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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 142
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Chapter 142

He seemed to be yearning for her, and decided that regardless of her anger, he would spoil her. He felt

an uncontrollable agitation within him; he wanted her like hell. Damn it, he thought, why did alcohol

make him miss her so much?

When Isabella touched him, he felt repulsed. He forced a bitter smile. His little wife, she’d got him

wrapped around her little finger for life.

Chase came over, laughing as he helped Magnus to his feet “Alright, let’s go. Back home, back to your


Before he could finish, he found Magnus had fallen asleep against him. He hoisted him up and began

to walk out What had gotten into him, he wondered,

he felt so hot.

Shaking his head, Chase supported Magnus as they left the bar, muttering to himself, “When you sober

up, you better thank me. If I hadn’t shown up like some kind of superhero, you would have ended up in

bed with that woman. Natalia would never forgive you”

Of course, Magnus couldn’t hear any of this. All he knew was that he needed to see his wife. He really

needed her

Chase grudgingly helped the drunken Magnus into his car and drove towards the Andersen family

residence. “Great, not only do I have to keep him company while he’s drinking, I also have to save his

reputation and then act as a part–time driver. Where would you find a friend as reliable as me?”

As he was speaking, he noticed a smear of lipstick on Magnus‘ chin and roughly wiped it off for him.

“Can’t take that home. Natalia would kill you. Ha ha

However, the careless Chase hadn’t noticed there was another lipstick mark quietly resting on Magnus

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Chase drove at breakneck speed to drop off Magnus at Maplewood Manor After parking the car, he

looked up at the house to see the lights still on and let out a sigh of relief. At this hour, he didn’t expect

anyone to be awake waiting for Magnus.

He helped the unsteady Magnus out of the car, all the while hearing him repeatedly asking for his wife.

Chase chuckled at the sight of this usually mature man turning into a lovesick puppy. He’d never seen

Magnus this sentimental when he was drunk before Now, he couldn’t stop asking for his wife

As he helped Magnus to the front door of the mansion, he prepared to knock

Inside the luxurious mansion, Natalia sat dully by the window, staring into the endless night. Her long

hair loosely draped over her shoulders, her eyes filled with sadness. She felt lost, unsure of where to

go or what to do

Magnus had repeatedly declared his love for her alone, but reality had cruelly proven otherwise.

She realized that she had nothing to offer him. But then she remembered how they met and how they

got together. It was all so clear in her mind

She had once thought that after graduating and becoming independent, she would go and find her

mother. She believed her mother must have had her reasons for leaving her behind

She didn’t belong here, and Magnus had never truly been hers. Yes, he had said he only loved her, and

then he was in the arms of another woman, dancing

with Isabella

Since he wasn’t sincere about her, what was she doing here? Even though Magnus hadn’t said it

outright, as time went on, she knew he would eventually get tired and ask her to leave. And when that

happened, she would be left with nothing but a broken heart.

Such was the irony of her life.

As she thought about this, Natalia forced a bitter smile. Her heart felt heavy, as if something was

pressing against it, making her want to cry out.

The sudden knock on the door broke Natalia’s train of thought. She knew it must be Magnus, and even

though the thought of him with Isabella still lingered in her mind, she straightened out the slightly

wrinkled clothes she was wearing and got up, heading towards the door

She opened the door and descended the stairs. Since it was late, Linden and the servants were all

staying in the backyard and couldn’t hear the knocking She had no choice but to answer the door


it felt like she wasn’t opening the door to Magnus, but to some ghastly specter from hell. Her heart was

heavy with sorrow.

Knock, knock Chase, losing his patience, knocked again, muttering to himself, “Why isn’t Natalia

answering the door?”

In reality, Natalia was standing not far from the door, but she was hesitant, unable to move. It wasn’t

that she didn’t want to open the door. It was that she didn’t know how to face Magnus at this moment

He had been so intimate with his first love at the banquet. How could he just come home like that? She

had believed that he truly loved her as he claimed But now, she realized that it was all a joke

The love they had shared had turned into a cruel mockery How was she supposed to face Magnus


“Natalia, open the door! Chase, struggling to support Magnus, urged impatiently “He’s drunk Come out

and help me.” Chase could hardly support Magnus on his own

Drunk? The weight on Natalia’s chest seemed to lift at this revelation. He was drunk?

Being drunk meant she didn’t have to confront Magnus lies and hear his explanations just yet. That

was a relief

She hurried to the door, gently turned the handle, and saw Chase, his face stern, half–supporting the

drunken, unconscious Magnus.

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Magnus, his face flushed, was mumbling incoherently

“Natalia, Magnus is drunk Help me out here. He’s heavy as hell” Chase waved Natalia over

Natalia quickly approached and helped Chase support Magnus Together they moved him inside

Finally, they managed to get the drunken Magnus onto the bed Chase, having completed the arduous

task, let out a sigh of relief. “Alright, I’ve done my part. Now, I won’t disturb you lovebirds. Goodbye”

With that, Chase left. He needed to go home and wash up. He was covered in the stench of Magnus

alcohol and perfume. He was a man with a strong sense of cleanliness.


After Chase had left, Natalia stood there, staring blankly at the snoring Magnus sprawled on the bed,

feeling a mix of complex emotions. She didn’t know how far things had progressed between Magnus

and Isabella. Had they been intimate under the influence of alcohol? Or did he truly have feelings for


The image from the video still haunted her, it was like a fishbone stuck in her throat.

Natalia was on the verge of storming out, but she found herself unable to leave. There was something

about this man that was so irresistible. He was so compelling that despite knowing those videos

couldn’t be fabricated, she was still foolishly waiting for his explanations. She even wondered if this

was his way of punishing her for not accompanying him to the dinner party

With a sigh, Natalia turned around and walked towards the wardrobe. She needed to find Magnus a

comfortable nightgown. He must be uncomfortable sleeping in his clothes. As for the videos, she

decided not to question them.

Natalia wasn’t sure whether she was deceiving herself, but she knew she was hopelessly in love She

found herself secretly hoping that all of this was just a scheme by Kendra. She was hoping that

Magnus and Isabella weren’t as close as they appeared to be

Opening the spacious walk–in closet, Natalia picked a soft nightgown for Magnus and returned to the


On the luxurious king–sized bed, Magnus was tossing and turning, clearly affected by the aphrodisiac

Isabella had sprayed on him earlier. He was mumbling. Natalia, water.”