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The Innkeeper

Chapter 678: Out of time
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Ragnar's tribulation, as Lex recalled, consisted of a single black lightning strike that destroyed almost every protection he set against it. Over 10 billion MP worth of protective formations had barely been enough to contain its awesome might, and in a sense, it had still failed. That was because the lightning strike had caused everyone to undergo a hallucination.

While the hallucination itself was quite an experience, and provided many with a unique insight into facing tribulations, he did not want the incident to repeat. After all, many guests were either swimming, driving, fishing or doing other tasks, an interruption during which could cause serious harm. After all, there was even an area for guests to learn the dao of the sword from Qawain at the base of the Midnight Mountain. An unfortunately timed interruption could cause serious harm.

As such, Lex had specially put formations that block spirit based attacks around each abode. But what he could not do was afford to put 10 billion MP worth of formations around each abode, so what he did was simple.

Since he had unlocked the feature of 'Room Creation' when he was tasked to design the tribulation room, he tweaked each and every room he had. As soon as any room sensed a tribulation, they would automatically begin setting up protective formations around itself. Since this did not qualify as a service to the guest, since the room was protecting itself and not the guest, the price did not increase. As a result, Lex would be the one who had to pay.

When he thought of the idea, Lex felt like a genius. Now though, he realized it was not so smart.

This devil's tribulation, while similar to Ragnar's, was also different. There was black lightning, yes. But somehow, it did not seem as dangerous. Yet at the same time, instead of a single strike, there were multiple. He did not know if the overall difficulty was decreased, increased or stayed the same. Yet he could tell based on the massive bill he had accrued that he definitely had been screwed over!

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Already 13 billion MP had been spent, and the tribulation was nowhere near over! But the higher expense did not reflect the true difficulty of the tribulation. This was because when Lex chose the formations himself, he would select formations which would support one another, thus allowing each one to absorb more damage.

The formations chosen by the room itself were completely random. As long as their function was to protect the room, it would suffice. Shaking his head, Lex immediately took over and changed the formations. At the same time, his capitalistic gleam was revived.

"Mary, inform someone from the Jotun empire. The devil that Ragnar challenged to a death match is about to be free. So long as he accepts, their match can be conducted."

Unlike all the previous fights in the Murder Grounds, Lex wanted to stream this one so that he could earn some MP off of it.

But the match would not be so quick. It would still take some time for the devil to overcome his tribulation, as best as he could tell.

He checked up on the rest of the Inn, and after ensuring everything was in order, decided to continue his journey. He had already noticed that Fenrir had not returned from the tower, but he was not concerned - well, he was not too concerned. He was confident Fenrir would be able to overcome whatever trial it faced, and once it did and exited the tower, Lex would be able to use his connection to summon the pup to himself.

Speaking of the tower, he had gotten a lead of what Destiny rank meant. As usual, he could check the emporium for it, but Lex did not bother with it for now. He'd get to it eventually. For now, his anxiety about running out of time was forcing him to rush to the Crystal realm as quickly as possible.

Taking out his 'ship' he once again continued on his journey, though this time he did not relax his vigilance at all.

Days passed, and Alexander once again asked for his help as the situation on his planet was getting extremely difficult. Unfortunately for him, Lex could not yet spare any time. In fact, Lex no longer even took the time to enjoy the scenery as he traversed the land because he was too focused on getting to his destination.

Once, he even had to resort to brute force and intimidation to avoid having his teleportation delayed. Two weeks later, he finally reached the lands bordering the Crystal nation. No race besides the Trelops were allowed to take control of the land near the Crystal race, and even they were allowed to do so with very stringent requirements.

They had to use their ability to terraform the land according to the esthetics of the Crystal race, which changed from time to time. Moreover, as strange as it felt, anyone wishing to enter the Crystal nation had to go through an immigration process within the territory controlled by the Trelops.

It was thus Lex found himself standing patiently in a long line of various races, many he had never even heard of, both humanoid as well as quadrupeds. He stood at the base of a hill, and the line extended well over the peak of it and beyond to the otherside, so he had no idea how long it would take. But for once, he had no choice but to be patient. No one dared be presumptuous bordering the territory of the Crystal race.

Fortunately, after asking around, Lex discovered that there was no need for a passport or anything along those lines. If there was, he didn't know what he would do.

As for what the immigration process actually entailed, no one knew exactly. They would be made to walk through a number of formations, the purpose of which was unknown. If, for any reason, one of the formations detected that there was something wrong with you, you would be marked.

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Once marked, the security team which consisted of a race known as Earth Golems would escort you to a room where the Trelop incharge of the territory would interview you.

At no point in the entire process would anyone be harmed, at least according to the established precedent, though whether you would be allowed to enter or not was up to fate. No one knew exactly what would prevent one from being cleared for entry, which is why everyone was always tense.

Since they would be spending the next few hours together, Lex got comfortable and befriended the reptilian creatures next to him. As for what race they were, they themselves did not seem to know. Or at least, since they knew who they were, they did not feel like knowing what others called them mattered.

Apparently, they had been specifically selected to inhabit some territory within the Crystal nation. But despite their invitation, their destination remained a mystery to them. Who invited them or why were all questions that they did not consider asking. After all, most of the lesser races in this entire realm practically worshiped the Crystal race. Upon getting a chance to live in their empire, none would bother asking arbitrary questions.

Despite their… lack of… well, umm… Due to their limited intelligence, there was not a lot Lex could learn from them, so instead he began practicing his Innkeeper charm to keep the conversation going. The truth was, he needed to distract himself as best as he could during this long wait, because his increasing anxiety had suddenly vanished.

But the disappearance was not a good thing. From the sensation his instincts were giving him, it felt as if he had already run out of time for something.


Far away from the Crystal race, on the borders of the Hum nation, an army larger than ever appeared as if overnight. The land was blanketed in darkness as if the night sky was reflected on the ground, but the truth was nowhere near as beautiful or poetic. The black, poisonous slime covered the millions of Kraven that were crossing had covered the ground evenly, not allowing a single speck of earth to remain untainted.

The army broke through the border, and invaded the nation with an unyielding ferocity, the likes of which even the Kraven themselves had never shown. Moreover, it was not just the humans that were being targeted. Every nation other than the Crystal one was suddenly being invaded, all at once.

The feeble defense of the walls and formations crumbled under the tide of immortal Kraven, and soon after, so too did the towns and cities begin to fall. The unprecedented attack on all fronts began without any warning, and continued to crash forth as if it had no intention of stopping. It seemed the Kraven were determined to end this war, once and for all.