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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 157
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Chapter 157

Why on earth did Mom leave her in the orphanage? Did her mother not love her? Yes, that seemed

plausible. After all, the circumstances of her birth were far from ideal. She was an unwanted child, an

extra burden in this world.

Gazing at Natalia’s pallid face, Callum felt a pang in his heart. Was she disappointed? He quickly

reassured her. “It’s alright, darling. You lived in England until you were five Your mother must have lived

there too. If you’re willing to come back with me, I promise I’ll help you find her.”

With his current influence in England, finding a person wouldn’t be a challenge

His words stirred Natalia. Her childhood memories were blurry. She vaguely remembered being

brought back to Melfort by her father and was given an pendant. The rest was a blur, as if someone

had erased her memories.

But now, Callum offered to help her find her mother How could she not be tempted? She had always

convinced herself that her mother must have had her reasons

But now, there was no need to fantasize about a happier life. She remembered feeling envious as a

child, seeing Kendra being cared for by her mother when she fell ill Would her mother treat her the

same way if she were around? Even in her dreams, she hoped that she could one day be treated

tenderly by her mother Although her wish had never come true, she never stopped longing for her

mother’s embrace

However, she couldn’t agree to go back to England with Callum just yet. Even though she

unexplainably trusted this suddenly appeared man, her current situation didn’t allow her to leave

If she were to leave, she wanted to walk away in broad daylight, not as a deserter.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

With these thoughts in mind, Natalia smiled warmly at Callum “Thank you, Mr. Callum I can’t go to

England to find my mother just yet I have some personal matters to attend to. Please, excuse me

All Callum could see was Natalia, and he believed everything she said. There was no reason to argue

with her. He was just glad to have found her, and he nodded eagerly. “Alright, no matter how long it

takes, I’ll wait for you I promised to take you home. You take care of your things, and I’ll come back to



Hearing these words warmed Natalia’s heart. He was like her dear friend, who brought her good news

in her darkest hours

“Thank you” She felt a warmth in her heart. She suddenly felt a sense of familiarity with Callum. For

some reason, she believed everything he said.

Im Cal Don’t be so formal with me, Buttercup. I’m just so happy to have found you so quickly.

Callum looked at Natalia standing in front of him, his heart filled with affection. This was his Buttercup,

the one he had promised to marry and cherish, nòi matter what her life had become. She had to be his

Facing Callum’s blunt words, Natalia felt her face turn red: She nodded and smiled brightly

Callum was captivated by her. She had grown up and become so beautiful T be in Melfort for a while.

Call me if you need anything” He gestured to one of his men behind him, who handed him a business


Natalia took the card and glanced at it. The card was exquisite, with Callum’s name written in elegant

script. Below the name was a string of numbers, nothing else

This is my private number Call me anytime if you need anything.” Callum said softly

Natalia carefully pocketed the card “I will, thank you.”

Before she could finish her sentence, Callum stepped forward and took Natalia’s hand. “Buttercup, I will

always wait for you.”

Natalia was taken aback, unsure of how to respond to Callum.

Linden watched the scene, his heart pounding for Mr. Magnus. Was this man going to whisk Mrs

Anderson away

He hurriedly informed his master. This was not good

Kendra, standing nearby, felt a pang of jealousy Natalia seemed like a very seductive woman. Kendra

didn’t consider herself any less, so why were all these men acting as if they d lost their minds when

they saw Natalia?i

But maybe it was for the best. She didn’t like that Englishman anyway She hoped he would take

Natalia away, and then Magnus would be all hers

Ha! Who cared about England? Her dream was to become a CEO’s wife.

Linden, who was about to make a phone call, was worried. This man was dangerous if Mr Magnus

found out, there would be trouble Mrs. Anderson was a married woman. Thank goodness Mr Magnus

wasn’t at home, or he would called Perth to deal with him

Callum didn’t hear any of Lindens negative thoughts. He kept his gaze on Natalia until he was sure she

had put his card away. Then he waved goodbye Jll be going now. Buttercup Remember to contact me

“Alright take care. Natalia waved back, watching as Callum walked away with his men As they left, they

took Kendra along with them.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After seeing Callum off. Natalia had just returned indoors and was looking at the pendant she had

regained not long ago when she heard at door again. She opened the door, puzzled, to find Kendra

standing there

on the

Looking at Natalia’s innocent face, Kendra felt the urge to slap her “Natalia, why won’t you go with that

Callum guy? You’re his fiancee it must be your shameless mothers doing, betrothing you to a man at

such a young age Go on Get out of here Stop clinging to Magnus. You should go back to England

Natalia was puzzled “Weren’t you taken away by them? How did you get back?”

“They hauled me out of the neighborhood, leaving me all alone You think I couldn’t find my way back?

Kendra held her head high, her voice filled with arrogance “Look, Natalia, you’d better leave Magnus.

You can’t have your cake and eat it too. And, give me back that pendant

Facing Kendra’s provocation, Natalia didn’t bat an eyelid. “What’s it to you whether I leave or not?

What gives you the right to demand that leave? The



pendant was always mine. You’ve just been squatting on it all these years, and now it’s simply returned

to its rightful owner.”

She looked at Kendra with a smirk. You’ve been spreading all those photos, trying to get a rise out of

me. So what? Kendra, I’m Magnus‘ wife. No matter how much you stir up trouble, I’m still standing tall.

Whereas you? You’re just a jester making a spectacle of yourself. Pitiful, really.”

“Natalia, who are you calling a jester? Kendra was livid, raising her hand to slap Natalia.