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The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage by Chu

Chatper 145
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Chapter 145

Inside Riverton Bank, Kurt gave Greg a kick in the rump. “Still alive? When are you going

to pay up!”

“Two days! In two days, Mr. Marsh!” Greg flashed an apologetic smile as he rubbed his hip.

“I need you to do me a favor today, though…”

“You want me to help you?!” Kurt snapped. “Just pay up already, or your company will be

shut down!”

“No, you see–just help me this one time, and I can pay my five million dollar loan right


Kurt did a double take. “What?”

“That pretty face just now?” Greg chuckled. “She’s the head of Lane Holdings and just

agreed to transfer ten million into my account. That’s my loan paid without breaking a


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Kurt studied him skeptically. “I’m surprised you’re able to con the girl.”

Greg patted his hip as he smiled. “All thanks to my nice pair of hips–I have her mom all

sewn up. What’s some paltry cash after all that?”

Kurt became thoughtful. “If I recall, her name is Helen Lane, right? She’s partners with the

Turnbulls. You really should be careful about swindling here.”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Costner. I know what I’m doing.” Greg patted his chest confidently. “I told

them I’m using the money to buy shares. Just don’t let it slip when the time comes.”

If anything, Kurt already knew Greg’s tricks by heart–he must have told Gina that he was

partnered with Timmy Yates, when in reality he would not even get a word in.

Gina was certainly not his first victim.

Soon, Helen and Gina returned, and Kurt handily transferred ten million dollars from



However, he took five million for himself before sending the remainder to Greg, who was

left speechless staring at his account balance.

Honestly, was Kurt that sure he would not pay up?

Once everything was done, Helen said, “I still have work to do, so I’ll be going now.‘

“Of course, Helen. You go do that,” Greg told her cheerfully. “I’ll pay you back in a month.”

As he stepped outside with Gina, she asked, “Have you gotten the money, Greg?”

“Yes, don’t worry,” Greg replied.

“Then get things sorted out at work soon. Let’s get married as early as we can.”

Greg nodded repeatedly, “Don’t worry–I’ve already been checking things out. Anyway, I

need to go to my office later, so I’m going now.”

Gina was certainly reluctant to see him go.

Chapter 145


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On the other hand, Greg breathed a huge sigh of relief and drove straight to Sweet Creek

Club, intent on enjoying himself!

Once Frank returned to Verdant Hotel, he told the security officers on the top floor, “No

one is to enter my room for the next 48 hours.”

“What if Ms. Turnbull visits?” one of them asked.

They might have every reason to follow Frank’s orders, but Vicky was still their boss.

Frank thought about it. “If she comes, tell her that I’m cultivating in confinement and

mustn’t be disturbed. She’d get it.”

“Yes, Mr. Lawrence. We will make sure no one disturbs you.”

Frank nodded and headed inside the room, assuming a meditative posture as he burned

away the Snowshade from the inside.

His vigor was far stronger than the potency of the poison, and he could slowly refine and

consume it without an Ichor Pill.

The molecules of the poison were soon vaporized and condensed into droplets outside

him, leaving his body damp.

He sat without moving an inch until the next evening, when Yara hurried to the penthouse

urgently, a hotel card in hand as she started to open the door…