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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 519
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He had every intention of toughening up and handing her over to Grace, but when he saw her little face, crying so hard she was

nearly out of breath, he just couldn't go through with it.

He scooped her up in his arms and told Grace, "You have to calong too."

"Sure," Grace said, getting up to pack the clothes.

"Forget packing, there's no time," Brandon carried Theresa and headed out.

As they passed the hallway, Theresa spotted the little rag doll Sophia had given her, grabbed it in a hurry, and clung to it as she

followed Brandon downstairs.

Susan had just returned from socializing and ran into Brandon, Theresa and Grace in the parking garage, ready to get into the car.

"Where are you guys off to this late?"

Susan asked in surprise, and couldn't help but glance at her watch - it was already past midnight.

Brandon turned his head at her voice and saw Susan.

"We're heading to Zion City," he said, pulling open the car door and putting Theresa inside, trying Sophia's number on his cell

phone again, still unable to reach her as it was out of the service area.

Brandon's brows were knotted tight.

The Zenitha-style resort project, even though it was in the suburbs, had signal towers nearby, so there was usually no problem with

cell reception.

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Susan noticed that Brandon was trying to call Sophia and couldn't get through.

She furrowed her brows unwittingly, "What's up? Can't get through?"

As she spoke, she, too, tried Sophia's number with her own phone, but had no luck either.

Brandon yanked open the driver's side door, already on the phone with Kent. Kent's phone rang once and was picked up.

"Mr. Crawley, | don't know what's going on, but | can't reach anyone at the site."

Before Brandon could say a word, Kent's anxious voice cthrough, "I've been looking for speople, and everyone's either

out of the service area or temporarily unreachable. | have no idea what's happening.”

Brandon's handsface suddenly turned cold, "Someone's jamming the signal at the site."

Both Kent and Susan were silent. Susan sensed something was off too and saw Brandon buckling his seatbelt, about to drive off, so

she quickly stepped up and tapped on the window.

"Wait, I'll cwith you," she said, urgently.

Brandon didn't look at her, but he hit the central lock button. The locked door clicked open, Susan hurriedly pulled open the door,

got in, and before she was even seated, the car sped away.

"Call the cops now, immediately!" Brandon ordered calmly, "Report that there's unauthorized construction during rest hours,

causing a disturbance, and get the police to handle it."


Brandon hung up, tossed his phone aside, and placed both hands on the steering wheel, pressing down gradually on the


The scenery outside the window whooshed by. Susan couldn't help but glance at Brandon's tense profile. His face was tight, tighter

than she'd ever seen it, both cold and grim.

The veins on the back of his hand, gripping the steering wheel, were popping, his hand faintly trembling.

It was dark inside the car, and Susan couldn't see clearly. But she was a bit frightened by Brandon's reaction and, looking at his

tense profile, anxiously asked, "What's exactly going on? Why would someone set up a signal jammer? Is Sophia in danger?"

Brandon didn't answer, but his palm was gripping the steering wheel tight. The veins on his hand throbbed under the streetlights.

Theresa, possibly scared by the tension in the car, was unconsciously clutching Susan's hand so tightly that her nails were almost

digging into her skin.

"Godmom," her hoarse voice with a crying tone emerged faintly in the quiet car, "l want my mom."

Susan quickly embraced her and softly comforted her, "Theresa, sweetie, we'll see Mommy in just a little bit."

Brandon glanced at Theresa through the rearview mirror. The little girl's face was still streaked with tears and anxiety, clearly not

comforted by Susan's words.

Just like him, her heart was hanging high and couldn't find its way down.

Brandon never would have imagined that Daniel would suddenly stick his oar in. Without him backing the project, no one would

have dared to take the risk and start working.

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