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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 104
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“What the hell even happened to you anyway? You had a fight with some thug, or

something?” Ariel laughed, indirectly making fun of me.

“That’s none of your business,” I told her, turning my face away.

“It is actually, cause I’m the one who took you back to this house, right on this bed. Well, I

did get help from Marcus.”

“Don’t feel too proud. I could have done that by myself.”

“In your unconscious state?” Ariel taunted, crossing her arms, with her eyebrow raised.

“I could have regained consciousness eventually.”

“Yeah right,” she said lowly, turning her face away. But then she glanced at me. But

seriously, what really happened?”


“Like I’ve said, that’s none of your business.” I slowly sat on the bed. And then I breathed

out deeply, closing both of my eyes.

“Do you really have to be so stubborn, now?”

I chuckled. “Don’t try to act like mad granny here.”

“Who’s mad granny?”

“It’s just a name, I gave to my grandma.” A frail smile appeared on my face, as I flashed

back to the times spent with her, before she passed away.

“Your grandma?”

I nodded, still smiling.

“Was she the wife of Sir Reynold?” Ariel queried.

“Yes. Yes she was,” I answered, nodding slowly.

“She died before I came into your life, right?”

“Yes.” I nodded. “And this was just how she used to act. The way you behaved moments


Ariel laughed. In disbelief, I’d say. “Please, don’t.”

“You think I’m joking?”

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“I don’t know.” She shrugged.

“You’re not going to have a clue, because you weren’t there at that time.” I moved to the

edge of the bed.

“Okay sir, I’ve heard you. So, are you still hungry? Cause, I kind of made something to




“I already have enough poison in my head. I don’t think I can take any more.” “What?”

She gaped at me.

I closed my eyes, with my lips curving into a sardonic smile, as I lay back on the bed.

“Good night,” I said, turning off the light.

“You are unbelievable.”

“Yeah, keep talking,” I said, with my eyes closed, covering myself with the sheets.


I leisurely opened my eyes, waking up to see the brand new day, a beautiful morning,

another day to remind myself that I was one beautiful lady. Yeah, I also got some kids who

possessed my features.

I turned around, and Luke was still sleeping. We actually spent the night in the same

bedroom. I couldn’t actually believe it, after these past days, since Riley’s death.

I stood up, putting on my slippers, and as I was about to make my way to the bathroom, I

received a text from Andre, telling me that he was standing outside my house.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. Was this text really saying what I thought it was saying? I

rubbed my eyes, hoping that it was just my tiredness playing tricks on me. But, the words

on the screen remained the same.

I let out a chuckle, as I couldn’t deny the humor in the situation

me, squinting at my phone screen, desperately trying to decipher a simple text. Well,

better safe than sorry.

And yes, he was outside. But what the hell was he doing there anyway? So early in the

morning. Oh, this man.

I turned, and Luke was still asleep, looking so impeccable, with that stunning face of his.

Okay, I better not draw my mind too far.

Walking out of the room, I made my way down the stairs. One of the maids ‘greeted me

good morning, and I did the same, without even glancing at her. I was

in a hurry to meet this good friend of mine.

104 MORNING 113

So there I was, approaching the gate and what do I see? Marcus, sleeping like a baby on a

chair. But I have to tell you, it was not a peaceful slumber. No, no, it was more like a pig

snoring at the top of its lungs.

I couldn’t believe my ears, those sounds were enough to give someone a serious case of

insanity. I mean, who knew Marcus could make such terrifying noises? It was both hilarious

and disturbing at the same time.

Anyways, I walked up to him, and I gently tapped his hand several times. It

wasn’t enough to wake him up. I crossed my arms, just staring at him. He seemed to be in

cloud nine in that dream of his. I mean, I could have stood there all day and he probably

wouldn’t have noticed.

After mustering up all my strength and taking a deep breath, I swung my arm and landed

a solid punch on his face. His eyes flew open in shock, and he frantically looked around as

if he was being ambushed.

It was as if he couldn’t believe what just happened. Maybe he thought he was in a dream

or a prank show. But nope, it was just me, delivering a hilarious wake–up


“Mrs. Reynold.” Marcus stood immediately, cleaning his eyes.

“Good morning,” I said, after gazing at him for a moment.

“Good morning Mrs.” He stretched both of his arms. “How may I be of help to you?”

“Someone’s waiting outside.” I pointed at the gate. “So, can you please open the gate?”

“Of course Mrs.” He rushed to the gate, and opened it.

I smiled at him. “How nice of you?”

After that, I walked past the gate, and there was Andre, standing outside, leaning This

back against his car, giving his phone all of his attention. He was dressed in a red suit,

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looking dashing and bold as always.

The moment his eyes caught mine, he dropped his phone in his pocket, and traipsed in my


“Ariel,” Andre spoke the moment we got closer.”

“Andre,” I matched his tone, getting in a tight embrace with him. “It’s actually nice to see


‘Come on now. Don’t act like we haven’t seen each other for years,” he joked, and we both

burst into laughter. “You’re looking really beautiful this morning.”


Our fingers intertwined.

“Oh really?” I scanned myself, my eyes going downward. “And I haven’t even taken my

bath yet.”

“That doesn’t matter. Your beauty covers it all.”

I couldn’t help but smile at the compliment, and I think I blushed a little. “Care to tell me

why you’ve come here?”

“Well, I came to invite you to a party that we’ll be throwing later tonight, at our house.”

“A party?” I gave him an interested face.

“Yes, actually to celebrate the fact that we’re now in New Haven. And do you know, my

father’s company teamed up with mine?” He smiled widely.

“Really?” I raised both of my eyebrows, in bafflement.

“Yes. And now, I think the Vitality Group is going to be more strong all across the globe.

But at this moment, we’re about to build a solid keystone in New Haven.”

I nodded, also smiling. “Wow, I’m so happy for you guys. But don’t you think you should

have told me about this earlier?”

“Sorry.” Andre playfully hit his face. “I totally forgot.”

“What’s going on here?” Luke’s voice echoed around the whole place, making my heart

drop immediately.

I turned around, only to see him giving Andre and me a death stare. I could feel the

intensity of his rage directed towards us. Without hesitation, I quickly

removed my hand from Andre’s, realizing the gravity of the situation and the reason for

Luke’s piercing stare.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!