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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 258
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Chapter 258

Magnus raised an eyebrow “Well, he has a nanny, and you are so busy with your design sketches and

chatting with me. Who has time for him?”

Natalia laughed at his comment and continued to sketch her design.

Magnus stood quietly behind her, watching the sunlight illuminate her hair. He longed to hold her close

and kiss her enticing red lips. As he thought it, he did it. He moved her design sketch aside, and with

his warm hand, he gently held her small, hand

“Darling, stay with me. I’m feeling lonely His dark eyes were as captivating as the ocean, looking at

Natalia’s small face.

Natalia rolled her eyes, utterly speechless. But before she could respond, Magnus had already lifted

her into his arms and was heading towards the bedroom “Hey, what are you doing?” She protested.

Magnus kicked the bedroom door open with his foot and then kicked it closed “What do you think,


He laid her down on the bed, his tall figure pressing down on her I want you. Feel this. he said,

pressing his arousal against her stomach

Natalia’s mind was a whirl of confusion “But it’s daytime, and Jonas will be here any minute!”

He leaned down and kissed her lips, assertively prying open her lips and exploring her mouth

“He’s playing in the yard. Darling. I need you.

Not giving her any chance to resist, he began to undress her. His masculine scent and the stimulating

aroma of his hormones filled her nostrils

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Natalia tried to resist, but her hands were captured and his kisses traveled down to her neck and ears.

His kisses were aggressive, yet tender, not sparing any part of her

When Natalia had become a soft puddle of pleasure, and her consciousness started to blur, Magnus

claimed her.

In the bedroom, bathed in the sunset, their lovemaking was passionate. It wasn’t until Jonas knocked

on the door that Magnus finally took a satisfied Natalia to the


After cleaning up, he tucked a sleeping Natalia into bed before opening the door. At the door, Jonas

was wide–eyed. “Where’s Mommy? What were you guys doing?”

Magnus stood in the doorway “Mommy’s sleeping, be a good boy”

He bent down to pick up Jonas Jonas, I have a question for you. Would you like a little brother or


Little Jonas immediately nodded. “Yes!”

“Okay don’t disturb mommy then. She’ll give you a little brother or sister to play with.”



Father and son met eyes and erupted into laughter

Life was sweet, and the days passed quickly. The family of three lived happily in France. It felt as if

there weren’t enough hours in the day

Magnus was head over heels for his wife, and even secretly transferred all his assets in France and

England to Natalia’s name behind her back

Jonas was ecstatic every day, nothing could be more wonderful than the company of his parents.

Jonas ever secretly anticipated the promise his dad made, to give him a little brother or sister. For this,

he was troubled many times, not knowing whether to choose a

brother or a sister

Luckily, he had a sudden insight and decided to let his mommy work a little harder and give him both a

brother and a sister.

Time flew by and Christmas was approaching Far away in a foreign land, it didn’t feel like Christmas at


One day, like usual, Magnus and Natalia played with Jonas in the garden. After a while, they decided to

lie down on the lush green grass, laughing heartily

Natalia rested her head on her hand, watching the fluffy white clouds float across the blue sky feeling a

sense of happiness welling up inside her

Magnus lay next to Natalia. His left arm was wrapped around her slender waist, and his right arm was

around Jonas small body. After thinking for a while, he said, “Honey should we go back to Melfort?

Natalia’s smile froze Melfort wasnt a place filled with happy memories for her. Subconsciously, she felt

some resistance to the idea.

Seeing Natalias discomfort, Magnus quickly changed his tone “Or we can stay in France, it doesn’t

matter whether we go back to Melfort or not”

Natalia thought for a moment, considering that the Christmas was approaching. If Magnus wanted to

go back, they could take Jonas to experience a festive Christmas back home

“Going back is fine it is your real home, after all”

“Honey, if you don’t like it, we won’t go. Anywhere with you is paradise.” Magnus was afraid of pushing

Natalia away.

“No, it’s fine I’ve been trying to contact Lexi, but she’s not answering her phone or replying to my

messages. She seems to have disappeared. I’m a bit worned. We should go to her house and check

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on her when we get back, Natalia said, frowning

It was unclear what had happened to Lexi. Since she had left a note, there had been no news from her.

Since they were going back, it was a good opportunity to visit her


When Natalia agreed to return to Melfort with Magnus, he was overjoyed. He sat up on the grass, not

caring about Jonas, and leaned down to kiss Natalia’s lips Honey, do you know how much I love you?”

Natalia, who had been constantly pursued by Magnus these past few days, had not developed the thick

skin that Magnus had. She pushed him away, not allowing him to be affectionate in front of Jonas

Jonas is here*

“He’s asleep” Before Magnus could finish his sentence, he leaned down to kiss her

In the perfect sunset, the family of three lay on the lush green lawn, embodying the sweetest form of


Back in the ancient mansion of England, Lexi, who Natalia assumed had returned to Melfort, was

listlessly tossing a stuffed doll around, completely lost, and desolate

She couldn’t remember how long she’d been locked up here. In the beginning, she wanted to break

everything in the room. No matter how much havoc she wreaked, the diligent servants would promptly

replace every single piece of decor the next day, restoring the room to its original state

In this manner, she relentlessly destroyed, and the maids tirelessly cleaned up. Eventually Lex ran out

of steam to keep up with this destructive routine.

She realized that no matter how much damage she inflicted, it didn’t seem to faze anyone. The only

one who ended up worn out was herself. Her hunger strike plan was also shelved prematurely, as the

maid named Rita would serve her a variety of enticing dishes in different styles every day. Faced with a

table full of delicious meals