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The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage by Chu

Chapter 119
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Chapter 119

Greg said smugly, “I have a special person I’d like to recommend to you.”

“A special person?” Vicky asked.

“Yes,” Greg assured her, patting her chest. “He graduated from a famous university and

could more than hold his own.”

Vicky simply smiled. “The executives of Grande Corp are all graduates from famous

universities too. Surely that doesn’t hold sway…”

“Yes, but he’s also Dan Zimmer’s granddaughter’s fiance,” Greg said. “Surely you have

heard of the man?”

“Oh…” Vicky inhaled sharply.

She was certainly acquainted with Dan and Janet… but she never heard that Janet had a


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However, if Dan was accepting, the man must be good with medicine.

Since Vicky was just founding a pharmaceutical company, she urgently needed. such


“If what you say is true, he can report to work at any time,” she said.

“May I ask what his position would be?” Greg asked in return.

Vicky thought about it. “My personal consultant, with a monthly fifty grand salary.”

She would pay through her nose to keep such elite talents. And with his connection to Dan

Zimmer, she would have built further relations with Flora Hall!

Greg was certainly excited to hear that.

As expected of the leader of Grande Corp–her offers were so generous!

“Good,” he said. “I’ll tell him to come in tomorrow.”

Vicky sighed in relief, though she soon asked, “By the way, what is the gentleman’s


Greg flashed an enigmatic smile. “Patience, Ms. Turnbull. You’ll know the first thing

tomorrow—it will be a surprise, I promise.”

Seeing that he wanted to keep her in suspense, Vicky did not press the issue – she

the man tomorrow anyway.

much nicer nonetheless, even personally escorting Greg out of the


Through it all, Frank watched them behind the glass walls of the VIP lounge and was left at

once perplexed.

When Vicky returned, he approached her and asked, “What did Greg Marsh say?”

Vicky shrugged. “He’s recommending a special man for a job and told me that he’s Dan

Zimmer’s grandson–in–law. Since we’ve just started a pharmaceutical company, he’s just

the man we need.”

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Frank was taken aback.

A special man… and Dan’s grandson–in–law?

That actually reminded him of what happened earlier in the morning… Could Greg be

talking about Peter Lane?

He quickly shook his head–surely Greg was not that bold!

“What?” Vicky asked in confusion, seeing his reaction.

“I–It’s nothing.”

Meanwhile, Greg called Dan as soon as he left Grande Corp.

“Hello? Who is it?” Dan asked.

Greg was smiling as he introduced himself. “It’s me, Greg Marsh. I was with Timmy Yates

when he consulted you.”

“Oh…” Dan appeared pensive as he remembered. “How can I help you, Mr.


“So I’ve heard that your granddaughter has yet to marry even though she has reached

marriageable age, so I was thinking I could arrange an engagement for her.”