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The Last Primal

Chapter 225 - 225 - “Just Rest, Master…”
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The snapping of twigs albeit wasn't the loudest, still did its job as both tents started showing movements. A second later both Sarah and Naybeah rushed out with slightly disheveled hair and clothes, their weapons in hand.

Jumping out of their tents, they were expecting some sort of disturbance, but instead of that, there was nothing. The only sight was the faltering campfire, that since it wasn't fed any fresh material started to show signs of decaying, dying down.

"What the? Looking around and failing to spot the boy that was supposed to guard them, Sarah raised her eyebrows in confusion. "Where's Aiden?" 

However, in the next instant, before even Naybeah could answer, they heard a loud low-pitched roar coming from a bit further away.

Looking at each other, they nodded, as if understanding each other without the need for words and rushed towards the source of the sound.

It didn't take them long before they managed to cross through the thick vegetation that served as a sort of natural barrier between their resting spot and the outside dangers and saw the brutal encounter playing out between their very eyes. They saw as Aiden's figure vanished, only to reappear behind the charging orcs and strike at the both of them, only to miss and separate the two. 

Then they gasped when they saw Aiden launching himself against the one on the right and outright destroy it with one single stroke, extracting the Orc's heart in the process.

"Woah… I knew it! My chosen mate is just too awesome!" The blonde amazon excitedly exclaimed witnessing the sight. Turning her attention to the stunned and shocked purple-haired girl on her left, she poked her as she asked. "Did you see that Sarah? Wasn't that just too cool?!"

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"Y-yeah… He is… strong…" Sarah muttered, still finding it hard to process such incredible power coming from such a boy. Even though she witnessed it multiple times by now, it was still such a shocking sight to behold… Seeing a weak, frail-looking being toss around huge, bulky, ferocious creatures with ease as if they were only a sack of meat and bones and not incredibly dangerous monsters! It was just too hard to come to terms with this new reality.

"Look! The other one is getting back into action!" Naybeah's shout broke Sarah's trailing thoughts and snapped her back to reality. Following the direction the amazon was pointing at, she turned to look at the second orc just at the moment when his eyes turned bloodshot seeing his friend die in the span of seconds, falling lifelessly to the ground.

Releasing an even louder, fiercer cry towards the sky, the orc launched himself towards Aiden who still had his back turned towards the approaching enemy.

However, once again, before they had any time to react and warn Aiden, the situation changed abruptly. Aiden's figure disappeared, vanishing with the trail of wind, only to reappear behind the charging orc, who, due to the confusing change of events halted his rapid approach and instead grabbed the hilt of his crude weapon tighter and turned to focus on his instincts and senses instead. 

As he expected, the goblin-formed Aiden reappeared behind him and struck with his right fist. Immediately, the orc jumped forward turning clockwise mid-air whilst he swung his weapon with both hands to counter-attack.

Knowing his attack would be evaded, Aiden's figure flashed, causing the axe to swing through the air, carrying his momentum forward and causing the orc to slightly spin farther than he wanted. As the orc was in the midst of regaining his footing, Aiden reappeared again, this time at the orc's right side with a wide grin on his face.

"[Goblin] Bye!" With a farewell as his last word, he thrust his fist. 

The orc had no time to swing his weapon to parry the incoming blow, so he did the next best thing, and threw his weapon away whilst he threw himself backward, hoping to evade the deadly blow again.

Unfortunately for him, Aiden guided a large amount of his [Soul Power] with the [Mystic Martial Arts] innate into his entire arm, causing it to travel at a speed that would be impossible normally. Leaving behind several afterimages in its wake, the rapidly approaching fist caused distortions in the fabric of space causing the attack to turn fuzzy and blurry to the spectators on the side.

The Orc only had time to release his hold on his weapon when the small fist collided with his side. The massive force released a loud blustering shockwave. The small fist, acting like a knife against hot butter, traversed through the mass of skin, meat and bones with ease, separating the entire body to a separate lower and upper half.

The orc died so fast, his mind couldn't even register the cause of his death. His lower half falling to the ground with an audible thud, the upper half was blown away, carried by the massive bluster further away.

