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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 284
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Fighting for love against all odds was a testament to the strength of your human spirit, at force that transcended barriers and challenges, igniting a flthat withstood the fiercest storms Love, the essence of your being, had the power to inspire you to persevere, endure, and overcthe seemingly insurmountable obstacles that stood in your way.

At the heart of this struggle lay a deep conviction, a belief so strong that it drove you to defy the odds, to rise above adversity, and to fight for what you held dear. Love, in its. purest form, was a force that compelled you to go beyond your limits, to push yourself to the brink, and to stand firm in the face of uncertainty and doubt.

The strength to fight for love was born out of a deep connection, a bond that transcended tand space, uniting two souls in a profound and unbreakable way. This connection gave you the courage to face your fears, confront your doubts, and challenge the status quo, all in the nof love.

But love was not without its challenges. It was often in the face of adversity that your love.

was truly tested. You were forced to confront your deepest fears and insecurities when you had to choose between the easy path and the one less traveled. During those moments, your strength was tested, and you had to dig deep within yourself and find the courage to continue the fight.

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The strength to fight for love was a resilience from within, a fire that burned bright even in the darkest times. It was a determination that refused to be extinguished, a resolve that.

remained unyielding in the face of despair and hardship. It was a commitment to love that went beyond words and was felt at the very core of your being.

In the battle for love, you may have faced opposition from all sides. Society may have frowned upon your choices, your family may have J T and your friends may have questioned your decisions. But in those moments of doubt and uncertainty, your strength was truly tested-that you had to stand firm in your convictions and hold fast to the love that bound you together.

The strength to fight for love was a journey of self-discovery, a path that led you to the very depths of your soul.

It was a process of growth and transformation, of learning to let go of your fears and insecurities and to embrace the power of love in all its forms.

As you navigated the twists and turns of this journey, you realized that the strength to fight for love was not just about overcoming external obstacles but also your own internal struggles. It was about learning to love yourself unconditionally, accept yourself for who you are, and believe in love's power to transform your life The strength you found to fight for love was a testament to the salience of your human spirit, a force that could overceven the greatest of challenges. It was a reminder that love transcended all boundaries, that it had the power to heal old wounds, mend broken hearts, and bring light to even the darkest comers of your soul. And so you fought on with courage in your heart and love as your guide, knowing that love would always preval in the end.

“I didn’t turn my back on you,” | said to Laure, looking her in the eyes. Honestly, this wasn’t something | wished for | didn’t want this-the both of us being against each other. But | literally had no idea what was wrong with Laura Why was she being so ignorant? I had always thought she only had this sweet, nice, and wonderful side. But things were really different around here.

“I only want what's best for you, Ariel. | just want to see you happy” “If you want to seehappy, then you wouldn't be against my relationship with Luke.” “That's the problem,” Laura vocalized softly with a slow nod. That's the problem around here. You're only being stubborn. You don’t want to listen.” “As a matter of fact, you're the one who doesn’t want to listen. | keep on telling you that | love Luke.” “But he’s not the right one for you,” Laurs toldpromptly. “Luke is not the perfect man for you.” “And who told you that? Who told you that Luke font perfect for me?” | questioned her, and the both of us could just stare at each other. Disagreements are rising between us.

My mother let out a deep sigh, standing at the door. | had my eyes fixed on her as | was eagerly waiting for her to givea reply to my question “So, aren’t you going to say anything?” | quizzed her since she didn’t want to utter a word. This made it clear that something was not great about the whole situation.

My mother breathed out deeply for the second time. “Fine, I'll tell you.” “Great. But before you do that, cin. You can’t stand at the door all day.” | budged backward like a nice gentleman, gesturing towards the bed. My mom walked in, and | closed the door after that.

I'm sorry, Laura. But | love Luke now, and | don’t wish for anything terrible to happen to him. The strength | found in this love is like no other, and no one can take that strength away from me.” “So this is your decision now, Ariel: I'm going back to Luke because you've fallen in love with him.”

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I've found love, there are still Yes, and | need your support on this one.

Because even,some obstacles on the way Mason, Harriet. Those folks will do anything to ruin our lives. But you can helpfight against them.

“I'm sorry, Ariel. But | can’t do that,” Laura said tobefore walking out of the room.

My mom sat on the edge of the bed, and | settled down next to her. She had both of her hands clasped together.

Luke, you see, after what happened between us that night, when you got shot, | started feeling gullty Catherine and | went home, but : , things weren't the way they used to » : be.”

She let out a deep sigh and a continued. “| thought you diegh sa started taking drug.That was what I did all day taking pills, ignoring the q ” fact that | had a little daughter.” “Hold on a minute You beca drug addict all because of what you did to me.” My mom was suspended, her tone broken. “Yes.” “So, is that why Catherine hates you? Because you weren't giving her attention?” “Yes, Luke. And after taking those drugs, | started treating her miserably. | was torturing her; | was inflicting pain on her. And then, one day, | just had to set the house on fire. | regret everything, Luke. | regret everything.” “That's really fucked up,” | said inaudibly. “Are you still on drugs?”