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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 272
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Chapter 272

Bending over, Addison picked up the kitchen knife, her voice bitter and cold. “Natalia, you would have

to be dead first! Then I will return him safe and sound to the Andersen family, without a hair on his head


Watching Addison, who seemed to have lost her mind, and the heartless Kyler, Natalia began to

chuckle. She slowly approached Addison.

Suddenly, she reached out and grabbed the hand that held the knife Before Addison could react,

Natalia snatched the knife from her and tossed it at Kyler’s feet

“You” Addison was taken aback, never expecting Natalia to fight back, and her wrist began to ache

Natalia looked at Addison with indifference “You think you can bully me like you did five years ago?”

In the four years since Callum woke her up, he had taught her many self defense and grappling

techniques in order to strengthen her body. Therefore, Addison couldn’t hurt her at all

Addison panicked, shouting at Kyler who was standing by the window, “Kyler, you fool, subdue her!”

Just then, Natalia brushed Addison aside, causing her to fall to the floor

Natalia rushed to the couch and held Jonas Jonas, are you okay?”

Panicked, Natalia picked up Jonas and made her way out of the room.

Addison got up from the floor and picked up the knife that was by Kyler’s feet. She aimed it at Natalia’s


“Stop, Addison Kyler finally snapped out of his daze, but it was too late. Bright red blood began to flow

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from Natalia’s shoulder.

At that moment, the door was kicked open, and Magnus saw Natalia holding Jonas, a knife lodged in

her shoulder.

“Honey Magnus shouted

With a loud thud, Addison was kicked by Magnus and flew back, crashing into the living room wall and

rebounding onto the TV

Policemen flooded in from outside, subduing Kyler and Addison on the floor.

Magnus eyes were bloodshot. Holding Jonas with one hand and supporting the pale–faced Natalia with

the other, he said, “Hold on, Honey I’ll take you to the hospital right away!

Paul hurnedly took the unconscious Jonas Magnus picked up Natalia and rushed to his car, heading

straight for the hospital.

Kyler’s house was in chaos after Magnus left. Several policemen surrounded Addison. “You’re

Addison? You’re suspected of kidnapping. Come with us!”

Addison got up from the floor, clutching her aching head. “What? Kidnapping? When did I kidnap


The police officer put handcuffs on Addison “You know what you did. Save your explanations for the

police station!”

With that, the officer pulled Addison up from the ground and pushed her toward the door.

Kyler, desperate, tried to intervene “Officers, my wife just lost her head for a moment. Please forgive

her. She won’t do it again.”

“Mr Kyler you’re a respected figure in Melfort. Kidnapping is not a joke. We’ll handle this case

impartially, the officer advised him. “You should be pleading with Mr

Andersen, not us He might be able to reduce the charges against your wife. Otherwise, she’ll spend the

rest of her life in jail

Hearing this, Addison nearly lost her mind. She cried out to Kyler, “Kyler, I don’t want to go to jail! Go

find Natalia! It’s all her fault! She should save me!”

Kyler looked at his wife, her makeup smeared from crying and he felt helpless Addison, if you had

listened to me earlier, we wouldn’t be in this situation. But you’re still blaming Natalia I don’t know what

to say to you”

“How could you say that?” Addison screamed. “If it weren’t for you being so useless, I would have

avenged our daughter! As long as I don’t get the death penalty, the first thing I’ll do when I get out is to

kill that little bitch Natalia! Just you wait!”

Seeing the hysterical Addison, Kyler was filled with disappointment

Just as he was about to intervene, the police officer couldn’t take it anymore and took Addison away

“Mr. Kyler, please don’t obstruct our work.”

Left with no other choice, Kyler watched as the police led Addison away

Little did they know, Kendra walked into the room after they left, her face filled with resentment

Magnus, Natalia, you will pay for what you owe me!”

In the hospital. Magnus, holding the injured Natalia, ran frantically towards the emergency room While

running, he yelled, ‘Doctor? Where’s the doctor? Please save her!”

Magnus voice echoed like a lions roar, drawing all the doctors in the emergency room out. “What’s

going on? What happened?”

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“My wife’s been stabbed in the shoulder, and she’s bleeding. Please treat her immediately. She can’t be

harmed any further,‘ Magnus urged, laying Natalia on a hospital bed. After a quick examination, the

doctors confirmed that Natalia had been stabbed in the shoulder, but the wound wasnt deep It could be

bandaged and healed quickly

As emergency room doctors, they saw countless critical patients every day However, they had never

seen someone who had merely been injured in the shoulder screaming for help

Even though the emergency room doctor was internally grumbling, he had to maintain a respectful

demeanor since Magnus was his boss “Mr. Andersen, Mrs. Andersen has only suffered minor external

injuries After we stitch her up and apply some ointment, she’ll be fine in no time”

“Minor injuries? She’s lost so much blood, are you blind? Why hasn’t she woken up? Magnus roared at

the doctor

The doctor, feeling a headache coming on, silently lowered his head After a moment, he said, ‘Mr

Andersen, Mrs Andersen is fine She’s just a bit faint from the sight of her blood

“Well, what are you waiting for then? Treat her right away! If anything happens to her, you’ll all be out of

jobs! Magnus shouted His usual refined demeanor was nowhere to be seen

The doctor was speechless, thinking to himself. “Well, what can you do when he’s the boss, you can’t

afford to offend him.”

None of the doctors dared to say anything. After all, in Melfort, Magnus was infamous for his

ruthlessness. He could make even the mayor leave town, let alone a mere


The doctors carried on with their work cleaning the wound, stitching it up, and applying ointment.
