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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 1613
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Chapter 1613

With that, Ida strode to the foyer, reaching for her car keys.

Byran immediately scurried after her. “Wait up, Ida. I’m coming with you.”

Ida didn’t wait for him, but she didn’t refuse or stop Byran from following her either.

After watching them leave, Chase casually draped his arm over Ellinor’s shoulder. “Bass, do you reckon Ida and

Byran might tie the knot after me and Belinda?”

Ellinor squinted her eyes thoughtfully. “Maybe. Byran’s pretty serious about Ida, but whether Ida’s willing to walk

down the aisle with him is another story.”

Just as she was about to call Veronica to inform her that Ida and Byran would be picking up the kids, a call came in.

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It was Balfour.

“Ellinor, where are you?” He asked.

Ellinor remembered that Balfour had gone abroad to meet someone and felt a sudden surge of anxiety. “Mr.

Howard, are you back? Did you meet with that person?” Balfour grunted in affirmation. “Where are you? I’ll come

to you. We need to talk face-to-face.”

Ellinor felt a whirlwind of emotions. After informing Balfour of her whereabouts, she lost herself in thought.

She wanted to know the answer, yet she feared the answer might not be what she hoped for.

Chase and Belinda exchanged glances, sensing that Ellinor seemed unusually distracted after that call.

Chase dropped his nonchalant demeanor and cautiously asked, “Boss, was that Balfour on the line?”

Ellinor snapped back to reality and nodded.

Belinda inquired. “Ellinor, what did Balfour say that has you so preoccupied?”

Ellinor waved her off dismissively. “It’s nothing. Once Mr. Howard gets here, let me know. I’m going to lie down for a


With that, she walked towards her bedroom and closed the door behind her.

Chase and Belinda exchanged puzzled looks.

“What’s wrong with Ellinor?”

Chase patted Belinda’s shoulder. “It’s all good. She probably just got up too early and is a bit tired.”

Belinda tilted her head. “Is that so? Just tired? Why do I get the feeling that Ellinor became heavily preoccupied

after taking that call?”

Half an hour later, the doorbell rang.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Chase opened the door to find a travel-weary Balfour.

“Where’s Ellinor?”

Chase stepped aside to let him in. “She is resting in her room. Please come in, Mr. Howard. I’ll go get her.”

Balfour nodded, walked in, and acknowledged Belinda with a slight nod before following Chase towards Ellinor’s


Chase knocked on Ellinor’s door. “Boss, Mr. Howard is here.”

After a few moments, the door opened. Ellinor stood there seemingly calm, looking past Chase to Balfour. “Mr.

Howard, come in.”

Balfour stepped past Chase into the room, and Ellinor closed the door behind them.

Chase stood outside the door with a complicated expression. What was happening between the boss and Mr.

Howard that he wasn’t privy to?

Belinda walked over, looked at the closed door, and shook her head with a sigh. “If my uncle were still here, he’d be

so jealous. He was such a jealous man. He always got so worked up whenever Ellinor was close with other men. Oh,

how I miss him! He doesn’t even have a chance to be jealous anymore.”