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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 953
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Chapter 953

‘hey were dismayed by her lies and could not comprehend why she had to lie in the first place.

After watching the footage on TV, Balfour glared at Patricia, asking coldly. “You said you’ve never been to that park.

Then why did the footage atch your car heading there? Can you make sense of all this?”

acing her brother, Patricia clearly didn’t have a leg to stand on, “I… I didn’t sleep well last night, and I was feeling

down this morning, so I thought. d go for a drive. The outskirts are quieter. I just happened to drive that way. That

doesn’t prove I’ve been to that park, does it?”

Jlinor sneered, “Ms. Howard, you just confidently said you didn’t go out this morning. Now you’re admitting you

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went for a drive? Which of your words are true and which are lies? Don’t you find your story full of holes?”

‘atricia was in a flap. “…”

lalfour massaged his forehead, totally fed up with his sister’s pack of lies.

Ilinor continued, “If you just wanted to clear your head this morning, why sneak out behind everyone’s back, and

deliberately drive a car nobody 1 your family recognizes? You didn’t want anyone to know your whereabouts or who

you were meeting! So, what’s a straight shooter like you, Ms. Howard, doing sneaking around like that, hmm?*

‘atricia’s eyes darted around, totally at a loss for a comeback.

Xenia said, “Ms. Mendoza, cut it out! You’re stirring the pot first thing in the morning with these made–up stories.

What’s in it for you?”

Ellinor scoffed at Xenia and said, “Mrs. Howard, I’m not interested in stirring up your family. But I must say, your

daughter is the spitting image of

ou. You two would do anything to get what you want. Birds of a feather!”

(enia turned red with anger, “What did you just say? Dean, Alyssa, and Balfour, you saw that, right? She insulted us!

She showed her true colors!”

Jean and Alyssa exchanged glances, thinking Ellinor was a bit over the top today.

But Balfour felt bad for Ellinor, understanding why she despised Xenia so much.

Ellinor ignored Xenia’s reaction and continued, “Yesterday, my stepmother, Tracy brought her husband Arnold

Mendoza and daughter Sheila to our house and dragged along a mother–daughter duo who slandered me online.

They claimed they were seeking justice from me and the Blanchet family. They accused me of having a scandalous

personal life in high school and said I took that girl’s place at Creston University, and so on. None of what they said

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was true. When they didn’t get what they wanted at my house, they started slandering me online!”

Ellinor continued, “However, as two ordinary country folks, they couldn’t have stirred up such a controversy online

in such a short time. After controlling public opinion domestically, they fled to foreign forums to sow chaos,

attracting a lot of attention! They can harm my reputation all they want because my conscience is clear, but they

caused the Blanchet Corporation’s stock to plummet, affecting the Blanchet family’s reputation! This is something I

cannot tolerate!”

She carried on, “This morning, Ms. Howard ran off to a remote park for no reason, met with the people who

brought that mother–daughter duo to our house yesterday, and gave them a suitcase with who knows what inside.

Isn’t that too big of a coincidence?”