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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 308
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Chapter 308

“Really? That’s wonderful Natalia wiped her tears, turning to the excited Dr. Frankie. “If it’s confirmed to

work, let’s administer it to Magnus immediately His body is

deteriorating, we can’t delay any longer”

“Alright, I’ll do it right away” Dr. Frankie moved toward Magnus but stopped abruptly ‘Madam, Mr

Andersen can’t eat anything right now. Should we inject it?”

Natalia remembered Isabella mentioning it needed to be ingested, so she stopped Dr. Frankie from

injecting it ‘Give it to me. I’ll feed him.’

Dr. Frankie handed Natalia the antidote, reminding her. “Madam, be careful not to swallow it

“I understand Natalia took the small vial of antidote, poured it into her mouth, and without any

hesitation, she moved closer to Magnus, and their lips met

Magnus‘ lips were icy cold, devoid of any warmth Natalia carefully used her tongue to part his teeth and

delivered the antidote into his mouth. The process was slow as Magnus was practically half–dead, to

the point that even his basic swallowing reflex was almost non–existent. The antidote remained in his

mouth, but he simply couldn’t

swallow it

Natalia’s eyelashes brushed against Magnus eyelashes, and her head stubbornly lowered, determined

to feed him the antidote.

“Magnus, you must swallow this. It’s the only cure!”

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But Magnus was lying in bed, showing no response and lying still as if he was in a vegetative state.

“Please, Magnus, swallow the antidote!”

Desperation filled Natalia, and tears rolled down her cheeks, landing on Magnus‘ eyelids.

Magnus eyelashes fluttered, and his eyes slowly opened. Seeing Natalia, he instinctively tried to smile.

Natalia seized the opportunity and successfully fed him the


As Magnus slowly swallowed the antidote, Natalia tried to move away but found herself entwined in his

weak embrace. Magnus was too weak to lift his arm, but his eyes were filled with an enthusiasm that

melted Natalia’s heart.

Thinking about their impending separation, Natalia closed her eyes, returning Magnus‘ kiss


“Magnus, you must get better You must!”

“Magnus, remember my taste, my affection, my reluctance to let go!”

Natalia kissed Magnus sorrowfully, while Magnus, whether due to the antidote or Natalia’s kiss,

gradually gained some strength. His eyes were becoming clearer

On the side. Dr. Frankie awkwardly left the room, deciding not to intrude on the couple’s intimate


“Darling, is that you? I’m so lucky to wake up to the most beautiful face in the world, and a kiss from the

woman I love the most. I’m so happy” Magnus voice was hoarse. his gaze fixed on Natalia, unwilling to

look away.

Natalia hid her sorrow behind a faint smile “Silly if this

best treatment for you, then your expectations are too low.”

Magnus chuckled, “Darling, I didn’t think it through You’re right, I’ve set my expectations too low. How

could I forget about Jonas? Once I recover, I’ll take you both around the world to every breathtaking

corner of it”

Really? That’s wonderful, I can’t wart. But you have to get better soon, okay?”

“Yes, I promise you, darling fil take you and our child around the world and try rafting, bungee jumping,

skydiving, and many more things we haven’t yet experienced.” Magnus seemed surprisingly energetic,

his eyes sparkling.

Natalia held back her tears, smiling at Magnus. “Yes, I want to do all those things too. Life should be

about trying different things and making it exciting”

“Darling you’ve put up with a lot because of me I suddenly feel full of energy Once I recover, let’s do all

the things we want to do, okay?”

Natalia’s eyes sparkled like stars “Yes, I promise you I wait for you You have to get better soon, my

love. I love you!”

Magnus jolted, it was the first time his wife had called him “my love” and confessed her love. He felt the

blood in his veins spring back to life. He didn’t want to die, he couldn’t die. He wanted to live forever

“Darling, say that again he didn’t trust his ears. He thought it might have been an illusion

“My love I love you! Natalias tears fell, and she kissed him.

Magnus raised his trail arm, holding her head, deepening the kiss. The kiss seemed to last an eternity,

as Magnus greedily kissed Natalia, who had carved herseal mo life if he could he wanted to kiss her

like that forever, until the end of time

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Finally they broke the kiss. Their eyes met, and they shared an intimate smile, full of love

Only Natalia knew the bitterness in her heart “Magnus, if you knew this was the last time we’d be

together, how heartbroken would –

do this Magnus do you know how much it hurts me to let you go?”

As Natalia was silently contemplating Magnus patted his bed, pleading softly “Darling can you lie here

with me? Stay with me for a bit?

As soon as he finished speaking he quickly shook his head, dismissing the idea I should not. I’m

covered with woes, Í MUSÍ SM

cant pass this on to you

your and foul an

Before Magnus could say anything else, Natalia carefully nestled against his chest listening intently to

his heartbeat, whispering gents, “Magnus, the bed is too small. Wie can’t both fit. May I just lay here

beside you?

“But darling, my body is all rotten I must stink I cant let you suffer from that smell Magnus hesitated

fearful that Natalia would be inconvenienced

“No, Magnus, no matter how much you change you are always the most handsome man in my heart.

We are husband and wie I will never despose you” Natalia gently held Magnus thin hand pressing it

against her hips to kiss hightly Magnus no matter what happens in the future, proinisa me juu i stay

strong and keep living

“My love, rest assured. I will definitely stay strong I have the wife I love most, and the son I cant bear to

leave How could possibly tene