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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 64
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Chapter 64

Chapter 64

*Seems like you, Mr. Clarkson, are totally unaware that two days ago, Kendra had my wife kidnapped

and whisked off to England. In the process, she was intercepted by the police and my wife was pushed

into the ocean! Are you telling me that you, as her father, had no idea about any of this??

“What? Natalia fell into the sea? Is she alright? Kyler shot up from his seat His hands started to shake

Natalia couldn’t be in any danger!

“If she were, I would’ve done more than just invite you here today! Magnus lifted his head, his icy gaze

laced with a wild, hostile air

“I could send Kendra to jail today with the evidence I have, and let her rot in there for a decade or more

But, I am considering the respect I have for you. Mr. Clarkson. That’s why I have asked you to handle

this matter I hope you can offer me a satisfactory response. And one more thing, I want to put an end

to this absurd marriage with Kendral I hope you will expedite the divorce proceedings between Kendra

and me! Should you continue to delay, I can’t guarantee whether I will become a widower or get a

divorce first

His steely gaze bore into Kyler, and the unfathomable coldness in his eyes made Kyler shiver to the


Rest assured, Mr. Andersen, I will discipline Kendra this time. Thank you for your mercy I will provide

you with an answer” Kyler rose to leave

“Mr Clarkson Magnus called after him.

He stopped at the door and turned to face Magnus

“Natalia is my woman, and I won’t allow anyone to bully her!” Magnus gaze was surging with a hidden


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Kyler nodded and quickly exited, his heart pounding in his chest. He could feel the murderous intent

radiating off Magnus.

At the Clarksons mansion, Kyler stormed in, with the servants lowering their heads in deference. “Sir.”

“Call Kendra down here!” His voice was laced with an indescribable rage.

“Yes sir! The servant could sense the brewing storm within the house.

Upon hearing her father wanted to see her, Kendra nervously descended the staircase. Father!” She

walked over to the couch, looking at the furious Kyler a sense of fear creeping over her

“Slap“” Kyler stood up and landed a heavy slap on her face before she could react. Her perfect skin

instantly bore the mark of his palm. Kendra looked at Kyler in disbelief She had never seen her father

hit her before.

“Father‘ Why did you hit me?” She cried out loudly

The commotion brought Addison out of her room. “What’s going on?”

“What’s going on? Ask her what she’s done! She dared to kidnap Natalia and even threw her into the

seal is this the daughter you raised? She even tried to harm her own sister” Kyler pointed at Kendra,

his hand trembling

Addison widened her eyes at Kyler “What nonsense are you spouting? Kendra wouldn’t even hurt a fly,

how could she possibly kidnap Natalia!”

Kyler glared at Addison Ask her yourself. If it weren’t for my intervention today Magnus would have

already sent her to jail“.

Addison turned to Kendra “Kendra, is this true? Did you really do this?” She couldn’t believe her

precious daughter could do such a thing. It must have

been that wretched Natalia who framed her!

“Yes! It was me, I wanted her dead Kendra covered her face, glaring at Kyler fiercely

“She took my marriage. She refuses to let go of Magnus. I am his wife, and I am the lady of the

Andersen family, not her She even made Magnus hit me Kendras eyes flashed with a fierce light.

Kyler feeling furious, raised his hand to slap Kendra again. “You still want Natalia dead? She married

Magnus because of you! How dare you be so ungrateful! How could I have a daughter like you!”

Addison immediately stepped in “Kyler you can’t hit Kendra Natalia didn’t she survive?

Kyler looked at the mother and daughter huddled together, and his teeth gritted in anger You brought

this upon us! Clean up this mess. If Natalia were to die, do you think we could still stand here? We

might all end up buried with her?

Kyler pointed at Kendra “Get your documents ready and sort out the divorce Or else be prepared to go

to jail.”

“No father will not divorce Even if i cant have Magnus, I am still the wife of the CEO and my position is

unchangeable! | won’t let Natalia have her way! Not unless I’m dead! She ran upstairs crying

Kyler glared at Addison. This is your doing! You deal with it” He stormed out of the mansion

Late into the night, in a dimly in bar, Lucius sat in a booth with a woman in his arms, as the drone glass

after another

“Mr Lucius, you’re drunk. Do you want me to stay with you tonight? The woman’s blood red nails traced

the cheat hair of the man, slowly moving downwards. Lucius looked at the woman in his arms. her

luscious lips, recalling how Kendra, in her quest to get Magnus, had Nataka kidnapped)

What a brainless woman. He had loved her for so many years. Was he a fool?

A faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips Want me to stay? How would you keep

“Stop it, you know very well The woman flirtatiously kissed his chan

Lucius finished his drink in one gulp, threw the glass away and leaned down and kissed the woman’s

chest. The booth was soon filed with the sounds of a mans low growl and a woman’s soft moans

Kendra repeatedly dialed Lucius number, but no one answered Meanwhile, Lucus was in the throes of

passion with another

Kendra’s calls She threw her phone against the wall in frustration

The next day. Natalia went to school and saw Lexi “Lest, where’s Sabrina?”

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Chapter 64

“She left, off to France, with tears in her eyes. Natalia, why are both of you like this? She didn’t want to

go to France, but her grandfather is a man of his word!” Lexi lamented, tugging at Natalia’s arm.

Natalia, gazing at the gradually rising sun, comforted Lexi by patting her shoulder. “Let’s go, off to

class. Everyone has their own destiny. She’ll be okay. Don’t worry

“Okay” Lexi nodded, gripping Natalia’s hand tightly. “You’re alright after the kidnapping the other day,

right? The whole school knows about it. The wheelchair–bound hunk even came to school to see the


I’m fine. I’m back safe and sound, aren’t 1? Natalia replied, puzzled as to why Magnus would come to

see the principal.

A week later, Natalia and Lexi began their final exams. For the intense three days of testing, Magnus

didn’t disturb her, driving her to school every morning and picking her up every night, even giving up his

study for her use.

But inevitably, the wheelchair would roll in from time to time, the man capturing her petite figure for a

lingering kiss. Natalia had already grown accustomed to Magnus overbearing and unreasonable


After completing her exams, Natalia began her summer vacation. Kendra had been unusually quiet

during this period, not causing any trouble.

Meanwhile, Magnus‘ company was thriving under his leadership, signing contracts with several

European countries and boosting economic exchanges. inching the company closer to prosperity At

this point, Lucius was growing more agitated. He hadn’t expected the cripple to turn the company

around, and, even more surprisingly, to make it more successful than before. A sense of fear and

unease began to creep into his heart.