sure, that sounds good.” Fake smile, but | needed to pull that off at the moment.

“Yeah, but...” “Okay, okay, bye-bye. You have work to do, and | have someone to see.” | gently placed my hands on Gwen's shoulders and began to slowly steer her away.

“I know, but I still have other things to talk about. Those scenes just cback to my head, and trust me, they are really captivating.” “Sure, they are,” | said sarcastically, still pushing her away. “Well, | should get going now. It was great seeing you, Gwen.” “Aw, don’t be a stranger, Ariel! Catch you later, alligator!” I chuckled. “In a while, crocodile.” Finally breaking free, | made a swift exit towards the elevators, relieved to escape.

Gwen's whirlwind of energy. But as | stood there, Hannah advanced toward me.

“There you are,” she blurted, walking closer to me. “I thought you had left. | was like, Oh my god, gone too soon?” | widened my eyes at her, and she shook her hands, saying, “That's not what | meant.

Don’t getwrong here.” | couldn’t help but laugh.

“Alright, Ariel, let's go see André. He's been eager to catch up with you.” She smiled at me, crossing her arms.

Thanks, Hannah. | really appreciate it.” | smiled back We walked up to Andre, who was seated at his desk, engrossed in spaperwork.

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As we approached, he looked up with a warm smile.

“Ariel, it's good to see you. How have you been?” He asked.

“I've been alright, André. And how about you? How's the recovery going?” “Oh, the wound still stings a bit, but I'm getting by. Thanks for asking.”

| glanced around the office, smiling at the building. “It's been a while since I've been here. Things haven't changed much though.” Andre sighed. “Yeah, we've been keeping things pretty steady. But we've missed having you around.”

Hannah interjected, sensing the moment was right for her to make her exit, Well, leave you two to catch up. Ariel, it was grent seeing you again. “Thanks, Hannah. Take care.” As Hannah walked away, Andre turned his attention back to me, his expression curious.

“So, what brings you back here, Ariel?" Andre was questioned, resting his elbows on his desk. “Not that I'm complaining, of course.”

| took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before speaking. " Well,Andre, I did some thinking, and.... I want to start working for the company again.