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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 293
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Chapter 293

As Dr Frankie’s voice trailed off, it seemed that the medication had begun to work Magnus, previously

wild–eyed, started to calm down

Natalia watched Magnus tense expression slowly relax, and she felt a weight lift from her heart Thank

goodness, it looks like the drug is working”

Yet Dr. Frankie, standing nearby, looked grave As a doctor, he’d already noticed the slight tremors in

Magnus‘ hands and feet. This isn’t the reaction we should be seeing Hold him down I need to

administer the antidote’s slow–release serum,” he said, before rushing off toward the lab

James and Natalia were confused it seemed like Magnus was calming down, so how could the antidote

be wrong?

However, they soon understood. Magnus, who had been lying peacefully on the bed, suddenly began

to convulse. His face turned a frightening shade of red, and veins bulged on his neck as he thrashed on

the bed “Let me go! Ahh-! Let me go! He cried in pain or in a bid to free himself, it was unclear

Startled by his reaction, Natalia rushed to his side “Magnus, what’s wrong? Where does it hurt? Please,

hold on!”

Seeing Magnus in such agony was like a knife to her heart. “God,” she silently prayed, “take some of

his suffering and give it to me. Please don’t torment him like this”

Her heart ached unbearably

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Magnus hardly registered Natalia’s words His head felt like it was about to explode from the pain, and

he longed to lose consciousness. Tears streamed down his face, accompanied by a miserable trickle of

snot. He roared weakly. “Let me go! Let me die”

Natalias face was wet with tears. She gripped Magnus hand tightly “Magnus, don’t do this. I’m your

wife, and I will be with you no matter what Tell me, where does it hurt?” Magnus stared at Natalia

Natalia please Let me die I can’t stand it!”

“My heart, my head my whole body, it’s on fire! Let me diel Magnus barely recognized that the gentle

voice belonged to his wife.

Natalia shook with sobs. Disregarding the blood on her hands, she flung herself onto Magnus, hugging

him tightly. “Magnus, you can’t die. What will happen to me, to Jonas. if you leave us? Please, Magnus

hold on Dr Frankie is working on the antidote. You’ll be okay soon. Please

Feeling like he was being torched alive. Magnus found some relief in Natalia’s familiar voice. It cut

through his haze of pain like a lifeline Instinctively, he tried to move closer to Natalia He was so strong

that his bed slid slightly on the floor Let me go, Natalia, please save me. I’d rather die than endure this

pain Please

Seeing Magnus in such a pitiful state, Natalia felt like she was falling apart. She wished she could take

his pain away, but all she could do was watch him suffer This feeling was like a dull knife slowly slicing

through her flesh. She held Magnus‘ hand tightly. Don’t be scared, I’m here. Dr. Frankie will be here

soon with the antidote just hold on a bit longer

Magnus couldn’t hear Natalia’s words, all he heard was a deafening roar in his ears. He felt her hand in

his, like a last lifeline, and he clung to it, squeezing it so hard that he

could’ve broken it.

The pain shot through Natalia’s fingers, but she bit her lip and bore it silently, knowing that Magnus was

in agony. If holding her hand eased his pain, he could squeeze as hard as he needed

James watched the scene filled with rage. “What’s taking Dr. Frankie so long? Where’s the slow–

release serum? If he doesn’t hurry, someone’s going to die

Natalia also looked towards the door, hoping to see Dr. Frankie. Finally, just as Natalia and James were

losing hope, Dr. Frankie ran in with the freshly prepared slow–release serum He had been unsure

about the antidote, so he had prepared a serum that could neutralize it in advance.

“Quick! Hold down his arm!” Dr. Frankie ordered as he rushed in with a syringe, signaling James to

restrain Magnus

James nodded and quickly held down Magnus arm, helping Dr. Frankie administer the slow–release

serum. As the serum was slowly injected, Magnus, who had been struggling for a while, gradually lost

his strength. After a while, the serum took effect, and Magnus fell into a deep sleep Only then did

Natalia pull her hand from Magnus grip. Her hand was misshapen from his tight grip, smeared with


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Natalia, your hand James noticed Natalia’s hand and was surprised at her determination. She had

endured such pain without a peep.

Natalia glanced at her hand, quickly hiding it behind her back “It’s okay. I’m fine.”

She turned her attention to Dr Frankie, who was still busy. “Dr Frankie, did the antidote work at all?”

Dr. Frankie let out a sigh of exasperation, shaking his head in defeat it’s unclear at the moment I need

to draw a blood sample from Mr. Magnus and concoct a new antidote But I’m not confident

James stared blankly out the window. This wasn’t working Chase and Carter had gone to investigate

the source of Magnus poisoning, but there had been no word from them yet

“Dr. Frankie, only the one who poisoned him would have the antidote. We need to speed up the

process of finding out how Magnus was poisoned James suggested

James words struck a chord with Natalia. How had she forgotten about that? I think the person who

poisoned Magnus must be one of his secretaries or assistants. He mentioned he wanted tea, and that

tea could very well be the source of the poison!”

No sooner had she finished speaking than Paul strode into the room Ms Natalia, Beile left the company

two days ago Molly, who was in charge of serving Mr. Magnus his daily cup of tea, confessed that the

tea had been given to her by Belle. He has been drinking that tea for nearly a month. Molly has been

detained. Carter and Chase are doing everything they can to track down Belle‘

Pauls words left Natalia feeling utterly drained She slumped against the wall. All along, she had known

that there was more to Belle than met the eye. She had been suspicious ever since the last time

Magnus had been poisoned