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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 324
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Chapter 324

Magnus felt a wetness at his nose. He wiped it with his hand, seeing blood smeared on his palm. It was

then he realized that Callum had injured him. He looked up with an irritable glare, snapping at Callum,

“What the hell is wrong with you, Callum?”

James also rushed over, ready to defend his friend. He squared off with Callum, saying, “If you’re

itching for a fight, Callum, I’m game! But you’re asking for trouble, coming here to our turf‘

Callum was seething with anger Ignoring James, he pushed James away with a forceful hand, swinging

his fist at Magnus again “Magnus, I can’t believe I let Natalia go with you! Look at how you’ve treated

her. You’re a total screw–up! You’ve got her on the run again. If you want a fight. Magnus, then let’s do

it. Don’t hide behind your lapdog!”

James was taken aback at being referred to as a dog. His anger flared up, and he stomped his foot, a

blade popping out from the sole of his shoe The blade gleamed menacingly as James swung his leg,

aiming for Callum’s back

Callum heard the whoosh of the blade, ducked just in time, and shot James a glare. “A sneak attack?

You’re a real piece of work!”

“At least I don’t resort to name–calling” James retorted, his eyes flashing as he aimed another kick at


On the other hand, Magnus had been feeling down lately, needing a way to vent his frustrations if

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Callum was looking for a fight, he would get a fight! Magnus didn’t bother about keeping up

appearances or coordinating with James. He just swung his fists at Callum, hoping to drive away his

feelings of despair

Despite Callum’s strength, he was outnumbered He had to deal with Magnus‘ punches while avoiding

the blade on James‘ shoe Before long, he looked rather disheveled.

Lexi, watching from the sidelines, was horrified. She had asked Callum to come and talk to Magnus

about Natalia, not to start a fight. And now Callum was in a precarious situation, facing off against

Magnus and James alone

Worried for Callum, Lexi blurted out, “Magnus, we didn’t come here to fight! I’ve seen Natalia!”

This caused Magnus to freeze in his tracks. He turned to look at Lexi. “Where is she?”

Seizing the opportunity. Callum landed a solid punch on Magnus, causing him to stagger back. But he

didn’t get away scot–free James blade came whizzing towards his back Callum ducked, but the blade

still grazed his shoulder, leaving a shallow cut from which blood began to seep

Lexi had had enough She screamed, “Can you all just stop fighting? We came here to talk, not cause

trouble! Can’t we just sit down and discuss things calmly?”

As she spoke. Lexi rushed towards Callum and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Just stop it! No

more fighting!”

Callum stopped and looked down at a worried Lexi A smile formed on his face as he said. “Lexi, are

you worried about me? I’m touched.”

James saw Lexi holding onto Callum and withdrew his raised foot. He grumbled and rubbed his arm.

Callum’s sweet talk had given him goosebumps God, he couldn’t stand that guy and their over–the–top


It was clear that James had a double standard He didn’t like Callum, so everything about him annoyed

James. Yet, he forgot how nauseatingly Sweet Magnus and Natalia were when they were together,

making all the single folks envious.

In the meantime, Magnus stood watching Callum and Lexi interact. He didn’t know when they had

gotten close, but he was glad. With Callum having a new girlfriend, he wouldn’t bother Natalia


“Lexi, what did you say earlier? You ve seen my wife? Where? Magnus asked Lexi eagerly, not

bothered with Callum

Lexi placed herself between Magnus and Callum, afraid that they might start arguing again. Then she

answered Magnus question, rain into Natalia yesterday at the port in Fareham

“Fareham? That’s impossible! I’ve checked all the airports, bus stations, and ports in Melfort and

there’s no record of Natalia buying a tick James interjected, unable to comprehend why he hadn’t found

this information Had he been careless?

Lexi turned to a confused James “Of course not, that’s because she didn’t buy a ticket Natalia said she

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

was afraid we’d find out where she was so she stowed away on a freighter She’s been hiding in the

bottom of the ship since leaving Melfort

Magnus felt his heart shatter He couldn’t imagine his wife hiding alone in the filthy bowels of a freighter.

He had seen freighters before, their oly decks stacked with cargo. The lower levels must have been

stuffy, hot, and reeking

She had gone to such lengths to leave, to hide from him Natalia

“She’s been sleeping at the bottom of the cargo hold all this time? Magnus voice trembled here to tell

me where she is, right?”

heartache “And where is she now

Lexi shook her head regretfully Im sorry We had a bit of a disagreement, and by the time we turned

around Natalia had disappeared again Callum searched the entire Fareham but couldn’t find her I think

she was deliberately hiding


“Nothing? And yet you two have the gall to sland here running your mouths? Absolutely unbelievable?

ames sneered, itching to throw punch at Callum if they hadn’t found Natalia, what right did they have to

strut around here blaming Magnus

Callum caught the sarcasm in James voice and glared back “What about you? Didn’t you come up

empty handed as

Without waiting for James to respond, Callum turned his attention to Magnus Magnus, you promised to

give Buttercup a time of happiness when you took her away But look at her now, constantly on the run,

trying every trick in the book to avoid Welfort is this your idea of happiness?”