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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 146
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Chapter 146

The delivery guy stared at Magnus like was mad, “Are you out of your mind? That’s a sports car. You

could buy a dozen electric bikes with the cost of one tire”

Magnus had no time to argue. He tossed the car keys at him, “Do you want it or not?” He had a cold

glint in his eyes that sent the delivery guy into a quick scramble to hand over his vehicle.

“Of course!” He couldn’t help but beam at his luck, swiftly switching his scooter for Magnus‘ sports car.

He was convinced he must have saved the galaxy in his past life to stumble upon such good fortune in

the current one

Magnus felt a surge of relief. So what if there was traffic? With a bike, he was sure he could still make it

to the airport.

The CEO of Andersen Corporation, weaving through congested lanes on a delivery electric bike, felt

oddly liberated. There was nothing more precious in the world than his wife He’d do whatever it took to

keep her with him

He pushed the bike to its maximum speed, finally breaking free from the congested traffic. Growing

impatient with the bike’s speed, Magnus abandoned it without a second thought, flagged down a taxi,

“Get me to the airport, pronto I’ll pay ten times the normal fare”

“Sure thing, buckle up the taxi driver nodded eagerly, flooring the gas pedal and weaving through the

busy streets with Magnus in tow.

For Magnus, who always traveled in private cars, taking a taxi was a first. Despite the slightly

unpleasant smell, he bore it.

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“Faster, I’ll give you more money Magnus urged the driver, fearing missing his flight.

“Right away” The driver nodded and sped up on the road

Under Magnus persistent urging, they quickly arrived at the airport. Before the driver could fully stop

the car, Magnus threw a wad of cash at him, “Keep

the change

The driver was over the moon it was a good day indeed he’d made more in one trip than he usually

would in several days.

Meanwhile, Natalia and Lexi, who had been waiting all morning, were heading towards the boarding

gate. Their flight was about to take off. Once they’d checked in, Natalia glanced back at the bustling

airport, a sense of loss washing over her


Magnus must have woken up by now and realized she was gone. That was good, he could return to his

old flame.

“Natalia” What are you staring at? Hurry up. We’re about to take off. Lexi nudged the dazed Natalia,

urging her to board the plane.

“Right” With one last longing glance at the long corridor, Natalia reluctantly boarded the plane with Lexi

“Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts. We’re about to take off,” a flight attendant

announced sweetly.

As the plane took off, Natalia leaned against the window, a profound sadness filling her heart. Through

the window, she watched as the landscape below gradually shrank, the plane soaring above the

highest buildings of the airport.

“Hey, Natalia, see that guy over there. Isn’t that Magnus? Lexi nudged Natalia, pointing at the boarding


Natalia turned to look but the plane was already too high, and all she could see was a blurry figure

“I don’t think so. He doesn’t know I’m going to France, Natalia shook her head. Magnus was probably

hoping she’d leave quickly. There was no way hed be at the airport

“Well, I must have seen wrong then I thought the guy brawling with security was Magnus, Lexi

commented casually. It seemed unlikely that the CEO of Andersen Corporation would be involved in a


“Fighting” Natalia thought she’d heard wrong, “Why would anyone cause trouble at the airport?”

Lexi shrugged, “Who knows? Right before boarding, I saw everyone looking down. Then i saw

someone at the boarding gate fighting with security it looked like someone tried to force their way

through the check–in gate and was stopped by security”

Natalia had no interest in this. Whoever was causing a fuss at the airport had nothing to do with her.

She put on her sleep mask and drifted off into a deep sleep She hadn’t slept all night, her mind filled

with turmoil, and now, exhaustion was taking over

With Natalia’s disinterest, Lexi lost interest as well She pulled on her sleep mask and fell asleep. She

hadn’t slept well the previous night either. Both of them were soon fast asleep

The plane slowly took off drawing an arc in the sky

Back at the airport, the man involved in the altercation with ground staff was none other than Magnus.

When he had hurriedly arrived at the airport, he saw Natalia had already passed through check–in At

the end of the corridor, he thought he saw Natalia’s retreating figure heading towards the boarding gate

“Darling” in panic, Magnus jumped over the barrier and sprinted after her

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Despite his luxurious attire, his panicked actions made the security guards suspicious. They assumed

he was a troublemaker and immediately stopped him

Magnus, stopped in his tracks, was desperate He started fighting with the security guards, quickly

knocking them to the ground. As he turned around, he realized the plane was already gliding on the

runway it was too late–his wife had really left!

Damn it! He would make these security guards pay for this interruption

When the head of security saw someone attacking the guards, he quickly brought a large number of

special forces over. Only then did he realize it was Magnus, the CEO of Andersen Corporation The

head of security was trembled in fear “Mr. Andersen, I’m sorry. What are you…

Everyone knew Magnus was the king of Melfort, and no one dared to upset him.

This very airline’s biggest shareholder was Magnus God, he was going to lose his job.


Mágnus, desperate, had forgotten to send someone to stop the plane, instead choosing to chase after

Natalia himself. So when he saw the plane flying into the sky, he wished he could destroy the whole

world. It was truly baffling how his usually sharp and intelligent intellect failed to work when it came to

matters involving Natalia.

Magnus watched, wide–eyed, as the plane took off. It was only then he realized his grave mistake. He

should have had the local authorities detain her first.

His gaze hardened as he turned to the supervisor, “What time does the flight to France arrive?”

“Um… it, it arrives at two in the morning tomorrow, the supervisor stammered, hunching slightly. Is

there anything you need, Mr. Andersen?”

The thought of the girl leaving without a word painted a cloud of gloom over his handsome features.