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The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage by Chu

Chapter 1242
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"Bravo!" "Amazing!" Even the people from Zomber Group were clapping in excitement when they saw what happened.

Terry's men did the stoo with worshipful looks in their eyes but stopped awkwardly when Terry glared at them.

"Quit clapping already. We're going to meet Mr. Lawrence!" he yelled and led his men toward the two figures who had just landed and were caught under the parachute.

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"Frank Lawrence?!" Kit was terrified even as he crawled out from underneath the parachute.

As he jumped off the building, he watched as Frank did the same, sliding down along the crumbling walls.

Was that possible for a human?! Kit was certainly skeptical. He doubted that even the Hansen brothers could do it, and they were once the strongest duo in Zamri! Was Frank really just a martial artist, and not ssupernatural entity?! Even as the curious thought plagued him, he started running.

"As long as I can reach them..." He could see the hundreds of Zomber Group employees and Bleeders gang members who fled Zomber Tower, and he would be safe as long as he could get to them! Be that as it may...

"Heh. Where do you think you're going?" The icy laugh almost stopped Kit's heart right then. "Frank Lawrence—" Bang! The superstructure of Zomber Tower crumbled entirely just then, kicking up a storm of debris and shockwave that sent people flying.

However, Kit did not budge at all because a single palm was on his shoulder, holding him in place and keeping him from moving. Chapter 1242 1 It was none other than Peter himself, who managed to survive.

Chapter 1242 2 He survived since the pool under the fountain was quite deep, but his right leg was broken anyway.

It took him great effort to climb out, only for the shockwave of the collapsing Zomber Tower to blow him away.

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Already thoroughly soaked, the shockwave sent him rolling away, gathering dirt and caking him with mud from head to toe.

Even as Peter limped toward Frank, he saw Kit trying to run away from Frank.

"Kit Jameson!" he bellowed and picked up a brick from the ground as he limped as fast as he could.

"Peter Lane?! What do you think you're doing, you piece of shit?!" Kit fell on his bottom even as he tried to back away from Frank.

He rejoiced when he saw that Frank was not chasing after him, only to see Peter limping toward him before he got to his feet.

"What am I doing?!" Peter stood before Kit, laughing despite his rage. "Do you still think I'm a piece of shit?!" "Then what are you?!" Kit bellowed back.

Chapter 1242 3