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The Innkeeper

Chapter 872: Too unreasonable
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872 Too unreasonable

When Lex and Z reappeared, they found themselves amidst a crowd of millions of demons! They were of all shapes and sizes, large and small, and bore a faint resemblance to whatever organism they had been before the demonic conversion.

Clearly, everything that had once been alive on this planet had been turned into a demon, though he could not understand why. As confident as he was in the battalion's prowess, even they could not fight forever. With so many resources available, the mastermind only needed to use them in a slightly more effective manner to completely overwhelm the battalion, yet he had squandered them. But that no longer mattered.

"Find your allies!" Lex said to Z as he turned his attention to something else. Despite the presence of so many demons, and no doubt Void Dwellers and other beings, just out of sight, there was an odd silence in the area as every one of them was subdued by the aura of divinity!

Up ahead, in the distance, was a massive altar where a massive statue made of a deep red stone had been erected. The finer details of the statue were difficult to perceive, but the body of a man and the head of a hawk were easily identifiable.

Behind the state, a massive creature had been strung up, its feathery carcass dripping with blood that flowed out of a hole in its skull. The blood fell at the statue's feet and then seemed to be absorbed into it.

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From so far away, Lex could see that a robed figure kneeled on the altar and worshiped it zealously, screaming something as he did. His voice did not carry from so far away, so Lex had no idea what he was saying, but it was enough to identify him as the enemy.

"By the way, lesson number one of thwarting enemy plans. Never let them complete their monologue. It frustrates them to no end since, generally, they crave recognition for their evil plans."

Lex locked onto the zealot and used Evisceration! Using the technique with his left eye did not add any extra effects to it, it seemed. Lex should probably look into getting new attacks.

The zealot, who was prostrating himself towards the statue of his lord, was completely unprotected when the soul attack struck him!

A sharp, inhumane wail shrieked through the air as the zealot fell forward, nearly dying from the attack! But his entire being was fueled by divinity, so his seriously wounded soul soon showed signs of automatically recovering, even if the recovered parts looked pale and decaying!

Bewildered that someone could ignore the descent of his lord's clone, and mad at being attacked, the zealot turned around quickly, only to welcome a fist in his face!

Lex did not hesitate in attacking, nor did he feel particularly courteous towards his enemy. He was somewhat curious about why the divine aura was not causing space to break, but instead of questioning it, he helped amend the situation by throwing out dozens of bombs in the air, waiting for them to drop amongst the endless demons.

As if unsure whether the explosions could truly break space, Lex held nothing back as he used his immense physical strength and dashed towards the zealot, aided by the effect of some quickly conjured arrays.

He reached just in time to deliver a devastating punch that blasted the zealot from his position and slammed him into the very statue he was worshiping. Lex paused, and shook his fist as if jerking some putrid smelling goo off his hand.

"Why is your face so squishy? I haven't even started breaking any bones?" he asked, looking back. Several explosions went off, but strangely, space did not tear as Lex expected. He narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out why. This was both a good thing and bad.

On the plus side, it would allow an easy escape to the Inn for Z if needed. On the downside, his enemies could also employ more powerful means.

Z, who was awkwardly latched onto Lex's back, took the opportunity of Lex pausing to get off.

"Lesson number 2, identify the weakness in your enemy's plan and constantly take advantage of it. There's nothing that says you have to play by their rules."

Using his left eye, Lex could tell that an enormous amount of divine energy was filling up the red statue, and that it seemed to be the focal point of whatever was happening to the planet. So, true to his words, Lex leaped forward, intending to break the statue with a punch!

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"Courting death!" the zealot roared the moment he saw what Lex was doing and attacked him. The hood had fallen off his head, revealing a dried up skull with extremely prominent veins all over it.

A few of those veins had popped due to Lex's punch, leaking out the dark brown sludge it was carrying within.

The zealot had no cultivation, but the strange divinity he held within his body empowered him. He formed a scythe of pure energy and swung at Lex's neck as he channeled more of energy to try to hold Lex down with its aura as he did the others.

But with his defensive suit accompanied by his Domination, nothing could influence Lex. He completely ignored the scythe and allowed it to try to cut him, only for it to be deflected away by his collar!

His suit, despite being incredibly soft to wear, was not something to be taken lightly!

Lex's punch connected to the statue, but the divine energy contained within seemed to act on its own, to protect the statue!

"Blasphemer! Heretic! I will feed your soul to the fires of hell!" the zealot screamed as he attacked Lex again.

But Lex completely ignored him and allowed his numerous attacks to fall onto his suit. Instead, he focused completely on destroying the statue, as it was increasingly feeling more and more ominous.

In the back, Z was watching, flabbergasted. Wasn't Leo's defense just… too unreasonable?