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The Lethal Love Hunter

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30 Nathen Confesses to Karina

Karina stood up as a formality, gesturing, “Mr. Reynell, how do you do?”

Nathen’s appearance instantly caused a commotion in the reception hall.

The guests who had previously been gathered in groups now turned their attention to the

lounge area.

Karina stood in front of Nathen.

Adorned in a sea–blue gown, she looked graceful.

With her tall and slender figure, unparalleled beauty, and aloof demeanor, she attracted

countless admiring gazes.

It was rare that Nathen and Karina, both strikingly attractive, would appear at the same


Recently, rumors had been circulating among Hallcester’s upper class that Nathen had

been passionately pursuing Karina, the heiress of the Huber family.

However, they had never been seen standing so close together before.

The onlookers were full of admiration and envy for this perfect couple.

But there was strong jealousy and resentment.

It seemed like all the world’s beauty had converged upon these two people!

Nathen possessed all the qualities of a perfect man.



Chapter 30 Nathen Confesses to Karina

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He was an economics PhD returned from abroad, had a towering handsome appearance,

and was the manager of World Real Estate. Besides, he had exceptional business talents.

Karina’s perfection was beyond words.

The Huber family’s deep roots in Hallcester, her position as the city’s premier beauty, and

her title as a businesswoman returning from a prestigious international school were

sufficient to make her unparalleled.

While speaking, Karina noticed two other individuals.

They were her uncle Justin Huber, and his wife Alondra Dalton.

Harold had two sons, the elder Camdyn Huber, and the younger Justin.

Harold had stepped back from the forefront five years ago, allowing his elder son Camdyn

to take over the reins of the Huber Group.

Under Camdyn’s leadership, the Huber Group had flourished.

Camdyn almost successfully took over the company.

However, three years ago, he fell seriously ill and was bedridden.

Despite the Huber family’s efforts to find the best medical care, Camdyn’s condition

remained incurable.

Following Camdyn’s fall, it should have been Justin’s turn to take over the Huber Group.

However, Harold didn’t believe that Camdyn was noble and able enough to bear the heavy

responsibility of the Huber Group.

Thus, Harold had to step in again to support his granddaughter Karina in taking over the

Huber Group’s legacy.





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Chapter 30 Nathen Confesses to Karina

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This decision had left Justin resentful.

Over these years, the couple had cultivated close ties with the Reynell family.

Their objective was to secure the Reynell family’s assistance in gaining control of the

Huber Group.—-

Upon learning of Nathen’s desire to marry Karina, they became even more diligent in their


“Karina, you’re here early. I thought you were at the company.”

Justin said as he saw Karina, visibly relieved and excitedly approaching her.

“Today’s event has nothing to do with you. Why are you here?” Karina’s voice turned icy

as she swept a glance at Justin and Alondra.

“Karina, we come here at Mr. Reynell’s invitation.”

Justin smiled ingratiatingly at Nathen and said, “Mr. Reynell really admires you. You two

are such a good match…”

“Enough!” Karina interrupted coldly, “When did it become your place, Uncle, to meddle in

my affairs?”

“Karina, listen to me…” Camdyn wanted to continue.

“Uncle, why don’t you go in first? I need to have a word with Karina,” Nathen interrupted,

extending a courteous hand towards Karina while smiling.

His elegant demeanor and warm smile made Nathen look like a fairytale prince.

Ladies who had gathered to watch outside the banquet hall all




Chapter 30 Nathen Confesses to Karina

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streamed, “Wow! Mr. Reynell is so handsome and gentlemanly! He’s my dream man!”

“Karina, Justin is right. I really love you. Everyone in Hallcester knows that in my heart,

there is only you. You are the only one who I want to walk down the aisle with.”

Nathen gazed deeply into Karina’s eyes, his tone gentle and heartwarming, causing the

young ladies watching to be deeply moved.

“Karina, if you are willing to be with me, I will never abandon you!

“It’s my luck if I can spend the rest of my life with you. Can you marry me?”

As soon as Nathen finished speaking, some of the women who were already infatuated

with him burst into tears, sobbing, “Mr. Reynell, it’s so touching…”

Karina’s face turned cold, and she looked annoyed, saying, “Mr.

Reynell, this is a business wine party, not a place for you to show off your acting skills.”

However, Nathen smiled indifferently and said, “Karina, isn’t life itself a play? If I could

become the leading man in your script, I would gladly showcase my acting skills!”

