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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 155
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Chapter 155

“Magnus, do you stal think she’s the naive little Isabella from nine years ago? She’s cunning now. If I’d

been a moment later that day, she would have had you” Chase raised his voice, staring into Magnus‘

stormy gaze.

“I’m telling you, Magnus, if you don’t take care of the whole thing with Isabella, there will be more

misunderstandings between you and your wife in the future.” Chase wasn’t afraid of Magnus‘ outburst.

He had a feeling something was off about Isabella. She was a schemer

The words sent a chill down Magnus spine. He didn’t remember much from the night he was drunk, but

he remembered enough to know he had hurt

Natalia in bed. She cried.

Annoyed, he got up and walked out.

“Where are you off to?” Chase asked in confusion

“Home” Magnus was done with drinking

Chase was left stunned Magnus had called him here in the middle of the night only to leave so abruptly

Magnus drove straight back to his home, Maplewood Manor. It was late, so he quietly opened the door

to his bedroom, only to find it cold and empty Right, his wife was in the guest room

He turned towards the guest room, the door unlocked. The moonlight filtering through the pentagonal

window illuminated her sleeping face. She looked troubled even in her sleep. Her pale face looked


Magnus shrugged off his jacket, slipped into the bed next to Natalia, and pulled her into his embrace,

taking in her sweet scent.

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Natalia stirred in her sleep, feeling too warm When she tried to push him away a little, he only held her

tighter. With no other option, she found a comfortable spot and went back to sleep

Only when he heard Natalia’s even breathing did Magnus loosen his hold on her, pressing a soft kiss to

her forehead “Darling, don’t do this to me I love you he whispered

But Natalia slept through his confession

The next morning. Natalia woke up to an empty bed. She stretched lazily, suddenly feeling as though

someone had been sleeping next to her last night She sniffed the sheets, detecting the scent of alcohol

and tobacco. It was Magnus.

He had left, hadn’t he? But he had returned, drunk, and slept with her.

She didn’t dwell on it. She got up and got ready for school.

Meanwhile, Magnus headed to work early, leaving town for a business trip.

In a coffee shop in Melfort, Callum sat by the window, watching the bustling crowd. It had been fifteen

years, but he thought about the little girl every single day. She would be grown up now.

Last night at the library, he’d seen Natalia’s captivating blue eyes and was taken aback. Those eyes

reminded him of the girl he was looking for

She claimed she was born here, and he hadn’t seen the pendant. So she couldn’t be the one he was

looking for.

Fifteen years ago, he was being chased by a Mexican gang due to family interests. The girl had bravely

saved him, and he’d made a vow then to marry her when they grew up

He gave her a pendant as a token. It was his family’s symbol- an amulet of the Sphinx. He only knew

that her name, Buttercup. She would be twenty this


Three years after that incident, he had visited the orphanage where he’d met her. The warden had told

him that she was adopted by a man. When he asked about the man, the warden only told him that he

was from Melfort

Now that his situation was stable, he had decided to find her again.

“Melfort was big, but where were you, Buttercup? Did you remember Cal?”

Lost in thought, he suddenly saw a girl walking past the coffee shop. She had long hair and a red string

around her neck. Taken aback, he immediately got up and chased after her

Outside, Kendra was preparing to meet Lucius for a date when someone grabbed her wrist from

behind. She turned to see a man holding her, staring at her intensely

“Who are you? Let go” She pulled her hand free When her pendant swung out of her collar, the man

gasped. It was the amulet of the Sphinx.

“I finally found you. Buttercup Callum looked at Kendra with joy, grabbing her hand again, afraid she

would disappear

I don’t know you Let go Kendra was getting angry

“I’m Cal Don’t you remember me? its okay I came here to find you” Callum’s joyous expression didn’t


Kendra was stunned but saw no malice in the man’s eyes Perhaps he had mistaken her for someone

else. Sir, I’m not the person you’re looking for. My name is Kendra, and I’ve never seen you beture

Kendra patiently explained

“No, you are the person that I am looking for Buttercup This amulet proves it I gave it to you fifteen

years ago I can’t be mischien.” Callum declared

“Amulet? Token?” Kendra stood, trying to process the man’s words. The amulet was something she

had taken from Natalia when they were kids.

on reclaiming

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Later, she discovered it was extremely valuable and kept it with her always. Natalia, struggling to

survive, was forced to give remembered who had given it to her.

Kendra realized that the girl the ma Callum’s grip

But she

talking about might be Natalia But would he want the amulet back? With that thought, she broke free


Chapter 155

don’t know you, and I’m not the girl you’re looking for. This amulet was given to me by my grandfather.

It can’t be yours.” Kendra turned to leave.

Callum blocked her way. “No, this amulet represents the Frerotte family. There are only two in the

world. My brother has one, and I gave the other to Buttercup fifteen years ago.”

Kendra was stunned. She felt the urge to flee but couldn’t. She couldn’t give up the amulet.

“Let go of me. I’m not Buttercup. I’m Kendra. I’ve never seen you before.” Kendra managed to break

free, turning to leave.

As she walked away, she kept looking back, afraid Callum would follow. Suddenly, she was stopped by

two men in black at the corner. She was startled, but the men only blocked her path without causing

any harm.

In no time, Callum approached, “Buttercup, tell me you haven’t forgotten me. It was you who saved my

life 15 years ago, and I promised then that when you grew up, I would marry you. Don’t you


Kendra’s blood ran cold as she realized that this man was Natalia’s arranged childhood sweetheart. It

must have been Natalia’s shameless mother who

had arranged this.

A smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth. This was perfect. Natalia’s fiancee had come looking for her.

Once he took Natalia away, wouldn’t Magnus

become hers?