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The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage by Chu

Chapter 49
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Chapter 49

As things tensed up between Sean and Frank, Frank’s cab arrived.

Sean did not make a move and smiled instead. “Be careful when you walk the streets at

night, kiddo.”

Frank snorted in disdain. “I could say the same about you.”

“Fuck you,” Sean cursed as he drove off.

Meanwhile, Henry completely ignored Gina and the rest after Frank left.

Gina approached Helen just then, “Dear, wasn’t Big Bright’s Lyndon McCoy sick too?”

Helen nodded. “Yeah. What about it?”

Big Bright was a distributor of construction materials, and Lane Holdings was always

buying from them with reasonable prices. Moreover, Lyndon was known to be a loyal,

honest man.

Gina quickly said, “Since Mr. Wesley brought two Ichor Pills, there’s one left… Don’t you

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think the McCoys would be indebted to you if you helped Lyndon? Bargaining would be so

much easier after that!”

Helen became pensive–her mother actually made sense.

With the West City project commencing soon, Lane Holdings would need a huge supply of

construction materials, but they weren’t exactly rich.

As such, there was no harm in giving Lyndon the Ichor Pill if it would persuade him to offer

some rebate!

She nodded slowly. “You’re right. I should visit the McCoys when I have the time…”

“No–you should do it right now,” Gina urged. “I’ll come with you too.”

Helen did not turn her away this time, since her suggestion actually worked to Lane

Holdings‘ benefit.

They drove to McCoy’s residence. Seeing that it was the board chairperson of Lane

Holdings, Rocco- Lyndon’s eldest son–led them to Lyndon’s study once they arrived.

After a while, the white–haired Lyndon arrived at the study with Rocco’s assistance.

“Mr. McCoy,” Helen greeted him politely.

“Oh, Mr. McCoy.” Gina was smiling cheerfully in contrast. “It’s only been a few days, but

you look more spirited than before.”

Lyndon waved her off dismissively. “No, I think this is it. I’ll be gone in days with the way

my health’s failing.”

Turning toward Helen, he asked curiously, “What brings you here today, Ms. Lane?”

Helen straightened as she said, “It’s about your condition, sir.”

“Hmm. My condition?” Lyndon became more curious.

Helen took out the remaining so–called Ichor Pill and put it on the table just then.

“Have you heard of the Ichor Pill, Mr. McCoy?” she then asked.

Lyndon gasped. “Could you be referring to the miracle pill which cured Gerald Simmons

days ago?”

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He had actually heard of it and would certainly pay for it. However, he was not important

enough to meet Gerald, just as she had no idea where he could get one–it was certainly

not available in Riverton’s Flora Hall.

And yet, this kid brought one…

Helen nodded. “Indeed.”

Lyndon studied the little pill before him and asked, “Where did you get it, Ms. Lane?”

“Sean Wesley,” Gina quickly replied. “Helen’s grandfather was in critical condition, and Mr.

Wesley brought two for him. After Helen’s grandfather took one pill, he immediately

recovered although he was on the verge of dying.”

“I see.” Lyndon nodded thoughtfully.

Two Ichor Pills?

It seemed that Sean was really willing to pay through the nose for his infatuation toward


And with Sean’s reputation serving as a guarantee, Lyndon did not doubt the authenticity

of the Ichor Pill.