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The Innkeeper

Chapter 445: The way of the systems
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Ming Jie was not shocked by what he heard. After all, he had already had a long time to think about things before the Innkeeper arrived. It was easy to assume that he reincarnated the moment he died, for it had felt that way to him. But with this matter, he was really out of his scope. While it was a possibility that not much time had passed, it was equally possible, and even more likely, that at least some time had elapsed between him dying and reincarnating.

Unfortunately, the mere fact that there was a possibility that not much time had elapsed gave Ming Jie hope, and that hope prevented him from moving on.

The Innkeeper said that the answer to his questions lay in finding the reason for his reincarnation, but to him it wasn't really a mystery. Although he did not understand where it came from, or even what its purpose was, his system literally called itself the 'Reincarnated as a Mountain' system.

This system, whatever it was, had directly resulted in his reincarnation. Moreover, it was giving him strange objectives, such as finding an optimal place to lay its foundation.

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Should he tell the Innkeeper about it?

"If I… if we figure out how it happened, even if I can't go back to the way things were, can I at least find a way to go back to my… to that 'planet'?"

Lex paused and thought carefully about what he should say. The conversation veered into domains that he knew little about. After all, how was he supposed to trace what planet Ming Jie was from? Sure, given time, Lex would spread the Inn's read far and wide. But how far was the planet that Ming jie was from? If he had to rely on chance, how long would it take?

"It is not so straightforward. After all, we do not even know what 'planet' you are from or where it is. I'll be honest with you, going back will not be a simple thing. But, if my suspicions are correct, it's not the place that you long for, is it?"

Ming jie did not answer, but the answer was certain.

"I'll be direct with you, going back or finding the people you're searching for will not be easy. In fact, even if there is an opportunity, the only way you'll seize it is by becoming stronger, much stronger."

Lex did not want to lie to Ming Jie, but most likely, even if he ever found his previous planet again, it would take so long that whoever he was searching for would be dead. As far as Lex knew, once a person dies, their soul dissipates. But he'd seen enough of the universe to know that he shouldn't say anything with absolute certainty, because reality had a way of flipping it on your head. What if there really was an afterlife? Or what if there was a domain where all souls go to after people die? Heck, what if there was a heaven and hell system that collected souls from all over the universe?

These were things that Lex couldn't possibly know, at least for the moment. But as time went by, and he grew stronger and his reach expanded, he was sure he would come in contact with them. So it wouldn't necessarily be a lie if Lex said that one day, he could provide Ming Jie with the answers he wanted. But, and it may seem selfish to say this, what incentive did Lex have to help him?

He could do it out of the goodness of his heart, for it wasn't costing Lex anything, but from the day Lex founded the Inn, he knew that this wasn't something he could start doing. After all, why help Ming Jie and not others? And if he started helping everyone he came across in need, Lex himself would become overwhelmed and become in need.

"Grow stronger?" Ming Jie asked in confusion. Of course he didn't understand. He'd never encountered cultivation. The only way he knew of growing stronger in his previous life was exercise, which would not nearly be enough.

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"Yes, grow stronger," Lex affirmed. "In the universe, there are ways of transcending the station of your birth, and becoming an overlord capable of swimming even in stars. It is known as cultivation, and it is a path open for the smallest of ants to the simplest of humans, though finding a suitable path may be harder for some than others. If you discover what caused your reincarnation, you could potentially also embark on the cultivation path."

Lex paused and looked at Ming Jie in the eyes as he absorbed the information he was providing.

"Of course, if you follow the path set for you through your reincarnation, it may lead you in a direction unfit for your goals. After all, what you want is the strength to look for your loved ones, but what the 'system' wants may be something else."

Lex observed Ming Jie carefully as he spoke. This was yet another one of his probes. If Ming Jie really was a system wielder, the mention of a system may alarm him and cause a reaction, or may even make him think systems were common knowledge and may openly admit to it. It was a vulnerability he possessed due to his lack of experience and knowledge of the universe. Yet if he was not a system wielder, Lex could easily explain that by system he was referring to the cycle that caused his reincarnation. After all, there was a very real possibility that this had nothing to do with a system. Lex still did not truly understand the depths of the universe, as had become evident by his recent failures.

This was not the last probe that Lex had planned, but was definitely one of the more direct ones. Time seemed to slow down for him as he waited for a reaction. Mind Jie did not disappoint.

He had been looking down at his hands, lost in thought, but the mention of 'system' caused face to snap up, locking eyes with the Innkeeper.