The scene in front of the hall erupted with applause and excited sobbing.

The onlooking young men and women rushed forward, shouting with emotion, “Say yes!

Say yes!”

Karina frowned.

Faced with Nathen’s eloquent confession, she had no idea how to respond.






Chapter 30 Nathen Confesses to Karina

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In her moment of panic, she retreated to Robin’s side, taking hold of his arm and smiling,

“Mr. Reynell, please stop joking. Let me introduce you. This is my boyfriend, Robin.”

Robin gave a slight start.

Seeing Karina’s pleading eyes, he understood.

Robin pulled Karina closer into his embrace, his cold gaze sweeping the scene, and he

nodded slightly.

Then, he turned his mocking gaze towards Nathen.

“Who do you think you are? How dare you say such nauseating things to Karina in my

presence? Do you think I’m going to tolerate this? Get lost!”

Karina’s cheeks reddened, and she leaned into Robin’s strong shoulder.

At that moment, everyone truly noticed Robin’s presence.

Though they were surprised, there was no denying that Robin and Karina were even better

matched in looks and demeanor.

Among the onlookers were some who had come from the Riding and Shooting Recreation

Center and Purpeak Bar.

They recognized Robin as the audacious man who had bet 48 million dollars at the Riding

and Shooting Recreation Center and dared to brawl with Melvin and confront Leonel at

Purpeak Bar.

He was Karina’s boyfriend?

No wonder he was so bold!


Miranda, who arrived later, watched the scene from a distance and rolled her eyes,

muttering, “It seems like Robin is asking for trouble





Chapter 30 Nathen Confesses to Karina


Jacob shook his head. “Nathen isn’t like Melvin. He holds sway in Hallcester. Except for

Cecilia, no one can match him!”

“Clearly, Karina is just putting Nathen off. She made Robin, the bodyguard, pretend to be

her boyfriend.”

“I bet Robin wouldn’t dare offend Mr. Reynell.”


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Nathen also noticed Robin by Karina’s side at this moment.

Since entering the lounge on the 28th floor of the exhibition center, he hadn’t paid

attention to anyone else.

He was accustomed to being the center of attention wherever he went.

But Nathen never thought Karina had a boyfriend!

As Hallcester’s number one heartthrob, Nathen never expected that, after confessing his

feelings in front of so many people, he would be humiliated by Robin.

Four years ago, Nathen had returned from overseas and quickly secured his position as

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the top bachelor in Hallcester.

Whether in terms of family background, ability, or looks, he and Karina were a good


Yet, Robin dared to display affection with Karina right in front of him, publicly humiliating


Nathen was infuriated.

The onlooking guests were also extremely indignant at Robin’s




Chapter 30 Nathen Confesses to Karina

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The first to recover from the shock was Karina’s uncle Justin.

He strode up to Robin and Karina. His voice trembling with anger as he said, “Karina, what

are you doing? Mr. Reynell has confessed to you, and yet you bring a bodyguard to brush

him off. Your grandfather would be furious if he knew!”

“And you!” Justin pointed at Robin, his voice cold. “She’s being capricious, and you, a mere

bodyguard, dare to talk nonsense. Aren’t you afraid the Huber family will throw you out?”

Robin, without waiting for Karina to respond, sneered, “What are you? What I do is none of

your business! Get lost!”

“You… You punk! You’re asking for it! With just those words, both the Huber family and the

Reynell family could kill you on the spot!” Justin trembled with anger as he pointed at


“Mr. Reynell, I’m sorry. This guy is just insane! Please… Just ignore him.”

Nathen once again put on a warm smile, displaying great magnanimity. “It’s alright. Karina

is just joking with me.

“No matter how capricious she is, I’ll forgive her…”

“Karina, give me a kiss!” Robin, ignoring Nathen’s pompous speech, pointed at his cheek

and spoke loudly.

The scene fell completely silent. Even Nathen was taken aback, looking at Karina and



Karina hadn’t expected Robin to ask her to kiss him in front of







Chapter 30 Nathen Confesses to Kanna

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Without thinking, she pressed her sensual lips onto Robin’s handsome cheek.

At that moment, Nathen’s gentle smile turned sinister.

The onlooking guests were equally shocked.

“This guy is so arrogant!”

“He publicly humiliated Mr. Reynell at the event. How dare he!”

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