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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 260
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Chapter 260

Addison was confronted with Kendra’s promissory note from the casino, and it was signed in Kendra’s

handwriting Addison was left with no choice but to comply

These casinos were ruthless and feared by all, even the wealthy dared not cross them What other

choice did she have but to accept her fate?

After bringing the battered Kendra home. Addison could no longer contain her tears Addison had

spoiled Kendra since she was a child never allowing her to experience any form of hardship. She never

imagined that Kendra would endure such humiliation and be used as a plaything by those despicable


Seeing Kendra’s evidently disturbed state, Addison, after a bout of uncontrollable weeping decided to

hire a renowned psychiatrist to provide Kendra with private counseling

at home

Every night, Kendra would sob uncontrollably, cowering in a corner, repeating the same two words. “No

more, no more ”

Witnessing this broke Addison’s heart. This was her precious daughter, whom she had raised on her

own Natalia, that little witch, had turned her daughter into a mess Utterly ungrateful!

She should’ve known better than to let that witch into her home!

Now every time Addison saw her daughter she couldn’t help but curse Natalia in her heart. If only she

hadrit found out that Natalia had supposedly drowned at sea, she would’ve been tempted to drag

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Natalia’s corpse out of her grave

One day, while driving to pick up Kendra’s medication, Addison’s gaze was drawn to a charming young

boy staring out of a car window while waiting at a red light. Bored she looked over to the boy and was

shocked to see someone she never thought she’d see again.


She couldn’t believe her eyes. Without a doubt, it was Natalia in that car it had to be. She wouldn’t

mistake that face for anyone else. Beside Natalia was Magnije. There. was no mistaking him either

It turned out Natalia had not died after all but had been hidden away by Magnus. They even had a

grown son now.

Addison fumed, and her face was twisted in anger. They had gone too far Natalia was glowing, and it

was clear Magnus was pampering her What about Addison’s daughter Kendra? Why was her daughter

suffering such an unfair fate?

As she silently cursed Natalia to a bitter end and followed their car, a thought struck her. She wanted to

hit them with her car

However, she then decided that her life was far more valuable than Natalia’s. She had a hundred ways

to end Natalia’s life without implicating herself

“Natalia, just wait. One day you’ll taste the torment of hell!”

With that. Addison steered her car onto another road.

The driver of Magnus car had noticed a car tailing them and decided not to mention it to Magnus when

he saw the luxury convertible turn onto another road.

Was it perhaps just a coincidence? The driver shrugged it off and continued driving

Soon, they arrived at the Andersen mansion Magnus stepped out of the car and gallantly opened the

door for Natalia. “Darling, please”

Natalia carrying their son Jonas stepped out of the car, and found herself standing in the grand

courtyard of the Andersen family home once more. She felt as though she had been given a second

chance at life

“Natalia shall we proceed? Magnus suggested, taking Natalia’s hand in one of his and holding Jonas‘

with the other

The household staff, who had been waiting respectfully at the entrance, greeted them as they


“Welcome home

“Thank you, you may all go now Magnus waved them away before leading Natalia inside

Just as they stepped inside, a deep, masculine voice filled the room “Finally, you’ve decided to visit this

old man, Magnus”

Magnus looked up to find his grandfather, Morgan.

Natalia too saw Morgan, but she hadn’t expected him to age so much in just a few years. Feeling

uneasy about Morgan, who had never seemed to care for her, Natu worned he might say something


Magnus sensed Natalia’s anxiety and squeezed her hand reassuringly “Grandfather, how did you know

I was coming back? Magnus asked, puzzled since he hadn 1 anyone about his return

“Humph Morgan grumbled, his age–old authority still evident despite Magnus disregard for it. “You

thought I wouldn’t know if you didn’t tell me? You’ve kept my precious greet grandson away from me all

these years. Such heartlessness! I’m old, how much longer do I have? Why won’t you let me spend

time with him?

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Morgan’s words sounded more like pleading than scolding He had grown old and had no control over

the younger generation, especially since Magrua refused to let him interfere

Fine, Morgan wouldn’t interfere, but why couldn’t he even see his great–grandson? For years, Morgan

yearned to see his precious great–grandson, but his wish was DEVET


That rascal Magnus had not only hidden Morgan’s great grandson but had also sent him overseas and

probibited hum from leaving the country

The manager of Melfort Airport became a frequent visitor to Morgan’s house, and always left with a

tongue lashing

Morgan unleashed all his frustration on the airport manager who had unwittingly spilled the beans

yesterday, revealing that Magnus was about lu retun with. Natalia

Upon learning that his grandson was about to bring his great grandson home Morgan was so thelied

that he old mansion, eagerly waiting for Magnus to return with his great grandson

la restless might before dawn, he had rus

As for Natalia, Morgan had heard that she hadn’t perished all those years ago. The moment he heard

Natalia was alive, Morgan finally fit a weight tit from Na conscience He knew he couldn’t interfere too

much anymore because Magnus was insanely protective of his wife. When he was upset, he wouldnt

even recognize Morgan as ho


Considering this, Morgan decided to take a step back. All he wanted was to spend time them be happy


The world of young folk was becoming increasingly incomprehensible to this old geezer

his beloved great grandson. if Magnus loved Natalia, then Morgan i