The powerful blow caused a sizable explosion as well, throwing a sizable amount of blood and gore to all directions, smearing the Aiden's clothes with the orc's gooey, thick, black, seared innards.

Just barely escaping being covered with the orcish smudge, Sarah and Naybeah left their spot and rushed towards Aiden with worry and excitement on their faces.

"Are you okay Aiden?" Sarah was the first to ask, with a worried tone. Although they saw the sequence of events play out, they still couldn't keep their cool. 

"You were awesome! You have to show me how you did that last punch!" Naybeah on the other hand, was incredibly excited, rushing towards Aiden with a heated gaze. Arriving, she immediately grabbed the boy's dark-green head and pulled it into her generous embrace. "I loved what you did sooo, so much! Those hits! Gosh, you are so incredible!"

"Mmmfpbrlgh blrghdgh!" muffled, garbled words were the only response Aiden could mutter as he was buried deep in the tall amazon's fur-covered chest. 

The embarrassing sight turned Sarah's cheeks slightly reddish, grabbing Aiden's flailing right arm, she gently tucked on it. Looking at Naybeah with an accusatory look, she exclaimed with a slightly harsher tone.

"Naybeah, let Aiden go, you will suffocate him!"


"So, what happened back there, Aiden? Where did those two come from?" Sarah asked, as the trio got back to the camp and sat down around the waning, flickering campfire. 

Grabbing a few of the prepared dry branches, Aiden tossed them into the flame, giving it new energy, returning its bright luster anew.

"Not entirely sure…" He answered as he sat back down. "We couldn't really find the common ground. I don't think they understood much of my Goblin, and I can't understand a thing from their language…" He sighed as he began his explanation. 

"The only thing, I got was that they came specifically here for you two." He admitted after letting another tired sigh escape through his lips. 

"For us? Why?" Sarah asked with a confused gaze, Naybeah also shifting her gaze from the fire to the boy as well.

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"Well…" Shifting his gaze from Sarah to Naybeah who kept her usual calm, grinning look on him, he looked back at Sarah and continued with a wry smile curving on his face, contorting his facial muscles.

"I don't have much on this, but from what little I managed to understand was that they most likely knew we were here. Someone is keeping a watch on us…" Looking up at the dark, clear, night sky, his wry expression soured, turning into a frown.

"I don't think I should leave this form any longer, sadly. From the way they acted, it seems they have no idea I'm not a 'real' member of their horde, but just an impostor. Still, we shouldn't risk it any longer…" He spoke, mostly to himself than to the girls. '...and I don't think I can risk the fusion any longer either…' He added inwardly, with a sigh.

"Yeah, I think that would be for the best." Sarah agreed instantly. If they were monitored, they now needed to play their assigned roles or risk their already thin cover being discovered.

Standing up, Sarah began dusting herself, as she continued. "We should also start acting our roles out. Naybeah and I are your slaves, so we should be the ones serving you and not the other way around.

Looking at the blonde amazon, she waved at her, motioning for her to follow suit and stand up. "Come Naybeah, we should clean the dead bodies for our 'Master'." She emphasized the word, Master, before she left with hastened, quick steps, not giving time for Aiden to refuse at all.

Grinning, clearly enjoying the thought of being Aiden's 'property', she winked at the boy with a mischievous smirk on her face, before she followed after the girl. 

Before she left through the bushes, she turned back and bowed giving the boy a good look into the generous but suffocating bosom he already had the pleasure to experience. action

"Just rest, Master, we, your slaves will clean up the mess outside, don't you worry!" 

With that said, she turned around and quickly left, joining Sarah and leaving Aiden to his thoughts.

Seeing both girls leave like that, Aiden could smile wryly, and sigh in defeat. Still, although he couldn't risk going through with the fusion any longer, he didn't cancel the process entirely just put it on hold. 

Instead of risking the fusion, he now had another method to at least gain some information and some new benefits in the process…

With that thought in mind, he reached out with his right hand and watched as the Orc's extracted organ, his heart appeared in his palm.

If everything followed the same pattern as before, it was time to experience another set of memories...