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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 254
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Chapter 254

She refrained from even mentioning Magnus, as her decision to go to France wasn’t about him, but

about the need to be there for their son

Callum, though, took this as a huge irony. He didn’t anticipate that his girl, his darling, would eventually

fall for Magnus‘ relentless pursuit and decide to go back to him. She was even too afraid to tell Callum

the real reason for her departure.

‘Darling, are you sure? You want to go back with this jerk? After all he’s done to you, can’t you see him

for what he is? Callum was struggling to keep his temper in check if they weren’t in public, he would

have already punched Magnus right in the nose

He hated Magnus for taking his girl away from him

Magnus scoffed. “What! Are you trying to break up a married couple? Is this the so called British

gentleman’s nobleness? Well, I’ve seen it all now”

Jonas, their son, also chimed in Uncle Callum 1 like you a bit but when compared to my dad Ill always

side with him! Plus, I love my mom and want her to live with me

He turned to his mom, Natalia, with worried eyes “Mommy am I right? You said you’d always live with


Looking at the tears welling up in little Jonas‘ eyes, Natalia felt a pang in her heart. She knew that

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although Jonas seemed independent and well behaved, he was still a child who longed to be with his


To ease Jonas fears, Natalia pulled him onto her lap and wiped the cake crumbs from his mouth with a

napkin. “Yes, I promised you this, didet? Dont worry, sweetie

Jonas finally smiled. “Mommy, a promise is a promise, right?”

Nataba was surprised that Jonas knew about promises, but she figured Magnus must have taught him

well “Of course, sweetie. Mommy always keeps her promises the reassured him with a smile, then

turned to Callum “Cal, you see, my son really needs me. These past five years. I’ve missed out on so

much of his life I don’t want to miss any more moments of him as he grows up

The sincerity in Natalia’s voice was palpable. Women might’ve been seen as fragile, but the moment

they became mothers, they transformed into unbending pillars of strength No matter how vulnerable

they seemed to be, they yearned to be their child’s strongest support.

Callum could see the sincerity in Natalia’s words, but he wasn’t ready to give up just yet. ‘Darling we

are living in modern times. If you don’t want to separate from him, I cam bring you both to live with me.


“Mr. Callum, if my presence here can’t earn your respect, then perhaps we should settle this privately

Magnus interrupted coldly

That damn British guy! He actually had the audacity to try and steal his wife right in front of him. And

that’s not all, he shamelessly wants to take his son as well!

Enough is enough!

Taking his manners as incompetence. Callum was pushing his limit.

The anger in Magnus’s heart grew stronger and stronger. He loosened his shirt collar, wishing he could

just beat Callum right then and there

Callum was never a coward Since he dared to instigate Natalia to leave Magnus in front of him, he

naturally wasn’t afraid of Magnus’s provocation.

He intentionally said this as he wanted to set Natalia free, but he also couldn’t stand this guy’s


Callum, never one to back down stood up and flexed his wrists. “Why not now? Let’s settle this once

and for all, shall we?”

“Let’s go

The two proud men were ready to duel, leaving Natalia stunned

“Have you both lost your minds? Fighting? Are you three years old? Do you have any dignity left?”

Natalia shouted at their retreating backs, effectively halting their steps

Magnus was the first to reply “Honey don’t worry about this if I don’t show this Brit my strength, he’ll

think I’m a pushover. I’ll make sure he regrets messing with us.

Stop Natalia shook her head, frustrated “How old are you? Your son is almost in elementary school,

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and here you are, ready to fight like a child. Have you no flight is about to take off! If you keep this up,

we may as well not leave today”

When Magnus heard that their flight was about to take off, he quickly apologized and tried to diffuse the

situation with a smile. “Honey, I was wrong Let’s hot argue with tum anymore Can we leave now?”

Natalia finally nodded in approval, then turned to Callum Cal Magnus has always been a bit rude If he

said anything inappropriate, please dont take it to feart,

Callum remained silent Natalia’s subconscious actions had revealed her true feelings. Perhaps she

didn’t realize it, but in her heart, she was closer to Marius She stold him freely, whereas she always

referted to Callum with respect and politeness creating a distance between them.

forced a smile prefering Natalia scold him rather than being overly polite He sighed inwardly hiding ha

disappointment Buttercup, you sure you can’t stay

Natalia hated seeing Callum like this, it made her feel guilty However, her long–lost son remained the

primary concern in her heart, and she simply

from him for avan a moment

Tm so sorry Gal Natatia apologized with difficulty Her eyes were glistening with unshed tears. Tknow

everything you we vacsificed and done for the cvet. The peaca, ful truly Im sorry.

Magnus couldn’t stand to see it anymore. This was his wife, for goodness sake! How could she be

shedding tears for another man? tie had alwady Track concession possible by allowing her to say dbye

to Catum