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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51

The girl rose to her feet, with a bitter smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. “Mr. Andersen, it’s me,

Kendra. Your wife.” She had had one too many glasses of wine, but it was the only way she could

muster the courage to stand next to him. Magnus‘ lips curved into a mocking smile when she

introduced herself as Kendra “And what brings you here?”

“…I came to see you, Mr. Andersen. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have let that bitch Natalia take my

place……..I shouldn’t have lied to you. I’m sorry, I just wanted… “What is it that you want?” Her

sentence was cut short by his icy tone. To switch places back? Huh?” He gripped her wrists that were

restlessly moving on his thighs

“So, you’re not put off by my disability now?” He stared at her coldly

“No. No, I’m not. I’m your wife. I don’t mind. I’m sorry” Kendra held back the intense pain in her wrist

and was struggling to rise, but he pushed her back down

“But I mind Kendra, you’re so naive. Do you think you can have whatever you want? Well, let me tell

you, you’re not meant to be on the island. If it had been you living here, you’d have been miserable. Be

smart and bring your papers tomorrow to finalize the divorce.”

Magnus pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his hands, and tossed it on the ground. He

then slid towards his car

“No, I won’t divorce you, Magnus. Since you took the CEO position, you have to marry me, because I’m

the wife of a CEO Kendra’s head was spinning, she didn’t even understand what she was saying.

He ignored her, climbed into his car, and Paul closed the door behind him. The car slowly pulled away

from the Golden Groove

At the entrance of the Golden Groove stood a man, Lucius, who had just come down from the building.

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He had waited for hours and hadn’t seen Magnus He clenched his teeth in anger. Very well, Magnus, if

you’re heartless don’t blame me for being ruthless!

When he came down, he saw Kendra kneeling on the ground, apologizing to Magnus, claiming she

didn’t mind his disability. His blood boiled in outrage Kendra was indeed harboring fantasies about

Magnus. The woman he had genuinely loved for all these years turned out to be utterly…despicable!

Even without the CEO position, Lucius had more than enough to offer to Kendra.

He watched the woman crawling and begging on the ground like a dog. His anger caused veins to

bulge on his forehead.

After Magnus left, he strode forward, grabbing Kendra, and slapped her across the face. Kendra hadn’t

reacted yet, but the burning pain on her face made her look up, only to see Lucius face, cold and

terrifying “Lucius, why did you hit me?”

She clutched her face in confusion. Lucius had always been extremely indulgent with her, and now he

had hit her!

“Why? Can’t wait to seduce Magnus, Kendra? I didn’t think you’d stoop so low The moment he

becomes CEO, you’re so eager to latch onto him. Don’t forget, you’re my woman Do you think he

wants you to go back to him? Stop dreaming, break up with him properly, and don’t make me a


He grabbed her and stormed off towards the parking lot.

“Let go Lucius, you bastard!” Kendra was struck and Lucius even dragged her, her wrist was killing her.

She had never hated Lucius as much as she did at that moment. He had actually hit her! On what

grounds did he have to hit her!

Regardless of how much Kendra struggled, Lucius opened the car door, threw her in, and locked it. He

got into the driver’s seat and was ready to drive home Kendra grabbed his shoulder from behind. Let

me out, I’m not getting in your car, Lucius I didn’t know you were such a lowlife that hit women. 1

misjudged you!”

“Heh heh “Lucius sneered. “Only now you realize you made a mistake? Too late! Sit tight, or I wouldn’t

mind giving Magnus a live show of how much you enjoy being beneath me”

Kendra glared at him. She had never seen Lucius be so ruthless before.

In reality, Lucius had genuinely liked Kendra. However, this time, he realized Kendra had been nice to

him only to secure her future as the CEO’s wife And now that Magnus had taken the CEO’s position,

she had abandoned him for Magnus. Such a woman was like a knife twisting in his heart. How could he

still treat her as kindly as before?

When they arrived at Lucius villa, he opened the car door, pulled Kendra out, and dragged her into the

house. Kendra struggled with all her might, but she couldn’t break free from his grip, especially with the

alcohol fogging her brain

Lucius dragged her into the house and tossed her onto the sofa Kendra’s vision swirled, and as she

was trying to sit up, a solid body pressed down on her. Her chin was tightly gripped by a large hand

Lucius kissed her, not giving her any chance to escape. His hand ripped off her clothing, brutally

claiming her

It wasn’t until late at night that Kendra returned to the Clarkson family residence, in a daze She opened

the door and collapsed onto the living room floor When Magnus returned to the villa, it was almost

eleven o clock Linden helped him into his wheelchair, from which he stood up and walked into the villa

In the bedroom upstairs, Natalia was lying on her side, asleep She was still holding a book in her hand,

having fallen asleep while reading Magnus gently took the book from her hand and saw that it was one

of his old school textbooks How much did this girl want to go to school, to the point where she was

even dreaming of it

Magnus took his pajamas and went into the bathroom for a shower Kendra’s drunken appearance

outside the Golden Groove earlier was revolting He put on his pajamas, came out of the bathroom,

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gently lifted the quilt, and laid down He scooped up the soft girl, inhaled the sweet scent of her body,

and closed his eyes His exhaustion from the day slowly faded away, and he was once again certain

that he wanted this girl

He was even grateful to Kendra for bringing this girl into his life if not for her, what would his life have

been like, and how much longer would he have suffered?


The next day, when Natalia opened her eyes, she found herself lying in a warm embrace. She slowly

lifted her head and saw Magnus handsome face. There was an unexpected sweetness in her heart.

She studied his eyebrows, nose, and lips, carefully etching his features into her memory. Magnus‘ face

seemed to have been carved into her heart. She gently slipped out of his embrace, picked up the pencil

next to her, and began to sketch.

A sketch of Magnus in slumber, uncannily accurate, appeared before her, causing her to smile gently.

Magnus opened his dark eyes, noticing her smiling at the portrait in her hands. “Let me see it,” he said.

Despite having been awake for a while, he didn’t want to disturb her sketching him

Blushing, Natalia handed over the drawing. Magnus eyes lit up “My lady, your drawing is incredibly


He looked up at Natalia, grinning like a cat that got the cream I never realized I was so handsome. No

wonder you can’t take her eyes off me.” Since when had she been unable to take her eyes off him? His

level of narcissism was unimaginable Still, she asked with a smile, “So, my drawing really does look

like you?” She wasn’t quite sure

“Yes, it does!” He took her hand, pulling her into his embrace. I’ve posed for you once, it’s time for my


Natalia’s cheeks turned a deep shade of red. He actually called himself her husband! The man had

absolutely no shame.

Before Natalia even had a chance to reply, his warm kiss had already covered her lips.


Chapter 52